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Going fishing
McMillan, Bruce
A young boy from Iceland enjoys time with both of his grandfathers while fishing for two kinds of fish: Atlantic cod and Lumpfish. Photographs of the boats and fishing process bring the true joy of catching fish alive. The stamps and coins showing the two kinds of fish are emblematic of the Icelandic culture.

The talk
Williams, Alicia D.
Jay has many favorite things he likes to do with his friends and family. His mom measures him as he grows inch-by-inch which means he can do more and more as he gets older and older. Although his feet don't reach the gas pedal of his Daddy's car, he can skateboard up and down the street and and do flips with many friends. Jay's grandpa tells his grandchildren not to crowd in groups of four or more - which is only one of many unfortunate realities of African American families and parents when they have to say, "Jay, its time we had a talk" about racism.

DiPucchio, Kelly
Mrs. Poodle takes Gaston and his three siblings to the park where they meet Mrs. Bulldog and her family. Suddenly, they realize that Gaston looks more like Mrs. Bulldog’s child and Gaston goes to live with her family. However, Gaston realizes that he likes his old family and returns to live with Mrs. Poodle, making sure to play with Mrs. Bulldog’s children when they are at the park.

The museum of everything
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Through the eyes and thoughts of a child, an imagination opens up to wonderment and original dreams. Many things can be happening all at once and that can be overwhelming. Places for hiding and spaces for shadows makes this geographical experience an artistic escape depicting a museum of everything.

My great big mama
Ka, Olivier
A little boy adores his mother for being large. After speculation from others, the mother decides to go on a diet. The son does the same. The two come to a conclusion to no longer diet and to enjoy food once again.

The pumpkin patch
King, Elizabeth
The growth of a pumpkin starts as a seed and the farmer cares for them until they are plump, orange, and ready to be picked. The logistics and details of a pumpkin patch are outlined.

Silent movie
This black and white picture book vividly portrays a historical time when immigrants set sail for America. They hope for better lives and dream of prosperity. This journey comes from the immigrant's perspective, in the form of a movie, where language is a not a barrier.

Brown bear, brown bear: What do you see?
Martin, Bill
Through a repeating phrase what do you see?, animals of different colors fulfill the intellectual and social dimensions of health. In the end, a mother looks at a variety of children.

The shape of me and other stuff
Seuss, Dr.
Read and explore the uniqueness of everything around us. Everything and everyone has their own body shape, and we should be proud of the one we have.

Trudi & Pia
Hegi, Ursula
Trudi dreams of being tall and feels there are no other dwarfs like her until she meets Pia who teaches her to accept the way she is and that she is not alone. Pia talks about when other drawfs from around the world in Russia, Italy, France and Portugal, Trudi learns to feel normal and beautiful.

Encyclopedia prehistorica: Dinosaurs
Reinhart, Matthew // Sabuda, Robert
Discover the world of dinosaurs as they pop-up and come to life! Learn about various dinosaurs and how multiple body parts made them different from other dinosaurs. With the turn of each page, a new dinosaur jumps out to meet you. Interact with raptors, meat eaters, long necked giants, and frill heads in their long-ago world when they were the rulers!

Monster looks for a house
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
A friendly purple monster comes to a new city to look for a new place to live. Since this monster is different from others in the city, he must hunt for a house that fits him. After looking at many houses, he finally finds one that he can live in comfortably.

If you find a rock
Christian, Peggy
Real life photos capture children doing activities with rocks of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Can you remember the feel of a special rock in your hand?

The little fireman
Brown, Margaret Wise
A small fireman and a large fireman attempt to fight fires of comparable dimensions to their size.

Saturn for my birthday
McGranaghan, John
Jeffrey wants Saturn for his birthday, and he wants the moons too- all 47 of them! But he's not selfish: he'll share the rings with some of his friends at school and with his teacher, Mrs. Cassini. Facts about Saturn are woven seamlessly throughout this funny story as Jeffrey explains just what he'll do with his present and how he'll take care of it.

Happy birthday to whooo? A baby animal riddle book
Fisher, Doris
Babies come in all different sizes and shapes. Some babies have fur and some have feathers. Some may be the only baby born or some might be born with 100 brothers and sisters! Some babies are big (23 feet) and some are little (the size of a jelly-bean)! Babies have their own special families too! Some have a mom and a dad; some have a mom or a dad; and some even live with their mom, aunts, and grandmothers!

The Umbrella
Brett, Jan
Carlos embarks on an adventure to the cloud forest where he leaves his umbrella at the base of a fig tree so he can climb it in search of rainforest animals. While he is up in the tree, through all of the animals he is searching for climb into the umbrella until it sinks in the water and they all run away...just before Carlos returns.

