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Larson, Elaine Marie
Explore this alphabetical enumeration of individual traits that make children and others from the autism spectrum rich with unique features, talents, and abilities.
Medearis, Angela
Whether working on their family farm or eating dinner, the seven Ashanti brothers always fight amongst themselves to the dismay of their father. However, when their father passed away, the seven Ashanti brothers were tasked with creating gold from seven different color spools of thread. After completing this seemingly impossible task by working together, the brothers taught their community the value of the lessons they learned.
Johnson, Angela
A young girl wakes up on what she believes to be a normal day, working with her family to complete the daily tasks of her work as a slave. Then, everyone is told that slavery has been abolished and that now they are finally free people. The young girl celebrates with her family and community, excited by the prospects of what their future, independent life will bring.
Clark, Rosalyn
Let's take a trip to the dentist to learn more about what dentists do in order to develop and maintain a healthy smile for each of their patients. First, the dentist takes x-ray images of the patient's teeth and performs a routine checkup on the teeth and gums. Next, the dentist explains how to properly clean your teeth using a toothbrush and floss each day. Now you know more about the dentist, and why it is so important to go for checkups on a regular basis.
Courtad, Jeanette
Incisa tells the story of how she and her friends, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo, are attacked by a "sticky sweet" given to them by Grandma. After being covered in sugar, germs begin to attack as they make acid and dissolve holes in Incisa and her tooth friends. Then, Incisa, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo get a pleasant surprise when Grandma brings other things to make the teeth happy; an electric toothbrush and floss! Finally, after a good cleaning, Incisa, and her friends, Cuspi, Mola, and Tongo, are once again, all shiny and bright just in time for lunch!
Miller, Edward
Let's learn how oral health and the mouth develops over a lifetime. The mouth grows a set of primary teeth and then a set of secondary teeth. You can learn proper dental hygiene and interesting historical facts as you read. You can also learn about tooth decay and different techniques to treat oral health issues when and if they occur.
Murphy, Patricia
Patients visit Oz Family Dentistry for a checkup to ensure that they have a healthy smile and know how to care for their teeth. After meeting the dental hygienist in the exam room, patients get their teeth cleaned and polished before getting x-rays of their mouth. Then, the dentist meets with patients to teach them more about oral hygiene.
Schuh, Mari
Tessa sets an example for other children by describing all of the healthy snacks that she eats in order to keep her teeth and gums healthy. Instead of eating sugary sweets, Tessa enjoys eating fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and popcorn as snacks to protect her teeth and keep them strong! Tessa also explains how she brushes her teeth every day to make sure the enamel protecting her teeth does not wear down and form a cavity (or a big hole in her teeth).
Woodruff, Amira
Olive wakes up one day and finds that she has a loose tooth! She runs downstairs to tell her parents and keeps wiggling it all day, but it won't come out! At school, Olive talks to a girl named Jordan who tells her about the "My Wiggly Smile" which says to keep track of the teeth she's lost. When Olive gets home, her dad surprises her with a "My Wiggly Smile" book of her own, and they leave for the dentist where Olive's tooth is finally pulled by the dentist. That night, while she is fast asleep, the Tooth Fairy comes to visit Olive, and she wakes up with a gift under her pillow!
Klingel, Cynthia & Noyed, Robert
A group of children demonstrate all of the different things they can do with their mouths so that other kids can do the same. However, in order to be able to do all of these things, the children make sure to explain why it is so important to go to the dentist to take care of their mouths and keep their teeth clean healthy. Can you do this too?
Klein, Adria
Max visits the dentist where he gets his teeth checked and cleaned. Max makes sure to brush his teeth twice a day so, when the dentist looks for cavities, he doesn't have any! After looking at x-rays of his teeth, Max gets a new toothbrush from the dentist and leaves his office after having a great checkup!
Cottage Door Press
Learn from the tiger how your teeth develop over time, how teeth are classified, and why it is so important to take care of them regularly. The tiger gives you a step-by-step explanation of how to brush your teeth, and he reminds you how to brush for two minutes twice a day. Finally, the tiger explains other ways to care for your teeth that include proper nutrition and visits twice a year to the dentist.
Schuh, Mari
Anna acts as an example for how to floss her teeth properly. Anna demonstrates flossing her teeth with traditional floss and a flossing tool in order to remove any plaque from surfaces of her teeth that cannot be reached by a toothbrush. By flossing daily, Anna is able to prevent cavities from forming in between her teeth, which helps her to maintain a healthy smile over time.
Ready, Dee
Learn who a dentist is, what their job entails, and how they work to provide care for their patients. Children also learn about different types of dentists and what specialists they should see when and if they have crooked teeth, for instance. Details are shared about the clothing and tools a dentist may use when caring for their patients' teeth. When you know these important details, you can relax and enjoy going to the dentist!
