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DiPucchio, Kelly
Mrs. Poodle takes Gaston and his three siblings to the park where they meet Mrs. Bulldog and her family. Suddenly, they realize that Gaston looks more like Mrs. Bulldog’s child and Gaston goes to live with her family. However, Gaston realizes that he likes his old family and returns to live with Mrs. Poodle, making sure to play with Mrs. Bulldog’s children when they are at the park.
Maillard, Kevin Noble
Children help a Native American grandmother make fry bread while learning about the history, social ways, food, art, and politics of America's 573 recognized Indian tribes.
Jeffers, Oliver
The Earth is a large planet made of land, water and the sky. Given its size, Earth is home to humans and animals alike. However, there is only one Earth and we all maintain a responsibility to care for the planet and each other.
Clark, Rosalyn
Let's take a trip to the dentist to learn more about what dentists do in order to develop and maintain a healthy smile for each of their patients. First, the dentist takes x-ray images of the patient's teeth and performs a routine checkup on the teeth and gums. Next, the dentist explains how to properly clean your teeth using a toothbrush and floss each day. Now you know more about the dentist, and why it is so important to go for checkups on a regular basis.
Schuh, Mari
Tessa sets an example for other children by describing all of the healthy snacks that she eats in order to keep her teeth and gums healthy. Instead of eating sugary sweets, Tessa enjoys eating fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and popcorn as snacks to protect her teeth and keep them strong! Tessa also explains how she brushes her teeth every day to make sure the enamel protecting her teeth does not wear down and form a cavity (or a big hole in her teeth).
Klingel, Cynthia & Noyed, Robert
A group of children demonstrate all of the different things they can do with their mouths so that other kids can do the same. However, in order to be able to do all of these things, the children make sure to explain why it is so important to go to the dentist to take care of their mouths and keep their teeth clean healthy. Can you do this too?
Klein, Adria
Max visits the dentist where he gets his teeth checked and cleaned. Max makes sure to brush his teeth twice a day so, when the dentist looks for cavities, he doesn't have any! After looking at x-rays of his teeth, Max gets a new toothbrush from the dentist and leaves his office after having a great checkup!
Ready, Dee
Learn who a dentist is, what their job entails, and how they work to provide care for their patients. Children also learn about different types of dentists and what specialists they should see when and if they have crooked teeth, for instance. Details are shared about the clothing and tools a dentist may use when caring for their patients' teeth. When you know these important details, you can relax and enjoy going to the dentist!
Mitchell, Lori
The visit to Grammie's house is a week away, and April can't wait! She comes across different people who look differently, sense differences, and move differently. Regardless of their differences, April can find ways she is like these other people. Finally, it is time to visit Grammie. Grammie's flowers from her garden are all different, and April is not allowed to pick her favorite flower. April realizes this is like all things and people. She learns to appreciate the differences in all things and people.
Lorbiecki, Mary Beth
Anna begins her second year of school in the early '60's. Her new teacher, Sister Anne, is different from other teachers because she has a different skin color. She inspires students all around her and overcomes challenges. Students learn what respect and tolerance are, and everyone learns from one another.
Ruurs, Margriet
Examine many different kinds of libraries from all around the world. Unlike the typical library room or building, many libraries are a bus, boat, train, or camel. Each type is different, but they all serve the same important purpose of delivering books to people, no matter where they live.
Esbaum, Jill
A steamboat that travels along the Mississippi River comes to a small quiet town. The passengers have goods to sell and places to travel. This beautiful boat helps people to accomplish their tasks.
Patz, Nancy
In the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam, a lone hat is on display in a glass case. It is all that remains of a woman's life. A pictorial and poetic view of this hat, worn during the Holocaust, is poignantly expressed.
DeRolf, Shane
While walking through a toy store, a little girl overhears a box of crayons arguing. Yellow and green don't like red and no one likes orange, but for no apparent reason. After buying the box of crayons, she takes them home and begins to draw a picture. Using every color in the box, the little girl created a picture. As she completed her drawing and began to walk away, she heard the crayons resolve their hatred and realize the beauty they make when they all work together.
Pinkey, Sandra L.
Common traits of African Americans are correlated with illuminating photographs. Traits such as skin color, hair texture, and eye color are described. Discover the diversity among the African American culture and how this culture is unique to others.
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
An unusual, atypical monster comes to checkout a city and observes a variety of different events taking place. His excursion through the city leads him to a group of children playing and swinging in an park. The monster joins them in this activty. Since the monster had an enjoyable and pleasant experience in the city, he decides to make it his home.
Floca, Brian
A little boy observes how five different trucks assist in the preparation and take-off of his airplane. Description of the trucks and their duties are very clear. It takes many people working together to complete the goal of take-off!
Cressy, Judith
Go on an adventure around the world to many exciting places. Search through each painting for many objects. Create your own stories and imagine what life was like in each place.
Hesse, Karen
A heat wave hits Tess's town and she's sizzling like a hot potato. Mamma's plants are all dying and all Tess wishes for is a little bit of rain. As she feels the rain coming, she runs to get her friends and they all change into bathing suits. The rain comes down in big drops and the girls dance, laugh, and play in the cool raindrops.
Lindman, Maj
Snipp, Snap and Snurr vacation with their parents in Sweden. They meet a family from Lapland who come to their rescue accompanied by their pet reindeer.
Johnsson, James Weldan
Lift every voice puts pictures to the African American National Anthem. The lyrics tell the story of Black people's past struggles and the hope that Blacks will continue to have towards their future.
