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Yamada, Kobi
An idea shows up in a child's life. The child wonders how it came to be and why it stays around. Sometimes the idea makes the child think, and sometimes it wants a lot of attention. The child worries about the idea and sometimes it needs food. The child lets the idea grow into the size of a dream. The child gains the ability to see things differently by walking on his hands. Eventually, the idea becomes part of everything, and it changes the world.
Ka, Olivier
A little boy adores his mother for being large. After speculation from others, the mother decides to go on a diet. The son does the same. The two come to a conclusion to no longer diet and to enjoy food once again.
Bonsall, Crosby
A boy has a hard time dealing with his younger sister while teaching her the rules of hide-and-seek. She just won't listen! Uggh...being a big brother can be tough!
DePaola, Tomie
Tommy knows the story of Peter Rabbit by heart. When his class decides to put on the production he wants to be cast in the roll of Peter. Tommy is so excited he does not pay attention to his teacher and as a result gets cast as Mopsy. However, Tommy has a plan to keep him in the spotlight.
Berry, Joy
A girl names Casey tries all the wrong ways to get attention from her Mom and Dad. Eventually she finds solutions for achieving attention the right way and learns how to help others as well.
Gilmore, Rachna
Today is a new day. What a glow! Gita is excited about Divali. The festival of lights and time to celebrate with family. There are things to prepare for the fathering of friends. And time passes just like day and night. Gita wonders no more with laughter.
Cochran, Bill
Ted's parents are divorced but that doesn't make him weird. His elbows have nicknames and he sleeps with a sock on one foot, and he admits that may make him weird. Ted lists off many other facts about himself that may seem weird to others, but that's him and he is happy the way he is! He is sad though when his parents can't hug him at the same time.
Scamell, Ragnhild
The unlikely answer to a wish is a scruffy old cat that has to win the heart of a little girl. It takes a cold snowy day to make his wish come true.
Hudson, Wade
Tyrone Rashon Williams goes to school on the first day, excited about his new sneakers that he bought himself. He is disappointed when he gets there and finds that everyone has the same ones, and there is a new student, Tyrone Rashon Williams. Tyrone must deal with both of his problems, and get things back to normal.
Demas, Corinne
Emma's dog ,Toby, always seems to be in trouble. When Emma gives him more attention, he still gets into trouble. At dog training school, he is the best dog and receives a diploma after all the classes, but he still gets into trouble. So Emma takes him back to the school, and leaves Toby with the teacher for a week. When he comes back, Toby seems like the perfect dog, but Emma soon finds out, no dog is perfect.
de Seve, Randall
The Duchess of Whimsy is very well known to be extravagant, through her celebrations, clothing, and conversation. The Earl of Norm is quite the opposite; in fact the Duchess thinks he is rather ordinary. However her father tells her, their two kingdoms have to be friends. The Earl of Norm loves the Duchess of Whimsy and goes to extraordinary lengths to try to impress her, but none of them impress her. One night at supper the cook becomes sick, so all the Duchess' guests try to impress her with their cooking. However the one food that impresses her is the one ordinary food. Cooked by whom?
Wood, Aubrey
Charley's alphabet becomes worried when they learn that little x is missing. They set off on an adventure to find little x and experience a problem when they do.
Brown, Marc
Arthur's family is excited about their trip to the circus on Saturday. On Monday, Arthur gets the chicken pox. His younger sister, Dora, is jealous of all the attention Arthur receives. By Saturday, Arthur feels better, but then Dora has the chicken pox.
Williams, Vera B.
Three different families give their babies love. First a father, then a grandmother, then a mother shower their baby with attention and affection.
dePaola, Tomie
Big Anthony is born, and from the beginning cannot seem to pay attention. This gets him in trouble, where ever he travels.
Davenier, Christine
Leon falls in love with Albertine, but he's not sure how to get her attention. Leon takes the advice of his friends, but no matter how hard he tries, Albertine does not notice him. What will it take for Leon to win the love of Albertine?
Supraner, Robyn
A girl is upset that her brother causes all the trouble but then never gets in trouble with their parents. She feels because she is older, she gets into more trouble. Finally, she finds the true advantages of being older.
Waber, Bernard
There could not possibly be a mouse at the Park Snoot Hotel could there?The hotel staff did not see a mouse as they make their rounds through the hotel. When the mouse catchers extraordinaire, Hyde and Snide, come to the hotel, they do not find a mouse. The clever mouse gets to keep his nice home at the hotel because no one can find him.
Denton, Kady MacDonald
Trying to get noticed with a new baby in the house, Anna pretends to be different animals. But even a lion, the biggest, loudest animal of all, still needs a nap!
Inkpen, Mick
A little stuffed animal is left behind when a family moves to a bigger house. During the toy's journey to finding his owner, he encounters the family cat who takes him to his new home.
Knight, Joan
The new baby in the family is smothered with kisses and love. Tired of the excessive attention the baby floats into the air after his uncle tosses him up. The baby does not come down until the family realizes that he has too much of some things and not enough of others.
Duncan, Lois
A cat enjoys spending time with its owner, but yearns for adventures of the night. The cat waits for night to fall so that all the memories will come back again. When morning dawns, the cat returns to being a familiar pet.