Unknown Author
Children go in and out of this dentist's office for checkups! First, a little boy gets his teeth examined by the dentist, and he finds out that they are a little dirty. Then, the dentist teaches the boy about how teeth develop over time and what he should do to take care of his teeth properly. Next, a little girl visits the dentist, and they find out that she has a hole in her tooth or a cavity. Finally, the little girl gets a filling, and her mouth is good as new!
Schuh, Mari
Lee sets an example for other children like him by describing how to properly brush his teeth in order to get rid of food and plaque that could build up and cause cavities. Every morning and night, Lee uses his own toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste to clean his teeth, gums, and tongue. After brushing, Lee makes sure to rinse with water in order to maintain a healthy smile. Lee also uses a new toothbrush every few months so his teeth get brushed well. Everyone should try to be more like Lee when brushing their teeth!
Schuh, Mari
Lee acts as a role model for others and describes what he does in order to maintain a healthy smile by brushing and flossing his teeth every day. To explain why taking care of your teeth is so important, Lee also demonstrates the structure of a tooth and the unique functions of canines, incisors, premolars, and molars in the mouth that allow him to eat and digest food. Given the importance of his teeth, Lee practices habits of proper oral hygiene and visits the dentist regularly!
Smith, Penny
Sarah and Josh go to see Dr. Richards, their local dentist, for routine checkups. Josh is examined first and, after the dentist checks his mouth for evidence of cavities, Dr. Richards shows Josh how he can do a better job of brushing teeth in the back of his mouth in order to prevent the buildup of plaque. Next, Dr. Richards examines Sarah's mouth and finds a cavity which he fixes by adding a filling to her infected tooth. After explaining how to maintain a healthy smile by avoiding sugary foods and beverages, Sarah and Josh are done with their appointments and ready to keep taking good care of their teeth!
Smith, Stacy
A little boy goes to sleep one night without brushing his teeth, and then he hears a song coming from his bathroom. When he goes to investigate the noise, he finds his toothbrush singing and dancing about why it is so important to brush his teeth every morning and night. Scared that he will develop cavities (or even worse, that his teeth might fall out), the little boy brushes his teeth well and continues to do so every day in order to keep a healthy smile!
Jeffers, Dawn
Erin dreams about having a garden. Her parents allow her to share a garden with her neighbor, Mr. Martinez. Erin cares for her garden everyday and enjoys eating and canning the fresh food with her family. She learns that she loves learning and the friendship developed with Mr. Martinez more than the vegetables themselves.
Emberrley, Rebecca
A colorful food is labeled in English and Spanish words. Do you like bananas, broccoli, plums, bread, and apples? Have you ever tasted eggs, cereal, tomatoes, noodles, and grapes? I like peanut butter and celery. Do you?
Ringgold, Faith
Cassie, a young African American girl living in New York City, shares a few of her favorite things. She labels many things and gives words to the things she treasures most.
Freymann, Saxton
Can you imagine how to make people food into animal art? Photographs portray baby animals like chicks, pups, and cubs made from different fruits and vegetables.
Lessem, Don
Learn how specific dinosaurs lived long ago, how smart they are, and what they ate. A glossary and an index give other important information on dinosaurs.
Florian, Douglas
Through the use of many rhyming and descriptive words, each poem highlights good, bad, fun, and crazy times during the summer.
Marino, Gianna
Check out this alphabet book surrounding a bowl of soup. Each page brings two more letters to the soup bowl accompanied by animals beginning with those letters. In the end, the bowl is full of letters and the table is covered in animals.
Russell, Barbara Timberlake
As Ana holds the speckled lava stone (the remembering stone) that her mother has given her, she falls asleep and dreams of being able to fly like the blackbirds in their garden to her mother's homeland of Costa Rica to see their family. She awakens in the morning and joins her mother as they greet the blackbirds in their garden. Ana can almost feel herself lifting off the ground as they take flight.
Lewis, J. Patrick
This unique collection of prose utilizes a variety of poetry styles and play on word techniques. Learn about reading, words, and libraries as gardens with unsurpassed growing excitement.
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.
Manning, Mick
There is a party tonight so the animals take time to clean up for good hygiene. We don't want anyone to get sick!
Murray, Peter
This informational text describes the Hurricane Hunter planes that are designed to fly in the roughest weather. In 1958, scientists tried to slow down a hurricane by dropping silver iodide crystals into the clouds, but the experiment did not work. The best thing to do with a hurricane is to get out of its way! Explains the destruction of Hurricane Andrew in Florida and Louisiana. Contrasts the death rate of a 1900 hurricane in Texas with the 1992 Andrew due to better warning systems in place.