Manalang, Dan
What do a grumpy grape, a pompous pineapple, and a humble coconut have in common? The answer is revealed in this charming rhyme that addresses the sensitive subject of prejudice.
Mueller, Doris
Long ago, magpie nests were the envy of all other birds. To help the other birds, Maggie Magpie patiently explains how to build a nest. But some birds are impatient and fly off without listening to all the directions, which is why, to this day, bird nests come in all different shapes and sizes. This clever retelling of an old English folktale teaches the importance of careful listening.
DeBear, Kristen
Marina and Moira are very much alike, and yet very different. They like to play with one another, but often have conflicts. They learn to work through their differences and become the best of friends.
Ellis, Veronica
Mr. Amegashie explores the cultural diversity, rich history, and the beautiful and exciting land of Africa.
Jackson, Ellen
The day begins by Mother Earth tending to her plants and animals. As the day progresses, Mother Earth comes upon a man, a frog, and a mosquito. Each tell Mother Earth what can be changed in their life.
Agell, Charlotte
Diversity in the world is shown through rhythmical lyrics and warm pictures. Diversity also includes the names of major body parts and functions.
Cressy, Judith
Come enjoy history through a collection of famous paintings. Each has its own personality and story. Search through each painting for objects and colors. Get imaginative and create your own stories or interpretations about the paintings.
Pollak, Barbara
Neighborhood children plant a garden together and each contribute by helping to take care of the garden. They set goals, work hard, and build healthy friendship. After harvesting their crops, everyone from the community comes together for a special meal made from vegetables grown in the garden. What a nutritious, heart-warming treat!
Boedoe, Geefwee
In the town of Arrowville disagreement and frenzy is a way of life, but a young girl named Barb wants to agree and get along. She gets in trouble for this and runs away. At the same time the Targets make a wrong turn and end up in Arrowville. The Arrows think they are invaders. It is Barb who helps the Arrows and Targets come together and understand each other.
Lionni, Leo
The alphabet tree is full of letters. After the storm, all the letters grouped together because they were afraid. A bug and a caterpillar teach teamwork so the letters can say something important.
Carter, Don
A young boy's grandpa dies and he goes to heaven. In heaven, his Grandpa Jack is in a jazz band with all the great musicians.
Bunting, Eve
Here's a new twist on the alphabet, just for girls. For each letter of the alphabet, read a girl's name and her career matching that letter.
Yezerski, Thomas
Keara and Stefan are from Ireland and Poland, respectively, and each tell the stories of their families. They meet in the United States in Pinecone Patch, PA. They overcome deep stereotypes and prejudices to be married and bring two families together.
Charles, N.
Through the use of colors and shapes, you can see different fruit and people.
Woodson, Jacqueline
A fence not only divides two properties -- it segregates two families because of their different cultures. Initial fears from the parents cause them to set rules that will forbid the friendship of their young daughters. Little did they know that their daughters would break the barrier as they climbed the fence together to see the world as it should be, not as it is.
Bunting, Eve
Carlos and his family go home to Mexico for Christmas. He and his siblings think of California as their home, but they discover their roots in Mexico.
Herold, Maggie Rugg
A snowstorm adds to the wonder and excitement of this very important day during which 219 people become U.S. citizens.
Alden, Joan
Will wants a dog for his birthday, but because of his asthma, he gets a stuffed toy dog instead. When Will takes his dog to school, he is made fun of by bullies.
Stevenson, James
Every animal living in various villages celebrates Valentine's Day in a different way. All the animals learn how to appreciate the many ways to celebrate this fun holiday.
Piercy, Patricia A
An African American tells the story of the discovery of America from a different point of view. He brings new knowledge to an excited and interested elementary classroom while telling the historical story.
Kroll, Virginia
Jamila has the important responsibility of watching her little sister when their mom goes to work. While trying to ignore unfamiliar creepy sounds, Jamila comforts her sister and herself by recalling their grandmother's stories about their native homeland, Africa.
Burstein, Fred
A little girl is on her way to ballet class with her father when they encounter various people and things through the city. Descriptive words about the city are written in three languages: Spanish, English, and Japanese.
Maccarone, Grace
Two teams of young children play a game of soccer which consists of dribbling, passing, falling, slipping on the grass, and, finally, one of the teams scoring.
London, Jonathon
Join this celebration of dance and jazz music!A cat named Jazz-Bo leads a band that plays at the sock hop. All the animals gather together for a fun time of dance and rhyme.
Wanous, Suzanne
Sara looks at the problem of people not understanding differences in an honest and straight forward way.
Montresor, Beni
There are many different kinds of houses in different places with different people living in them. They can be made with many different materials, but be careful, because you never know what might happen to your house!
Davol, Marguerite W.
A little girl who has a white father and a black mother compares the differences between them. Mama like to dance ballet and walk fast along the street. Papa likes to dance to rap and stroll along the street. They have different tastes in food and art, but all is just right in this special family.
Pinnington, Andrea//Davies, Charlotte
The different types of hats, shoes, sportswear, underwear, dressing-up clothes, night clothes, cold-day clothes, and hot-day clothes are presented. For example, hot-day clothes include sunglasses, a skirt, a t-shirt, shorts, a swimsuit, a sun hat, and a sundress. Photographs of each article of clothing are provided.
Hopkinson, Deborah
Claro makes a quilt that describes the path that slaves must take to walk to freedom. She runs away with Jack and gets to freedom because of the quilt.