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Chen Chih-Yuan
A rolling egg finds a home in a duck nest. It wasn't until three crocodiles find Guji Guji that she may not be a duck. The crocodiles ask Guji Guji to trap his family for them to eat. Instead Guji Guji, with the help of his duck family, drop heavy rocks into the crocodiles open mouths.
Bond, Felicia
One little bug goes for a walk and meets all kinds of new friends. They all stumble into a yellow house and find some food to eat. They all get tired and settle down in a little boy's bed. When the boy comes home, he celebrates with his nine new friends.
Ormerod, Jan
A young girl and a collection of different animals make up their own versions of the popular song, If you're happy and you know it! Characters do their own thing and express themselves in different ways while participating in a social activity.
Wolff, Ashley
Stella and Roy's little brother have a race with their scooter and tricycle to the popcorn stand. Stella thinks that she is so fast that she can stop and look around at everything during the race. Who do you think wins the race?
Goffin, Josse
A boy takes a silent journey to see many different animals so he can find a home for the egg that he found. Each animal refuses the egg until a bird takes the top off the egg. The boy sees his book inside.
Mashiri, Pascal
Gyiii-eee! This is the sound that calls a crocodile. In this land, the wealthy king takes Lulaba as his new wife. She eventually has Gobango as her only son. She tells Gobango of stories about her father calling crocodiles. Eventually Gobango has to flee from his mom or the dead kingメs enemies will kill him. He flees to meet Lulabaメs father, his grandfather. He goes on a fishing trip and meets one of the fishermanメs beautiful daughters, Nanjobe. Gobango asks her father if he can marry her. He says no because he isnメt rich enough to take care of his daughter. Therefore, he works to raise money for her. Six months later, Nanjobe is to marry an old man. Gobango and Nanjobe both hate this idea and flee to Gobangoメs boat. Nanjobeメs father sends people after the two, so Gobango calls the crocodiles, Gyiii-eee. Crocodiles surround their boat. The rest of the people search for the lovers and assuming they are dead, take their boats back to the village.
Mashiri, Pascal
Two friends need sleep. Unfortunately, snoring becomes a problem for one of them. The friend that solves the problem doesnメt get the sleep.
London, Jonathan
The story of the dramatic cycles of life on the African savanna, one of the last great, wild places on earth.
Bull, Schuyla
Follows a herd of elephants, including a playful young calf, as it slowly makes its way to Tsavo National Park in Kenya to the Mzima River during a long, dry season.
Kurtz, Jane//Kurtz, Christopher
A thirsty monkey waits as the larger animals drink from the water hole on the African savanna.
Musgrove, Margaret
Explains some traditions and customs of twenty-six African tribes beginning with the letters from A to Z.
Hoffman, Mary
According to the stories Grace read, her family is not normal. Grace's father lives in Africa while she and her mother live in America. Grace visits her father to learn about his new family and the African culture in Gambia. Grace's visit to Africa helps her to understand that her family is normal.
Ufer, David A.
A giraffe suffers from the fear of heights. His parents worry about his safety and send him to the village doctor for treatment. Along the way he befriends a monkey who is afraid of climbing trees and a hippo who is afraid of water. A life-threatening event causes the three friends to face and overcome each of their fears.
Beard, Alex
In Africa, the bird and the turtle are taking a walk and the turtle says that the humor at the watering hole is drying up. The bird misunderstands him and flies off to tell the elephant that the watering hole is drying up. The snake hears and goes to the watering hole but finds that it's full. Snake tells the crocodile that the watering hole might actually flood. This scares the crocodile, and one misunderstanding leads to another spreading chaos throughout the jungle.
Cohn, Scotti
Big cats are fierce predators that roam the world from the mountains to the deserts. How are these wild cats that hunt for their food the same as pet cats that might chase a mouse or ball of yarn? How are they different? The award-winning prequel to this book, One Wolf Howls, introduces children to counting and the months of the year as they watch the seasons changing. This sequel introduces children to the days of the week as they travel to seven different world habitats to meet the big cats, and then back home to compare and contrast the domestic cat's behavior to that of its relative. Compare and contrast big cat predators to little kitty cats each day of the week.
Talbot, Hudson
Carey is a young boy who goes on vacation to Kenya with his aunt. While there he learns about the culture and all of the animals.
Hadithi, Mwenye & Kennaway, Adrienne
Lazy lion orders everyone to build him a house, but he is not satisfied with it. When a big rain comes, all the other animals go into the house that was built for the lion to keep dry. This is why lions must roam the earth.
Waber, Bernard
A crocodile named Lyle has a big impact on those he meets in his community. One day, a member of his family loses his job. In the end this bad event is turned around into a job well done by everyone.
Brown, Marcia
A little hippo's mother teaches him to talk. Anytime he was with his mother he was not afraid, but one day he went to play alone and a crocodile grabbed him. When the little hippo shouted, his mother rescued him.
Pickett, Carla
A lion tries to tell Calvin the crocodile that he is king. Calvin does not believe him, so they have a contest to see who can make the loudest noise. The lion makes the loudest noise, which cracks the dam and the river floods the land. The crocodile helps the lion so he will not drown.
Donnio, Sylviane
One morning, Achilles the crocodile decides that he wants nothing more than to eat a child. His parents try everything to get Achilles to change his mind, but he refuses. He fails his mission and hunger winds up getting the best of him.
Thomas, Patricia
When an elephant announces that he is going to sneeze, all of the animals panic. If he sneezes, chaos will erupt by feathers flying off birds and stripes leaving zebras. Fortunately, the mouse has a plan, and it is up to him to save the animals from the elephant's devastating sneeze.
