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McCarty, Peter
Bobby and his friends ride the school bus home with anticipation for playing football together at the park. The fall leaves set the tone for the girls and boys as they through, pass, and run with the ball. When it gets dark at 4:30 pm, the children go home to dinner. Because it had started snowing, they all snuggle in at their houses with good things to eat, cozy pajamas, and warm blankets to watch football on the television.

Anderson, Laurie Halse
Zoe Fleefenbacher is a memorable girl with one blue eye and one green eye. Her most interesting characteristic is her red hair which is able to do many amazing things and surprises. In first grade, Zoe's teacher has lots of rules to learn but Zoe's hair does not listen and follow those rules. No one can tame Zoe's hair - not even Zoe herself. Zoe tries scrunchies, barrettes, headbands, to name a few! But one day, Zoe's hair finally helps her teacher and her classmates learn about all the planets in the solar system. Zoe becomes a star student in first grade which makes her teacher very happy!

Weatherford, Carole Boston
No woman could be braver and have more courage than Fannie Lou Hamer. For the fearless fight that Fannie demonstrated as the "the country's number one freedom-fighting woman", we learn how her story written in themed prose serves as a chronicle of her life of civil rights. From being the last born of a large Mississippi family to being a speaker at the 1964 Democratic National Convention, Fannie went on to cofound the National Women's Political Caucus. By learning that she had a right to vote, Fannie used her voice to advocate for voting rights for others.

Williams, Karen Lynn//Mohammed, Khadra
Sangoel feels homesick after leaving his Sudanese homeland where his father died in the war. With his mother and sister, Sangoel arrives to the United States to start a new life where they learn so many things about technology, escalators, cooking stoves, and televisions. With a clever use of writing in his new school classroom, Sangoel helps his teacher and classmates learn how to pronounce his name. He will always be a Sangoel just like "his father and grandfather and his father" before him in Africa.

Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

Sher, Emil
Even though they do not get to spend a lot of time together, a mom and her daughter write to communicate with each other using sticky notes left around their house. Right now, the girl does not want to go to sleepaway camp and she is trying to find every reason not to go. Whether it’s her cat, Lester, needing her too much or her short haircut, she really does not want to go camping. In the end, she finally does, and she loves it!

Torrey, Richard
Why do feet stink? Why can't I play with you? Why are there so many numbers? Why? Why? Why? This young boy is inquisitive and loves to wonder. That's why.

Best, Carl
Chef Jacob is known for his happy peach pie. Read the ingredients of his pie recipe and the baking rules that he learns from Chef Monty on television. Lots of sounds comes out of Chef Jacob's kitchen. By the end, Chef Jacob says: "P is for Pie and P is for Peach, and, of course, P is for Parents! Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad". Have fun celebrating this event with the whole family.

Nelson, Vaunda Michaeaux
A young girls outlines the careers and callings of her family members. She questions the Lord on what she will become. As she realizes that her family dreams of being more than anything they are now, she then understands that she can be anything she wants to be, because it is up to her.

Cohen, Miriam
A little boy idolizes his big brother and wants to be exactly like him. They do everything together. When his family cannot pay for college, the older child joins the army. His little brother then takes his place being big brother to their youngest sibling.

Shannon, David
Camilla Cream absolutely enjoys eating lima beans. She is afraid though that her friends will make fun of her for eating them. After getting dressed one morning, she looks in the mirror to find herself covered in stripes! If she thought eating lima beans was embarassing, what will her peers think of her stripes?

Krishnawami, Uma
A young girl in India waits with her family and friends for the monsoon season to begin. The importance of the monsoon in her culture is revealed to the radio, television, newspaper, and stories of the people.

Michels-Gualtieri, Zaydek G.
A big brother describes the duties he has when teaching his little sister. He has many responsibilities to uphold and for the most part gets along well with his baby sister. There are times, however, when siblings get in the way, but in the end a little sister is the best thing in the world. (With music CD)

Wallner, Alexandra
A young boyメs family prepares for a hurricane in San Juan, Puerto Rico. At first, Sergio is excited, but after a whole day of getting ready for the storm, he falls asleep exhausted. The hurricane hits in the middle of the night so Sergio joins his parents in their bed, Papa tells him a story to ease his fears. For many weeks after the storm, the San Juan community clears the damage left by the wind and flooding. When school resumes, Sergioメs teacher gives a science lesson on hurricanes.

