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  • Tags: adaptation
Palazeti, Toulla
A wonderful cycle of giving begins when a single seed is planted and sprouts are passed along from one person to the next. An entire community is touched.

Mueller, Doris
Long ago, magpie nests were the envy of all other birds. To help the other birds, Maggie Magpie patiently explains how to build a nest. But some birds are impatient and fly off without listening to all the directions, which is why, to this day, bird nests come in all different shapes and sizes. This clever retelling of an old English folktale teaches the importance of careful listening.

Restrepo, Bettina
It isn't always easy being a moose but this young moose has a special joke-telling friend to keep him company and to help him find his way. Join Moose, Magpie, and other animal friends as they frolic through a year of changes.

Kramer, Jennifer Evans
The ocean is an old, old place, and the exotic animals in the depths have learned to adapt to their surroundings. Can you find the creatures hidden on every page?

Hutmacher, Kimberly
We run, jump, hop and rest, just like the critters and creatures featured in Paws, Claws, Hands, and Feet. Go along on the exciting dream journey from morning to night, playing alongside squirrels, monkeys, kangaroos, and penguins. Finally, as the sun sets, snuggle beneath the covers and snooze, with recollections of animals at play.

Ring, Susan
Little Turtle is lost. Free from his egg, he climbs out into a big, new world. Lost and alone, he wonders where does he really belong? He needs help, but where can he turn?

Kurtz, Kevin
Watch the animals that have adapted to this ever-changing environment as they hunt for food or play in the sun. Learn how the marsh grass survives even though it is covered by salt water twice a day.

Love, Donna
Henry the heron can't stand still. He is always moving, and it drives everyone crazy. All herons have to stand still to catch their food, so how will Henry ever be able to eat on his own? Henry learns a valuable lesson from the King of Camouflage, which teaches the importance of just being still.

Cohn, Scotti
Big cats are fierce predators that roam the world from the mountains to the deserts. How are these wild cats that hunt for their food the same as pet cats that might chase a mouse or ball of yarn? How are they different? The award-winning prequel to this book, One Wolf Howls, introduces children to counting and the months of the year as they watch the seasons changing. This sequel introduces children to the days of the week as they travel to seven different world habitats to meet the big cats, and then back home to compare and contrast the domestic cat's behavior to that of its relative. Compare and contrast big cat predators to little kitty cats each day of the week.

Love, Donna
Chicken Little may have thought the sky was falling but Peter Pika is sure the glaciers are melting and is off to talk tot he Mountain Monarch about it. Joined along the way by friends Tammy Ptarmigan, Sally Squirrel, Mandy Marmot, and Harry Hare, they all wonder what will happen to them if the glaciers melt. Where will they live, how will they survive? When Wiley Wolverine tries to trick them, can the Mountain Monarch save them? More importantly, can the Mountain Monarch stop the glaciers from melting?

Munro, Roxie
Enjoy a giant dinosaur, a flying reptile, a dinosaur with plates and spikes on its body, and even a baby dinosaur cracking out of their shells. There is a ferocious dinosaur that eats meat and vegetarian dinosaurs that hide from carnivores. Look inside the dinosaurs and you'll see a dynamic view of eight dinosaur skeletons. Look outside the dinosaurs and you'll see sweeping paintings of these creatures as they once lived on our planet.

Mitchell, Susan K.
Imaginations soar while following the circle of life in the rainforest. Children learn about the wide variety of creatures lurking in the jungle. Search each page to find unique rainforests with bugs and butterflies hiding in the illustrations.

Crawford, Laura
An arctic adaptation of モThis is the House that Jack Builtヤ follows polar bears, walruses, seals, narwhals, and beluga whales as they chase each other around モthe ice that floats in the Arctic waters.ヤ Learn how these animals live in the cold, icy arctic region.

Cohn, Scotti
The months of the year and the numbers 1 through 12 are used in rhyming text to introduce children to the behavior of wolves in natural settings.