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Allen, Debbie
Twelve brothers magically disappear every night even though their door is locked. Their father hires a housekeeper to figure out the mystery of his boys. She learns to listen, which turns out to be more powerful than simply solving a mystery.
Bower, Tamara
The land of Khor was a peaceful place free of men, in which woman could live side by side in harmony. One day, Pedikhous, of Egpyt decides to test the strength of the women through various attacks. To his surprise the women are stronger and more determined than he ever imagined. Instead of fighting against them, de decides to live in peace and love beside them.
Mashiri, Pascal
While every animal of the forest is planning for next year's harvest, Rabbit decides to grow money. He lies to the chief and keeps the money for himself. Eventually the chief grows angry with Rabbit and demands the money Rabbit was supposed to grow. Rabbit deceives everyone in order to get out of his lie and he vows to never lie again.
Ahlberg, Janet//Ahlberg, Allan
An eight-year-old boy named Antonio is kidnapped by thieves. The chief orders Antonio to tell a story, which he cleverly uses for his escape. His story includes all sorts of adventures.
Smith, Raymond//Schoenheimer, Henry
A little girl tells so many lies about sharks being around that people finally didn't believe her. When she shouted shark and no one believed her, a man is killed by a shark.
Bunting, Eve
Fransico takes his grandfather out to look for work. His grandfather does not speak English, so Fransico must translate. Fransico accepts a gardening job for his grandfather by telling the man he is a great gardener. When the man comes at the end of the day, he finds the job done incorrectly. Fransico's lie teaches him an invaluable lesson.
Donaldson, Julia
A cunning mouse is able to deceive a fox, owl, and a snake into thinking he has a gruffalo as a friend. Things look bad for the mouse when the gruffalo actually appears and wants him for a meal. Using his wits, the mouse is able to convince the gruffalo that he, the mouse, is the scariest creature in the woods.
Brett, Jan
A badger and a honeyguide work together to find bee hives for honey. One day, the badger betrays the honeyguide and uses his help to eat all the honey himself. The honeyguide decides to get even and provides a twist in the end.
Pfister, Marcus
A mother rabbit wakes up her baby rabbit to get ready for their day. The rabbits are surrounded by the brilliance of white snow. They encounter a few mishaps throughout the day during their quest for food.
Henkes, Kevin
A little kitten sees a full moon for the first time. He thinks it is a bowl of milk and tries to reach it. Then he sees the full moon reflecting in a pond and thinks it's a bowl of milk. After getting wet and sad, he goes home to find his very own bowl of milk.
Wildsmith, Brian
A python is hungry so he decides to throw a party for all the animals in the forest. All the animals perform tricks for each other, so the python tricks the animals into crawling into his stomach. The elephant saves the animals then they all tie a knot in the python's tail as punishment.
Shannon, Margaret
Gullible believes everything he hears when his aunt, uncle, or cousin tells him stories. For example, he believes that there are monsters in the basement. When his family tries to trick him again, the joke ends up being on them.
Sutcliff, Rosemary
A ministrel finds a dragon-pup egg on a beach and adopts it after it hatches. The minstrel raises the dragon-pup, Lucky, until he is stolen. Due to Lucky's absence, the minstrel's songs suffer until he is once again united with Lucky.
Osborn, Lois
Harry and his friend Ron compare their fathers. Harry becomes upset because Ron's father seems to be so much better than his father. As is turns out, Ron is making everything up because his dad had died a few years ago.
Coville, Bruce//Coville, Katherine
Harry the giant may not be very bright, but he is definitely very kind. When a wizard threatens to take over the town, Harry risks getting turned into a stone toad. Instead, the wizard's plan backfires and he turns himself into a stone toad.
Potter, Beatrix
Jemima wants desperately to hatch her own eggs. She finds a nice place to lay them in Mr. Fox's den. She almost becomes dinner, but Shep the collie saves the day.
Johnson, Paul
Miss Rosemary has a problem when her cow, Gertrude, starts flying and won't stop. Miss Rosemary has to use some clever tricks to get Gertrude to act as a cow should, including using a help wanted sign.
Souhami, Jessica
An old woman is on her way to her granddaughter's house for dinner, but meets many animals on her way. In order to escape the animals, she promises to come back all fat and fed. The animals are outwitted when the old woman is disguised as a pumpkin.
Phillips, Mildred
A small Jewish community is very trusting of a stranger who rents out half of Mendel's shop. But when the man returns to town with two policemen, will Mendel be charged with stealing?This closeknit community works together
Marshall, James
Two boys are cut-ups at school. They go to summmer camp and are framed for pranks that they never did.
Wood, Audrey
A mother goes to market. While she is gone, a witch persuades her children to let her in the house. The witch turns the children into her supper, but the mother arrives home in time to save her children and chase the witch away.
Forest, Heather
Jan Van Amsterdam is a well known baker. People travel from all over to buy his goods. When he begins to get greedy, he starts to use less ingredients in his cookies. When a woman asks for a bakers dozen, he only gives her 12 She puts a curse on him and his baked goods. When he finally realizes that a bakers dozen is 13, the curse is broken.
Berson, Harold
Young Henry Possum has so much energy that he'll never learn to play dead. He makes many friends, but one is a wolf, so he soon discovers what his mother has been trying to teach him all along.
Steig, William
A rabbit turns into a nail whenever he scratches his nose and wiggles his toes. He plays practical jokes and gets into trouble when a hungry cat figures out his secret.