Branley, Franklyn M.
This informational text describes the relationship of air over land and oceans. When wind speed reaches 74 miles an hour, a tropical storm becomes a hurricane. Explains the sequence of weather events and how weather planes fly into the eye of a storm to take measurements of temperature, pressure, and precipitation. People prepare safely for the storm by securing homes, gathering supplies, and moving inland.

McGranaghan, John
Jeffrey wants Saturn for his birthday, and he wants the moons too- all 47 of them! But he's not selfish: he'll share the rings with some of his friends at school and with his teacher, Mrs. Cassini. Facts about Saturn are woven seamlessly throughout this funny story as Jeffrey explains just what he'll do with his present and how he'll take care of it.

Devlin, Jane
Hattie had a reputation for being bad. All her school classmates love her because she does exciting bad things, but her parents don't agree. When her friends aren't allowed to play with her anymore, she decides to be good. But just when she is about to get an award for the Best-Behaved Child ever, she does something that shocks everyone.

Ireland, Karin
A little boy talks about taking a variety of animals into public places. Using his imagination he describes what could possibly happen. In the end, he advises to just take people along and leave the animals at home.

Holman, Sandy Lynne
Montsho struggles with the dark color of his skin. Everything around him that is black is considered bad. Thankfully, Muntsho's grandfather teaches him to appreciate his black skin by telling him stories about his African heritage.

Brown, Marc//Brown, Laurene Krasny
A bunny is portrayed as a Bionic Bunny on a television show. Follow the steps that show how a real bunny is made to look like an imaginary character.

Rylant, Cynthia
Poppleton has several adventures. First, he looks at the stars at night with his friend, Hudson. Next Poppleton buys a new bed to replace the one he has had since he was a boy. Then Fillmore takes Poppleton sailing for the first time.

Valgardson, W.D.
Thor wants to stay inside and watch cartoons on T.V. One day his grandfather needs help ice fishing and Thor is volunterred to help. Thor goes with grandfather, and the two ice fish for the entire day in the bitter cold. Thor ends up saving a man who falls through the ice.

Gwynne, Fred
A girl imagines the things her parents talk about from watching television. What are such things as gorilla warfare, car pools, and fishing tackle?It is a fun play-on-words.

Ackerman, Karen
When the children go to visit their grandpa, he takes them to the attic to show his three grandchildren what he used to do for entertainment before television was invented. He dresses up in his hat, vest, and cane, then begins to dance and sing for his grandchildren. When they go downstairs, they wonder how much he misses the good old days.

West, Dan
A young boy named Ralph uses his television too much for entertainment. Ralph soon discovers that there are other ways to have fun too. Ralph learns what a library is, how to use a library, and how much fun reading a book can be.

Horowitz, Ruth
Two brothers have a favorite pet cockroach, Max, which lives at the bug lab where their mother works. While at a dedication ceremony for the renaming of the lab, the boys accidentally let Max escape. Now they must find him before he ruins the ceremony by scaring all the people. The boys eventually locate Max but they can't get him off the ceiling. With the help of One-Shot Lil, Max is returned to his cage.

Rosen, Michael
A family overcomes the loss of their grandmother and run into obstacles when cooking Thanksgiving dinner. All their Thanksgiving wishes come true with a kind, helping hand from their new neighbors.

Clement, Rod
Grandpa's teeth have been stolen!Officer Rate comes to investigate and they put wanted posters all over town. To avoid becoming a suspect, everyone in town begins to smile all the time. Tourists are afraid to get out of their cars because everyone is smiling. The problem is solved with a collection of money to get Grandpa new teeth, and the crime is solved in the process.

Whybrow, Jan
While helping his grandmother clean out the attic, Sammy uncovers a dusty, old box. He opens the lid and finds that the box is filled with dinosaurs!Sammy proceeds to care for the dinosaurs. He fixes the broken ones, washes them in the sink, and gives them all names. In reply to Sammy's care, the dinosaurs whisper back, Thank you. Sammy does not let his new friends out of his sight, until one day he left them on a train. Sammy and his grandma go down to the train station to find his dinosaurs. He calls them all by their names and Sammy's dinosaur friends come running back.

Viorst, Judith
A little boy is angry when he finds out that his parents are going to a French restaurant without him. He tries to convince his parents to either stay home or take him along. The little boy finally says good bye to his parents when his favorite babysitter arrives.

Lish, Ted
Things start to smell in this family's new house when their trash cans fill up with garbage. Will someone take out the trash? No one will take on this responsibility. By the end of the fifth week, trash fills up the yard around the house. It looks like it's going to take a lot of teamwork and cleaning to get their house back to normal.