Zolotow, Charlotte
A sister tells her younger brother all the different things that she will do for him. She will bring him things that will apply to his five senses. Most of all, she brings her brother her love and attention.
Noble, Trinka Hakes
Maggie tells Jimmy that his Boa constricter was at her mother's Garden Club meeting. She goes through a huge story about what happened because of this snake.
Mills, Claudia
Rachel is excited when she and her family visit her cousin Amy-Claire. When Amy-Claire pays more attention to Rachel's little sister, Rachel is hurt and angry. Rachel realizes that it is special to be a big sister.
Zolotow, C.
A little girl tries to get her busy mother to play with her by doing a series of silly things, from pouring water on her head to climbing into the big wastebasket.
Keller, Holly
Geraldine resents her new baby brother and all the attention he gets. Her feelings change after she spends more time with him.
Smith, Peter
At first, Lenny is unhappy because her brother is too young to play with, but soon he joins in the fun.
Joseph, Lynn
The Trinidad carnival is coming up and Lily's sister Christine is getting all the attention from her family over her hummingbird costume. Lily wishes that she could wear a fancy costume and jump up at the children's carnival too. When the big day comes, Lily helps Christine have courage to go up on the stage.
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
A little boy's mother never pays attention to him so he does everything possible just to get her to notice him. Of all his crazy ideas and stories, he only tells one that will get his mother to listen.
Shimin, Symeon
Sam is a little boy who is told by everyone that he is too young to help out around the house. When Sam begins to cry, the perfect job is found for Sam.
Lears, Laurie
When you are a child, waiting can be a very difficult task. Stephen finds a reason to wait in order to rescue a goose from a metal trap. Stephen's persistence with nature brings him a special moment.
Cooke, Trish
A baby shares the love and attention that he gets from his family. From the moment the doorbell rings to bring in baby's Auntie, Uncle, Nannie, Gran-Gran, and cousins, lots of hugs and kisses, ooohing and aaahing, keep baby happy and loved. Wait until you see the eating, singing, and dancing until baby goes to sleep!
Gretz, Susanna//Sage, Allison
When William catches a cold, all of the bears pull together to take care of William and help him get better.
Shields, Carol Diggory
A little girl dreams of being a princess. In her imaginary world, everything seems perfect. Finally she realizes her life isn't so bad.
Sage, James
Sassy Gracie has a pair of big, red, heeled shoes. She loves to prance around the house in them despite the fact they get on the cook's nerves. One day the cook is off and she is free to dance about the kitchen. The master has asked her to prepare two chickens for his guest. While they are cooking, she dances and dances until she gets hungry. She eats the chickens just as the guest arrives. Find out how she handles the situation.
Waber, Bernard
When the new lion, Shirley Williamson, arrives at the zoo, all the other lions are jealous of the attention she receives from the public. After the zoo director changes Shirley's name to Bongo and fires her keeper, Shirley runs away. Luckily, she goes to her trainer's house and he returns Shirley to the zoo.
Alexander, Martha
Rebecca has a hard time convincing her busy family that there is a moose tearing up their garden. Rebecca runs the moose out of the garden by herself. When her family finally comes out to see what Rebecca is talking about, the moose and the garden are gone. Rebecca eventually moves onto a new project.
Soto, Gary
One day, a man brings el puerto (a door) to the neighbor's barbeque instead of el puerco (a pig). On his way to the picnic, the door becomes very useful when he carries many things on it. Once he gets to the barbeque, his wife tells him about the pig and it is all a big joke.
London, Jonathan
Froggy discovers the truth behind having a crush. His clumsiness and confusion lead him to discover his one true love, his mother.
Collington, Peter
Tibs, the cat, is tired of waiting for his family to feed him every morning, so he decides to start doing it himself!This encourages Tibs to embark on different adventures around town. Everyone thinks that Tibs is such a clever cat, but a turn of events makes Tibs he really that clever?
Wells, Rosemary
Nora is always waiting as her parents take care of her siblings, Jack and Kate. To get some attention she decides to knock over and even bring things in the house. Finally, after they tell her to hush, she decides to leave. Will the family notice her absence?
Henkes, Kevin
Lilly wants to be a teacher like Mr. Slinger. She always says wonderful things about him until one day he takes her purple plastic purse away. For revenge, Lilly draws a nasty picture of Mr. Slinger which makes her feel worse than before. This teaches Lilly that revenge is the wrong way to resolve conflict.
Gehret, Jeanne
A child struggles through life with Attention Deficit Disorder. He goes to the doctor and learns several things that makes life easier.
Yolen, Jane
King Long Shanks is known for his fine, long and strong legs and he is quite proud of them. One day two tailors arrive at the palace promising they can make an outfit to show off his legs!The outfit also promises to be a true test of loyalty for the people of the kingdom.
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
A little girl looks out her window only to see broken glass and trash in the court yard. She remembers her mother once told her everyone should have something beautiful. She sets out to look for something beautiful in her neighborhood.
Anholt, Laurence
A new baby is coming, and Sophie's going to be a big sister!She helps her mother and father prepare for the arrival of the baby, but when her little brother is born, she wishes that her family could give him back!Sophie slowly begins to realize that having a new brother might not be so bad after all.
Ehlert, Lois
A very interesting circus with many performing animals and other acts are described.