Erlbach, Arlene
This informational text describes how tropical disturbances become a tropical storm, then a hurricane. Compares and contrasts hurricanes and tornadoes, including watches and warnings. Learn how storms are predicted and monitored. Photographs show the storm with an eye. Hurricanes have different names across the world.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Children will love learning about shapes through works of art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Bauer, Marion
A boy spends his day outside with his cat exploring different types of clouds and the different things that clouds do. He also explains in a colorful and easy way, what clouds are made of and how we interact with clouds on an everyday basis, using weather terminology.
Haskins, Jim & Benson, Kathleen
Count your way through Ireland as you learn to count in their original language, Gaelic. Enjoy many sports, foods, and musical instruments of Ireland and handcrafted goods from lace to waterford crystal.
Child, Lauren
Lola's brother goes to very creative lengths to encourage Lola to eat a variety of vegetables. When Lola refuses to eat peas, Charlie calls peas "green drops from Greenland". She then nibbles one or two and says quite tasty!
Rockwell, Lizzy
An introduction to the human body, how it functions, and its need for exercise. Kids have a variety of phyical activities and sports to enjoy while keeping their different body systems fit, healthy, and happy.
Heling, K. & Hembrook, D.
Rosa goes to elaborate and comical lengths to have freckles like Abby. She realizes she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for freckles. Rosa gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.
Bertrand, Diane Gonzales
Dominic and Victor have a special friendship in spite of Dominicメs disability. They laugh, tell jokes, and do many fun things together on the baseball field, at the amusement park, and during sleepovers.
Blackstone, Stella
The twelve months are packed with much action! Discover all twelve months and the four seasons while looking for the items and details in the illustrations. People demonstrate all of what makes the entire year so special, starting with January, of course!
Barasch, Lynne
In the Kenyan grassland, Abaani, a Maasai boy takes his cattle out to graze. While he is out he sees a vegetable stand with a young boy from the Kikuyu farms, who are rivals of his tribe because they destroy their land. While arguing, a group of Kamba women and children approach to trade for fruits and vegetables, and one baby wanders toward three warthogs. Abaani sees this and knows he can save the baby himself so he calls to Haki to help. Together they save the boy, which is the beginning of a growing friendship. They learn how to appreciate one another and hope to teach their families to be friends.
Bronson, Linda
Come along on a circus adventure. Each illustration depicts a letter of the alphabet that relates to the overall circus theme.
Daly, Niki
A young girl named Jamela is upset when hearing the news from her mother that they will be moving to a new house. When itメs time to leave, everyone wonders where Jamela is and begin to search for her everywhere. Suddenly, she jumps out of a box from the back of the truck and agrees to go with her mother. On reaching her new house, she starts to like it and settles down in her room.
Carter, Don
A young boy's grandpa dies and he goes to heaven. In heaven, his Grandpa Jack is in a jazz band with all the great musicians.
Feigh, C
Big Byte, Joy, and Little Bit go to the beach to be with their friends Webster and Kay Board. They all see a couple of nefarious bugs named Vi and Russ who are going surfing. Big Byte and Kay Board want to go with them but Joy and Little Bit warn them that it is too dangerous. When Big Byte and Kay Board find themselves in danger, what will happen? Will Little Bit, Joy, and Webster be able to do anything to help them in this computer age adventure?
Cox, Judy
Silly Mrs. Millie is at it again. In the fall, she takes her kindergarten class on a trip to pick pumpkins for their harvest party. The class has fun guessing the meanings of their favorite teacher's nonsense words. They go on a dragon (wagon) ride, pet the boats (goats), and drink apple spider (cider). Coupled with hilarious artwork in pen, pencil, and colored dyes by Joe Mathieu, this lighthearted text sets a class trip on its ear with subtle lessons in wordplay.
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Buddy likes looking at and collecting rocks so Mama suggests they visit the local nature center. They hike the Blue Diamond Trail to five learning centers where they meet Roxie, a Rock Ridge Ranger. Buddy learns about bedrock, erosion, and how three types of rocks are formed. He finds out many surprising things about rocks, rocks, rocks!
Hubbell, Patricia
Illustrations and rhyming text celebrate different kinds of boats and what they can do.
Heling, Kathryn & Hembrook, Deborah
Abby goes to elaborate and comical lengths to get glasses like Rosa. She realizes that she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for glasses. Abby gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.
Kinerk, Robert
A young boy, Timothy Cox, decides to go without changing his socks for a month. As the smell from his socks begins to grow, the entire community gets involved in trying to get him to change his socks. Timothy creatively avoids getting caught for the whole month. He aviods the fire fighters with their hoses and even a scout troop! When the month has come to an end, he keeps the socks in a cabinet as a trophy in his determination to stick to his word and not change his socks.