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Pulver, Robin
Mr. Wright’s class has a field day away from school! While the children are gone, the nouns and verbs want to play. At first, the nouns make teams with other nouns and the verbs make teams with other verbs. Both sides found out that they had to work together so the nouns formed teams with the verbs and the verbs formed teams with the nouns. They continued to play many games until Mr. Wright’s students came back from field day.

Seeger, Laura Vaccaro
A boy and his dog go through their lives together and experience different things associated with the color blue. Whether they are playing with blue butterflies or picking blue blueberries together, they love spending time with each other. One day, the boy’s dog passes away and, with time, he gets a new puppy to share his life with.

Perkins, Lynne Rae
Through the eyes and thoughts of a child, an imagination opens up to wonderment and original dreams. Many things can be happening all at once and that can be overwhelming. Places for hiding and spaces for shadows makes this geographical experience an artistic escape depicting a museum of everything.

Flett, Julie
Just as humans do, animals play and sleep too! Rabbits love to hide and hop while bears love to wiggle and wobble. As a result, all living things are connected and everyone maintains the responsibility to look out for each other.

Omololu, Cynthia Jaynes
Starting at 6 a.m. in San Francisco, travel across each time zone to learn what is going on in that location. Each time zone holds a descriptive excerpt about a life of a kid living there, accompanied by details of a meal that is eaten there too!

Brett, Jan
In preparation of the rains, Noah's granddaughter helps her family read the Ark and animals. Two-by-two the beautiful animals crowd into the Ark and she keeps herself busy making the animals comfortable hoping for the rains to stop.

Flournoy, Valerie
Tanya loves spending time with her Grandma. Grandma teaches Tanya the importance of using old scraps of material to make unique and warm quilts. One day Grandma gets sick before the quilt is complete. Tanya must help Grandma finish the quilt.

Garden, Nancy
When Molly draws a picture of her family, some students in her class say that her family is weird. They tell her she can't have two mommies. After talking to her teacher and her family, she realizes all families are different and that she is lucky to have two mommies.

Tang, Greg
Rhymes and mathematical strategies invite you to learn your multiplication facts.

Weaver, Alexis Rae
Hunter Bunny is eagerly awaiting for winter to arrive and is determined to take part in all the activities that come along with it. He visits his fellow animal friends who teach him to ski, skate and snowboard, but with Hunter Bunny's shorter leg, he is unable to be successful. With the help of his best friend Clark, the two find a way for Hunter to be able to ski in the animal ski race. Determined to win, Hunter Bunny practices day and night for the big competition and it pays off in the end when he brings home the first place ribbon.

Gilmore, Rachna
Today is a new day. What a glow! Gita is excited about Divali. The festival of lights and time to celebrate with family. There are things to prepare for the fathering of friends. And time passes just like day and night. Gita wonders no more with laughter.

Baylor, Byrd
Morning time is a sacred time. The beginning of a new day is about to unfold. There's a lot of movement around the world. Wake up to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

Cabrera, Jane
Come join the frogs, lions, and elephants as they spin around, stamp their feet, and flap their arms to the song If you're happy and you know it.

Medearis, Angela Shelf
An annoyed Lucy decides to go the library to get away from her brothers. The librarian gives her a book to quiet her brothers down. Once Lucy begins to read to her brothers, they quiet down and Lucy learns the positive effects of books.

Christian, Peggy
Real life photos capture children doing activities with rocks of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Can you remember the feel of a special rock in your hand?

Cressy, Judith
Go on an adventure around the world to many exciting places. Search through each painting for many objects. Create your own stories and imagine what life was like in each place.

Hoban, Lillian
Arthur longs to be his pen pal's big brother, so they can wrestle and do karate. He does not like having to jump rope with his little sister. But one day, he learns something very surprising about his pen pal.

Appelbaum, Diana
A young girl from Maine and a young girl from Santa Domingo learn about each other's home through Jacob the Sailor. The girl from Santa Domingo describes how to make chocolate, and the girl from Maine tells about making ice.

Joosse, Barbara M.
Robby awakes to find school is cancelled because of snow. Many fun things happen on his unexpected day off.

Barber, Barbara
Allie loves basketball, but she is often the only girl on the court. Buddy and other boys tease Allie about playing basketball. Allie believes in her ability and keeps practicing so that one day she can be better at basketball than the boys!

Kramer, Jennifer Evans
The ocean is an old, old place, and the exotic animals in the depths have learned to adapt to their surroundings. Can you find the creatures hidden on every page?

Smalls, Irene
Kevin loves spending time with his dad. Kevin learns that after he works hard, he can play hard with is dad. Kevin and his dad spend the day cleaning the house, then they play sports and go to the movies. Oh what fun!