Waber, Bernard
Lyle the Crocodile is ready for Christmas, but his neighbor Mr. Grumps is having the blahs - enough blahs to make his cat Loretta run away. Lyle and the rest of his neighbors set out on a searching adventure where much excitement follows.
Waber, Bernard
Lyle, the crocodile, possesses incredible people skills. Sometime this gift can cause problems.
Bourgoing, Pascale
Do you know how a baby chick is hatched?Learn how other animals, birds, and fish lay eggs. Also learn the different ways that eggs are eaten by people, such as fried, caviar, chocolate, and hard-boiled.
Narahashi, Keiko
An adult and child play an imaginative question and answer game. The questions are real situations that Josie experiences, but Josie becomes wild animals when she uses her imagination to answer the questions.
Waber, Bernard
The Primms moved into their new house only to find Lyle, the crocodile, in their bathtub. They were afraid at first, but eventually they became good friends with Lyle.
Lionni, Leo
Cornelius, the crocodile, is able to walk upright by standing on his head. The other crocodiles become jealous when Cornelius brags about his skill.
West, C.
A parrot looks for a crocodile, and on the way, a dragonfly, frog, bumble bee, butterfly, and hummingbird join in the search. The crocodile is much closer than they realize, and they all get eaten by the crocodile.
Schubert, Ingrid
Peggy finds out that a crocodile is not such a bad friend after all. The two become good friends and enjoy many adventures together.
Kleven, Elisa
Ernst and Sol, two crocodile brothers, set out for the beach one morning. Sol suggests that they should start collecting various items along the beach. To Sol's disapproval, Ernst decides he wants to collect puddles. By the end of his tale, Ernst finds a creative use for his puddle collection.
Waber, Bernard
Lyle the crocodile and his mother live with Mr. and Mrs. Primm and their son, Jushua. One day, Mrs. Primm tells them she is going to have a baby. Lyle's mother gets a job as a nurse. Finally, a beautiful baby girl is born.
Hadithi, Mwenye
Chameleon is bullied by Leopard and Crocodile, so he comes up with a plan to teach them a lesson. Chameleon outsmarts his bullies and they never bother him again.
Waber, Bernard
Lyle, the crocodile, lives with the Primms who are preparing to celebrate Joshua's birthday. Lyle is jealous because he wants a party too. After Lyle does good deeds for others who are sick, the Primms throw him a party.
Dumbleton, Mike
Vanessa wakes up one morning pondering ideas of how to make money. So she goes and catches a crocodile and starts a service called Dial-a-Croc. When she finally sees how homesick the crocodile is, she lets him go, no strings attached!
Duvoisin, Roger
A crocodile lives on a farm. The animals are scared of the crocodile at first. The crocodile makes friends with the farmer's wife.
dePaola, Tomie
Bill, a crocodile, and Pete, his bird friend, have numerous adventures on the Nile River. Some of these include Bill's first day of school, an encounter with a bad guy, and various situations at home.
Banks, Kate
Upon entering the world, Baboon and his mother take a trip around the forest. For the first time, Baboon sees animals, water, fire, and even another baboon!While wandering about, Baboon and his mother talk about the great big world in which they live.
Christelow, Eileen
Mama and her five little monkeys want to sell their rusty old car, but they must first clean and paint it. When no one comes to buy it they attempt to move the car, but it ends up in a lake. The crocodiles help to get the car out of the lake then later buy it. With the money from the sale, the monkeys buy a new red convertible.
Lionni, Leo
Many animals go through several adventures. Some of them learn lessons, solve conflicts, and make discoveries.
Hayes, Ann
Join the parade as the drum major leads the rest of the marching smithereens down the street towards the cheering crowd. Each animal plays a different instrument to make a sound the crowd loves.
Egan, Tim
Arthur Crandall is granted three wishes from a magic fly. Since Arthur does not really believe in the magic fly, his wishes are not very thoughtful. Two of his wishes come true but they are mixed up. The third wish has the potential to change life as the Crandall's know it.
Leslie, Amanda
Can you guess what animals are hiding behind each clue? All kinds of creatures are hiding, from dogs and pigs to a little boy. Figure out the clue then turn the flap to find the answer.
Hill, Eric
Spot has not come to dinner so Spot's mom is on the look out for him. When searching for her son, she meets an array of other animals. Likewise she finds Spot and they enjoy their meal. (Flip Book)
Hoban, Russell
Arthur, the crocodile, lacks manners. Food falls out of his mouth, and he talks with his mouth full. He is invited to dinner at Alberta's house, so he tries to learn some table manners. He watches how Alberta eats and tries to eat the way she does.
Kipling, Rudyard
A small elephant is very curious about the world around him. He asks many questions to many animals but no one takes the time to answer. One day he asks a crocodile who pulls on his short nose to make it a long trunk. The elephant is unhappy at first but then realizes the advantages of his new trunk. This is how the elephant got a long trunk.
Christelow, Eileen
While on a picnic, five little monkeys decide to tease Mr. Crocodile. One by one they fall from the tree. In the end, the monkeys are found in another tree.
Banks, Kate
The bird, the monkey, and the snake all share a tree for a home in the jungle. They don't always get along, but when their tree falls over, they must go in search of a new home. Just when it seems like every home is already taken, they meet the frog who offers to share his home. Now that there are four in the tree, they must all get along.
dePaola, Tomie
Bill and his friend Pete go on a field trip down the Nile. They are in for a surprise when they encounter a jewel thief and save the precious jewel from being stolen.
Payne, Emmy
Katy Kangaroo does not have a pocket in which to carry her son, so she asks different animals to help her. She finally goes into the city and finds a man with an apron.