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  • Tags: opposites

Scamell, Ragnhild
The unlikely answer to a wish is a scruffy old cat that has to win the heart of a little girl. It takes a cold snowy day to make his wish come true.

Freymann, Saxton
Fruits and vegetables are strategically carved to emulate people and animals in order to teach shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and opposites. Readers can learn these skills while being entertained by the creative use of healthy foods.

DeGroat, Diane
It's April Fool's Day so Gilbert is excited to trick his friends. Throughout the day, his friends keep on tricking him, but he can't seem to trick anyone else. Gilbert doesn't give up though: he has one more trick in mind. The rest of the afternoon, he's extra nice to Lewis. Lewis gets so nervous about what Gilbert's trick is, the other classmates manage to trick him. At the end of the day, Lewis finds out Gilbert didn't have a trick after all. He had been tricked!

de Seve, Randall
The Duchess of Whimsy is very well known to be extravagant, through her celebrations, clothing, and conversation. The Earl of Norm is quite the opposite; in fact the Duchess thinks he is rather ordinary. However her father tells her, their two kingdoms have to be friends. The Earl of Norm loves the Duchess of Whimsy and goes to extraordinary lengths to try to impress her, but none of them impress her. One night at supper the cook becomes sick, so all the Duchess' guests try to impress her with their cooking. However the one food that impresses her is the one ordinary food. Cooked by whom?

Van Fleet, Matthew
Check out these rhyming, interactive pages with texture. Colorful 3-dimensional pictures come to life with humor on every page (A Board Book).

Gershater, Phillis
Challenging stereotypical gender roles, Tiny and Bigman illustrate the unique people skills people have to help the world go around and to make a happy family. Tiny learns to use her large size, strength, and booming voice to help people in her community. Tiny falls in love with a small man who is hard of hearing. She builds their house, and he cooks and cleans.

Cuyler, Margery
Santa runs into a few problems on his Christmas Eve journey. At the beginning of the trip, he gets delayed by a snow storm. When it clears up, he continues to the first little boy's house, but his reindeer have trouble landing on the icy roof. Santa continues to encounter problems, but manages to deliver all the presents.

Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda and Lollipop are best friends. Lollipop is very shy and will only speak to Amanda. The two friends share secrets, dolls, and their childhood. Amanda and Lollipop have very different personalities that compliment each other. Amanda is very vocal and excited, whereas Lollipop is very shy and quiet.

Hoban, Tana
A book of opposites depicted in black and white photographs.

Robbins, Ken
A drive through the city and country is depicted through wonderful pictures as seen from the backseat of a car.

Spier, Peter
Pictures of opposites help us to understand how many different opposites there are. Examples of opposites include more-less and front-back.

Hoban, Tana
Illustrations show scenes in nature from way up high and way down low.

Sis, Peter
Mary and her mother visit the beach. They see numbers, opposites, letters, and shapes. There are many fun things to do at the beach.

Krauss, Ruth
A young boy decides that it is Backward Day and does everything backward all morning. His parents play along until the little boy announces that Backward Day is over.

McMillan, Bruce
Through the use of photographs, a little girl named Becca, displays opposites. For example, a full glass of milk and an empty glass of milk are opposites.

Carlson, Nancy
There are six ways to lose all your friends. Don't smile, never share, be a bully, be a poor sport, tattle, and whine. Can you be a better friend by the end of this story?

Schlein, Miriam
Some things are faster than people and some are slower. A firetruck must go fast, but growing up must go slow.

George, Jean Craighead
Bessie finds a new friend while exploring an ice ship-- a baby polar bear. She and Snow Bear play together like best pals. Bessie's brother and Snow Bear's mother watch carefully because they are both concerned and worried about their friendship. Will Bessie and Snow Bear's happiness be enough to keep them together?

Stadler, John
Mrs. Calamari moves into a new apartment and the landlord tells her No cats allowed! Mrs. Calamari is not about to put her cats out on the street, she'll have to think of something. Mrs. Calamari and her cats become friends to the landlord and he accepts them.

Smith, Lane
There is a mysterious world where the children are small and the pets are big. These children, along with their pets, gather to play at night and are therefore called nightchildren.

Cousins, Lucy
Come travel along with Little Fish to meet his many friends. As we count, identify colors, and look for opposites among the many examples, we learn it is okay to have friends different from you.