Seuss, Dr.
A young boy walking home from school fantasizes about events on Mulberry Street. Although he tells his father a fantastic tale about an elephant pulling a brass band, a policeman, a trailer and the mayor, he later admits that all he saw was a horse and wagon.
McDonald, Megan
A young boy steals potatoes and has bad luck. He then meets the potato man he stole from and eventually respects him enough to become his customer.
Hutchins, Pat
Ella and Emily, a pair of identical twins, dress up as witches for a Halloween party. No one can tell which witch is which. Eventually, their choice of food, games, and colors help to tell them apart.
Levy, Elizabeth
A group of young friends start a music group and want to enter a contest. Their dog, Arnold, howls in their song It's a Dog's Life. A boy from another group sabotages them by feeding Arnold so much pizza that he will not howl anymore.
dePaola, Tomie
Tommy and his grandfather share the same name. At the same time they enjoy sharing time together and playing jokes on one another. One day, Tom gives Tommy some chicken legs because he is a butcher. He takes the chicken legs to school and gets in trouble for scaring a girl.
Auch, Mary Jane
Poulette, the dancing hen, dreams of becoming a ballerina someday. A hungry fox tries to trick Poulette onto his dinner plate by appealing to her dreams of dancing in a New York show. It is Poulette that ends up deserving the applause in the end.
McGovern, Ann
A young man is hungry and convinces an old woman that he can make soup from a stone. By the time the soup is ready, the woman has added several things from her garden to the soup. They eat the soup and when the boy leaves her house, he pulls the stone out of his pocket.
Brown, Marcia
Three hungry soldiers walk down the road. They stop at several houses to ask for food, but nobody has any extra to share. One of the soldiers tricks the townspeople and says he can make stone soup. By the time the soup is finished, all of the townspeople contribute some type of food to the soup.
Morey, Kathleen
Otto is in bed and because the night is so dark, nothing can be seen in his room. He is awakened by a noise that frightens him. Finally, Otto realizes that it was only his dog, Tiki, sleeping soundly with a piece of paper caught over his face.
McDonald, Megan
A grandpa tells his grandchildren a story about his childhood when he and a friend mistakenly cut the vine on his sister's pumpkin. Grandpa's sister grew the pumpkin in order to earn a patch for her quilt. The boys find a way to save the pumpkin so that her hard work is not lost.
Rice, Eve
Follow the Fox, the Lion, and other animals through the various lessons of life. Aesop's Fables teach many lessons about being clever and playing the fool.
Jennings, Michael
Robin Goodfellow likes to get into mischief. One day he decides to play a trick on a slow-witted giant. The giant appears to be smaller and goes to others for advice and help.
Brooke, L. Leslie
A Mother pig sends her three little pigs out to seek their fortune. In the process, two little pigs are eaten by a wolf. The third little pig outsmarts the wolf, then eats him for dinner.
Conover, Chris
Mother Goose leaves her seven goslings with Mr. Mouse while she goes to town. Although the goslings have been warned not to let anyone in, the sly fox tricks them into opening the door and catches all but one. Mother Goose rescues her goslings by playing a trick on the fox.
Brown, Marc
Arthur is having his first sleepover in a tent in his backyard. Arthur and his friends Buster and Brian plan to watch for spaceships and aliens during the night. Arthur's sister plays a trick on the boys, and they come up with a plan to get her back.
Martin, Bill Jr.
A pumpkin is picked from its patch on Halloween Eve to guard its picker and keep the foolies away. However, strange things start to happen and the jack-o-lantern turns out to be the leader of the foolies.
San Souci, Robert D.
A witch makes a scarecrow and decides to play a joke on a judge. The judge does not like witches. The scarecrow, Feathertop, finds it hard to follow through with the witch's wishes.
Lloyd, David
Gammer Gurton's servant loses her needle while sewing Gammer's pants. One of Gammer's friends accuses the neighbor of stealing the needle. After duking it out with the neighbor, Gammer realizes his friend is lying and insists on his punishment.
Stevens, Kathleen
Tom roams the countryside charming the farmers' wives and tricking farmers out of fruits and vegetables. He meets his match in a plain-faced, sharp tongued farmer's daughter.
Mahy, Margaret
Norman was a good swimmer who was upset with all of the other swimmers who got in his way. He pretended he was a shark to get them out of his way.
Marshall, James
It's Halloween and Fox and his friends are looking forward to it, until Fox's little sister wants to come along. They scare her away, but she plays a trick on them. This makes them wish they had been nicer to her.
Stamaty, Mark Alan
Ever since Minnie Maloney was a little girl she has been buying seven boxes of macaroni for good luck. Her sister Molly told her it was the only way to ward off bad luck. Find out if Minnie can get even with Molly for her trickery.
Marshall, Edward
Elsie Fay Johnson is a little girl who is fascinated with trolls and would like to meet one. After she hears her mother's story, she finds herself in the same situation and must use quick thinking to get free.
Gretz, Susanna
Roger is left in charge of his little brother Nelson. Their neighbor, Flo, decides to take care of both of the boys. In the end, the two brothers trick her into getting in trouble.
Brown, Marc
Francine and all of her friends, including the new girl, Muffy, get the meanest teacher for third grade. Francine gets in trouble for cheating when it was really Muffy who cheats. Francine is kept from playing in the big softball game until at the last minute Muffy tells the truth.