Food for thought:  The complete book of concepts for growing minds
Freymann, Saxton
Fruits and vegetables are strategically carved to emulate people and animals in order to teach shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and opposites. Readers can learn these skills while being entertained by the creative use of healthy foods.

One little lamb
Greenstein, Elaine
One little lamb is shaved for wool. The wool is cleaned, combed, spun into yarn, dipped into dye, and transformed into a pair of mittens. A little girl visits the lambs while wearing mittens.

Billy Twitters and his blue whale problem
Barnett, Mac
When Billy Twitters doesn't brush his teeth or finish his peas, his mother says we are going to buy you a whale. This does not worry Billy, because he knows how large blue whales are and he couldn't possibly have one delivered. To his surprise, one morning there is a blue whale sitting outside his house, and it is his responsibility. The whale causes problems at school because Billy's classmates pick him at gym. And it just gets worse: his parents give him the owner's manual for the whale. While feeding him, Billy realizes that when he's inside the whale, nobody's laughing and nobody's telling him what to he decides to make himself at home!

Get to work trucks!
Carter, Don
In the morning trucks, such as dump trucks, bulldozers, cement mixers, tow trucks, cranes, and rollers, go to work. Learn about types of machines, sizes, colors, and numbers. At night, the trucks are finished working for the day.

Goldilocks and the three bears
Aylesworth, Jim
A curious little girl sometimes forgets what her mother tells her. Sometimes this gets her into trouble. One such time found her deep into the woods at a cottage belonging to three bears. You probably know the rest of the story.

The glaciers are melting!
Love, Donna
Chicken Little may have thought the sky was falling but Peter Pika is sure the glaciers are melting and is off to talk tot he Mountain Monarch about it. Joined along the way by friends Tammy Ptarmigan, Sally Squirrel, Mandy Marmot, and Harry Hare, they all wonder what will happen to them if the glaciers melt. Where will they live, how will they survive? When Wiley Wolverine tries to trick them, can the Mountain Monarch save them? More importantly, can the Mountain Monarch stop the glaciers from melting?

Meet the planets
McGranaghan, John
Soar into the Solar System to witness the first Favorite Planet Competition, emceed by none other than the former-ninth planet, now known as dwarf planet Pluto. The readers become the judges after the sun can't pick a favorite and the meteors leave for a shower. Who will the lucky winning planet be? Could it be speedy-messenger Mercury, light-on-his-feet Saturn, or smoking-hot Venus? Readers learn all about each planet as Pluto announces them with short, tongue-in-cheek facts. Children will spend hours searching the art for all the references to famous scientists and people of history, space technology, constellations, art, and classic literature.

Animalogy: Animal analogies
Berkes, Marianne
Compare and contrast different animals through predictable analogies that rhyme. Find the similarities between even the most incompatible animals....bat is to flit as eagle is to soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Comparisons include sounds, physical adaptations, behaviors, and animal classifications.

Tiny and Bigman
Gershater, Phillis
Challenging stereotypical gender roles, Tiny and Bigman illustrate the unique people skills people have to help the world go around and to make a happy family. Tiny learns to use her large size, strength, and booming voice to help people in her community. Tiny falls in love with a small man who is hard of hearing. She builds their house, and he cooks and cleans.

Rocks! Rocks! Rocks!
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Buddy likes looking at and collecting rocks so Mama suggests they visit the local nature center. They hike the Blue Diamond Trail to five learning centers where they meet Roxie, a Rock Ridge Ranger. Buddy learns about bedrock, erosion, and how three types of rocks are formed. He finds out many surprising things about rocks, rocks, rocks!

The boy who wouldn't go to bed
Cooper, Helen
Not wanting to go to sleep, a little boy rides away in his car to find someone to stay up and play with him all night. As the determined little boy drives off, he encounters exciting things such as a lion and a parade of soldiers. After searching for someone to play with him, the little boy finds someone who is still awake.

Beep beep, vroom vroom!
Murphy, Stuart J.
Molly wants to play with her big brother's brightly colored toy cars just like him. But her family thinks she is too little to share Kevin's cars and besides, he likes to keep them in a special order. Each family member catches Molly playing with Kevin's cars and they help her put them back the way Kevin likes them. In the end, Molly gets a surprise of her own!

How big is a foot?
Myller, Rolf
The king wants to have a bed made for his wife's birthday, so he measures her by using his feet. They have a problem, because the carpenter's foot is not the same size as the king's.