Hutmacher, Kimberly
We run, jump, hop and rest, just like the critters and creatures featured in Paws, Claws, Hands, and Feet. Go along on the exciting dream journey from morning to night, playing alongside squirrels, monkeys, kangaroos, and penguins. Finally, as the sun sets, snuggle beneath the covers and snooze, with recollections of animals at play.

Greenstein, Elaine
One little lamb is shaved for wool. The wool is cleaned, combed, spun into yarn, dipped into dye, and transformed into a pair of mittens. A little girl visits the lambs while wearing mittens.

Herbert, Barbara N.
Danny moves to a new house and discovers a monster on the other side of their garden wall. The monster throws Dannyメs soccer ball back to him, talks, plays, and eats candy with Danny. At school the next day, Danny plays soccer and gets tripped. Both boys yell nasty names at each other. Then, Danny goes home to talk to the monster, Fred, but he wasnメt there. Later, a huge thunderstorm tears down the wall, and Danny sees that モFredヤ is the child that tripped him during soccer. They become fast friends, tear the wall down, and play soccer together

Cressy, Judith
Come enjoy history through a collection of famous paintings. Each has its own personality and story. Search through each painting for objects and colors. Get imaginative and create your own stories or interpretations about the paintings.

Collins, Suzanne
Charlie loves to play computerized games. When lightning strikes a nearby tower, Charlie's home is left without power. After several poor choices in finding something to occupy his time, Charlie discovers he can have fun without plugging in.

Shields, Carol Diggory
Food takes on a whole new perspective with a play on words. A steady rhythm is evident and the food springs to life. Makes you wonder what really happens when that refrigerator door closes.

Johnson, Angela
A little girl looks up to her older sister Kyla. Anything Kyla does, her little sister mimics. Her adoration for her sister is evident from waking up to bedtime.

Rockwell, Anne
The seasons are described through the activities of the bears, the weather, the changes in the environment, and the attire of Bear child.

Nevius, Carol
A group of children practice karate. They kick, punch, chant and roll as they learn the value of self discipline, respect, and self esteem in both self and others.

Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Through a poster contest at school, Minna and her family discover many ways they can recycle. Many of the other contestants' posters demonstrate ways to recycle, however Minna ultimately wins the contest through her poster that reminds everyone to re-re-remember, re-re-recycle every day.

Holman, Sandy Lynne
Montsho struggles with the dark color of his skin. Everything around him that is black is considered bad. Thankfully, Muntsho's grandfather teaches him to appreciate his black skin by telling him stories about his African heritage.

Borden, Louise
Learn the many colors, smells, and activities of each season. We start and finish the cycle with the caps, hats, socks, and mittens of winter.

Stevenson, James
Hubert and his family go on vacation to a beach. Hubert expects to play with other youngsters, but there are none. He never expects a grown-up could be fun too!

Rylant, Cynthia
The daily activities of a child who lives in the mountains are shown with many simple pleasures and warmth.

Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda and Lollipop are best friends. Lollipop is very shy and will only speak to Amanda. The two friends share secrets, dolls, and their childhood. Amanda and Lollipop have very different personalities that compliment each other. Amanda is very vocal and excited, whereas Lollipop is very shy and quiet.

Watts, Mabel
Mr. Hobbs is the town photographer who does well in his business until the town plans to start having activity weeks. The townspeople get so busy with each new activity that they don't pay much attention to Mr. Hobbs, until Take-A-Picture Week comes along.

Newton, Laura P
A little girl has a unique and special relationship with each of her aunts. She cooks, reads, sews, receives gifts, and talks with them. Her favorite aunt always remembers what to do and say.

Gomi, Taro
A little girl tells of all the things she has learned from her friends, animals, books, teachers, and schoolmates.

Wood, Douglas
Throughout the day, a dad shows his love for his son by showing him things that he can't do alone such as pitching a baseball very fast, reading a book to himself, fishing alone, and winning at cards.

Banyai, Istvan
Re-zoom represents a series of scenes, each from farther away. For example, an Indian is on a wrist watch worn by a man, who is painting a wall. Re-zoom illustrates different perspectives of the same scenes. (A Wordless Book).

Aylesworth, Jim
Children go through many different activities that they find enjoyable during these fourteen new verses of the original Mother Goose rhyme.

Scieszka, Jon//Smith, Lane
A collection of about fifteen different children's stories. All the stories have a humorous twist to them.

Kelley, True
There are many tools used for different tasks in different places. For example, there are names and pictures of each tool used in a garden, including a picture of a garden where many of the tools are being used.

Johnson, Angela
A young boy and his granddaddy spend a lot of time doing different activities together. For example, they fish, go to the ocean, play cards, talk to people, and learn about the past.

Flournoy, Valerie
William is a bright and active child who enjoys a variety of activities throughout his day.