Nixon, Joan Lowery
Dip and his family are dinosaurs that need to head south because it is winter. They are afraid of the meat-eating Tyrannosaurus Rex. When a group of time travelers visit Dip's land, Dip learns about the T-Rex from a man named Harold who has a television. Dip cleverly saves his family from the T-Rex.

Brown, Marc
Francine and all of her friends, including the new girl, Muffy, get the meanest teacher for third grade. Francine gets in trouble for cheating when it was really Muffy who cheats. Francine is kept from playing in the big softball game until at the last minute Muffy tells the truth.

Nickle, John
Lucas is different than the other kids and he is often bullied by one boy in particular, Sid. Sid takes Lucas' hat and sprays him with water and to take out his frustrations, Lucas in turn bullies the ants. To teach Lucas a lesson the ants take him to their queen ant. The Queen ant has the wizard ant shrink Lucas so he can live and work as an ant so he can appreciate what they do. Lucas gathered food, defended the colony, and attended to the queen. The queen has Lucas turned back into his normal size and when Lucas wakes up, he sees that the ants have decided to teach Sid a lesson because how he is ant size.

Polacco, Patricia
For years, the people of Triple Creek have been glued to their televisions. That is until Aunt Chip opens up the world of reading to her young nephew. Reading spreads from child to child until one of them accidentally opens the dam. The flood that follows destroys the TV tower and the adults are lost without their TVs. Guess who teaches them to read?

Wishinsky, Frieda
Henry, the baker, creates magnificent cakes. No two cakes are alike and his customers love the beautiful decorations. Henry's friend Ben visits Henry and watches him work each day after school. When the bakery is bought by new owners, Henry loses his job. Henry is sad when he can no longer decorate cakes, but only until Ben helps his friend find a new outlet for his creativity.

Lerner, Harriet//Goldhor, Susan
Franny B. Kranny loves her wild and crazy hairstyle, but her parents say that she needs to get her hair done before the family reunion. Initially she is upset, but then a bird decides to make her new hairstyle its home. Everyone, including Franny, loves the hairstyle. They want her to keep it, but Franny decide it's now time to cut it.

Novak, Matt
A mouse family can never agree about what to watch on television. One day their television breaks and they decide to be creative and try other activities. They decide the new activities are better than the television.

Pinkwater, Daniel
Jonathon sees a vanpire mouse. He starts to dress and act like the vampires on television. His parents think he will grow out of it, but he has not yet.

McGuirk, Leslie
After Tucker and his brothers are born, they do everything together. The puppies eat, sleep, play, and watch T.V., but Tucker likes adventures. He especially loves the snow, and his ability to flip comes in handy when he goes for a ride on some children's sled.

Levy, Elizabeth
Jill's dog Fletcher is not on the front steps when Jill arrives home from school, so Jill and her friend Gwen search the neighborhood for Fletcher. They believe Mr. Fernbach has Fletcher and convince Jill's mother to follow Mr. Fernbach to his studios. Fletcher is found in the studios where he is being used in a dog food commercial.

Spelman, Cornelia Maude
A little rabbit names situations that makes her angry. Depending on the situation, she chooses different activities to help reduce her anger. She attempts to work through her anger in a positive way.

Shannon, David
The rain creates unexpected chaos one Saturday morning. The endless arguments in houses and on the street turn into disaster, until the rain finally stops.

Munsch, Robert
Any stays up too late watching television and does not make it to breakfast with her family. They decide to take Amy to school in her bed because she was going to be late. At school the principal tries to wake her up but she keeps sleeping. Her teacher covers reading, math, and art, and her friends go to the gym, recess, and lunch-- all while Amy sleeps!The next day, Amy's habit is hilariously contagious!

Cohen, Miriam
A boy named George feels like an outcast because other students pick on him. He is not able to do some of the things they can so he gets depressed. He rescues someone by calling 911 and is on television and becomes famous at school.

Ormerod, Jan
Three families come together every day of the week to do activities help each other out. Some observe activities, do chores with others, or run errands with their friends. With so many people doing things together it is hard to keep track of who's whose!

McPhail, David
Emma's television will not turn on one day, so her family tries to keep her occupied while they fix it.

Reynolds, Aaron
A very creative bunch of farm animals at the Nuthatch Farm decide they are tired of their regular feed, and that they want something different. They begin to create sumptuous Mexican dishes with spices that they get from the farmer's garden. After planning a fiesta, the animals discover that all of the foods from the garden have been harvested and they cancel the fiesta and begin to eat their old, dull food once again --until the next day when rooster makes crepes and white grapes with sauce!