Piro and the fire brigade
Bauman, Kurt
Piro wants to be a firefighter but he is told he is too small. One day he finally gets to prove to everyone that he can do it.

Too big!
Masurel, Claire
When Charlie and his dad are at the carnival, he wins the biggest prize of all, a dinosaur. His new toy is so big, he can't take it anywhere!Charlie's dinosaur must stay at home while he takes his other toys on outings, until he has to go to the doctor. All of the other toys hide so they don't have to go to the doctor's, but the dinosaur is too big- he can't!After their trip to the doctor, Charlie and his dinosaur are inseperable.

Twist with a burger, jitter with a bug
Lowry, Linda
People of all different cultures, shapes, and sizes come together to exercise and dance the mamba, tap, jig, polka, twist, jitterbug, jive, boogie, hula, rumba, and waltz.

Fast-slow, high-low
Spier, Peter
Pictures of opposites help us to understand how many different opposites there are. Examples of opposites include more-less and front-back.

I'd really like to eat a child
Donnio, Sylviane
One morning, Achilles the crocodile decides that he wants nothing more than to eat a child. His parents try everything to get Achilles to change his mind, but he refuses. He fails his mission and hunger winds up getting the best of him.

Hey, little ant
Hoose, Phillip//Hoose, Hannah
While playing with his friends one day, a little boy spies an ant. As he prepares to squash the tiny insect, the boy listens to the ant's plea not to step on him.

Mommy go away
Jonell, Lynne//Mathers, Petra
Christopher is tired of his mommy telling him what to do. Christopher tells his mommy to go away. Suddenly, mommy shrinks to the size of a toy and he sends her away on a toy boat in his bathtub. After Mommy's scary adventure, she realizes that it is rough being little.

Papa, please get the moon for me
Carle, Eric
Monica wants her father to get the moon so she can play with it. So her father finds the tallest items he can and climbs until he reaches the moon. He brings the moon back only to discover that it keeps changing sizes as it passes through the lunar cycle.

Petunia takes a trip
Duvoisin, Roger
Petunia realizes she is too heavy to fly so she starts doing calisthenics to get into shape. When she does fly, she gets blown into the city and she sees how small she is in proportion to other things. She misses her home and takes a train back there.

The smallest boy in the class
Beim, Jerrold
Jim is the smallest boy in the whole class. He makes the loudest noises, paints the biggest pictures, and even pushes his way to the front of the line to be the first one down the slide at recess. When Jim shares his lunch to help a friend, he realizes that the size of the heart is what's important.

The tale of the turnip
Alderson, Brian
With the help of his family, a farmer grows an oversized turnip and presents it to the King. The King gives the farmer a cartload of gold for his turnip. The King's gift entices a squire to present the King with a horse, but the reward is not what the squire has in mind.

David's father
Munsch, Robert
Julie has new neighbors. David seems like a regular boy, but Julie wonders what the rest of his family is like, because she saw a spoon the size of a shovel, a knife as big as a flagpole, and a fork the size of a pitchfork all being moved into David's house.

Once there were giants
Waddell, Martin//Dale, Penny
People look like giants to infants. A young girl grows up and experiences a lot through life. Now she is a mother and a giant herself.

Roller coaster
O'Malley, Kevin
A young girl visits Fantasy Park and gets to play golf, games, and eat ice cream. She is not tall enough to ride the roller coaster though. This year she has grown and now she can ride the roller coaster.

Once in a wood: Ten tales from aesop
Rice, Eve
Follow the Fox, the Lion, and other animals through the various lessons of life. Aesop's Fables teach many lessons about being clever and playing the fool.

Robin goodfellow and the giant dwarf
Jennings, Michael
Robin Goodfellow likes to get into mischief. One day he decides to play a trick on a slow-witted giant. The giant appears to be smaller and goes to others for advice and help.

The king's flower
Anno, Mitsumasa
The king believes he must have everything bigger and better than anyone else until he tries to grow the biggest flower. The little flower is so beautiful that the king realizes that bigger does not mean better.

The deliverers of their country
Nesbit, Edith
Effie has something in her eye. It is a mysterious little dragon. Soon the whole country is invaded by dragons of all sizes. Effie and her brother Harry are the ones who discover how to get rid of all the dragons.

Black, white, just right!
Davol, Marguerite W.
A little girl who has a white father and a black mother compares the differences between them. Mama like to dance ballet and walk fast along the street. Papa likes to dance to rap and stroll along the street. They have different tastes in food and art, but all is just right in this special family.