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Stocker, Shannon
Evelyn Glennie grew up in Scotland where her Dad played the accordion and her Mom played the organ. Evelyn played the piano and clarinet until she began to lose her hearing. But that did not stop her love of music. In secondary school, Evelyn played percussion instruments. Through the genius of Mr. Forbes, her music teacher, he had Glennie take out her hearing aids and make sounds that vibrated and resonated through her whole body. In fact, her whole body responded like one large hearing organ. She went on to study at the Royal Academy of Music and received the prestigious Queen's Commendation for both music and academics. Later, tthe Queen of England knighted her and the world listened as she toured to perform in forty countries and win two Grammy Awards.
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.
Larson, Elaine Marie
Explore this alphabetical enumeration of individual traits that make children and others from the autism spectrum rich with unique features, talents, and abilities.
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Through the eyes and thoughts of a child, an imagination opens up to wonderment and original dreams. Many things can be happening all at once and that can be overwhelming. Places for hiding and spaces for shadows makes this geographical experience an artistic escape depicting a museum of everything.
Carle, Eric
Slowly, slowly, slowly... the sloth moves through the day. Many animals are curious as to why the sloth is so slow, quiet, boring, and lazy!? In a short description of the sloth written and provided by Jane Goodall at the beginning of the book, she states that sloths are delightful, gentle, peace-loving creatures.
Carlson, Nancy
A very fine pig lists all the good qualities she sees in herself, along with what helps her cope when she's feeling low. She points out that nothing is better than being yourself. She paints, rides her bike, reads good books, and takes care of herself.
Brown, Marc
Arthur does not like his nose! Although his friends and family like Arthur's nose just the way it is, he feels that it is always getting in the way and decides to get a new nose!
Shannon, David
Camilla Cream absolutely enjoys eating lima beans. She is afraid though that her friends will make fun of her for eating them. After getting dressed one morning, she looks in the mirror to find herself covered in stripes! If she thought eating lima beans was embarassing, what will her peers think of her stripes?
Nolan, Jerdine
Momma Mary goes back in time and tells stories of a unique young man named Jabe, who is responsible for creating magic among the slaves of the Plenty Plantation. He is described as a hero with the strength of fifty men, a big heart, and a wondrous gift at leading slaves away to freedom.
Weaver, Alexis Rae
Hunter Bunny is eagerly awaiting for winter to arrive and is determined to take part in all the activities that come along with it. He visits his fellow animal friends who teach him to ski, skate and snowboard, but with Hunter Bunny's shorter leg, he is unable to be successful. With the help of his best friend Clark, the two find a way for Hunter to be able to ski in the animal ski race. Determined to win, Hunter Bunny practices day and night for the big competition and it pays off in the end when he brings home the first place ribbon.
Wilson, Sarah
When George begins a new school different from his old planet, he is worried he won't fit in. When the school play comes around, he thinks of a perfect costume to impress his classmates.
Whitcomb, Mary E.
Velvet is different from all her other classmates. After thinking she is quite odd, that students decide she's not reall that different after all. They admire Velvet's picture of an apple and love going to her unique birthday party.
Seuss, Dr.
Read and explore the uniqueness of everything around us. Everything and everyone has their own body shape, and we should be proud of the one we have.
Hegi, Ursula
Trudi dreams of being tall and feels there are no other dwarfs like her until she meets Pia who teaches her to accept the way she is and that she is not alone. Pia talks about when other drawfs from around the world in Russia, Italy, France and Portugal, Trudi learns to feel normal and beautiful.
Appelt, Kathi
A young girl examines all the traits that make her the unique individual that she is. She talks about her body parts, feelings and different figures of speech.
Pinkey, Sandra L.
Common traits of African Americans are correlated with illuminating photographs. Traits such as skin color, hair texture, and eye color are described. Discover the diversity among the African American culture and how this culture is unique to others.
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
An unusual, atypical monster comes to checkout a city and observes a variety of different events taking place. His excursion through the city leads him to a group of children playing and swinging in an park. The monster joins them in this activty. Since the monster had an enjoyable and pleasant experience in the city, he decides to make it his home.
Newman, Leslea
Victor's favorite cat Charlie dies. Victor is very sad that his cat died. He ends up getting a new kitten named Shelly. Victor doesn't understand why Shelly doesn't do the same things that Charlie did. Victor soon discovers that even though Shelly is a different cat and is not like Charlie, she is unique and his new favorite pet.
Cochran, Bill
Ted's parents are divorced but that doesn't make him weird. His elbows have nicknames and he sleeps with a sock on one foot, and he admits that may make him weird. Ted lists off many other facts about himself that may seem weird to others, but that's him and he is happy the way he is! He is sad though when his parents can't hug him at the same time.
Ormerod, Jan
A young girl and a collection of different animals make up their own versions of the popular song, If you're happy and you know it! Characters do their own thing and express themselves in different ways while participating in a social activity.
Gilmore, Rachna
Gita is very excited about celebrating her favorite Hindu holiday, Divali, a festival of lights. But this year things are different and she must celebrate this special holiday in her new home. This transition is hard for Gita and made even more difficult by the seasonal rain. With the help from her parents, Gita must learn how to carry her beliefs and memories into her new home and make this year's Divali, a holiday to remember.
Polacco, Patricia
Patricia Polacco tells the story about her sibling rivalry with her brother. She wanted to be able to do something better than he could. Eventually, her wish comes true, but not exactly the way she had imagined.
Pilkey, Dav
Oscar is teased by the other dogs because of his oblong shape. He soon proves that a dog his shape can do things that other dogs cannot.
Shannon, Margaret
Instead of eating princesses, Elvira the dragon would rather dress like them. She is independent and wants to live life in her own unqiue way.
Heling, K. & Hembrook, D.
Rosa goes to elaborate and comical lengths to have freckles like Abby. She realizes she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for freckles. Rosa gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.
Scamell, Ragnhild
The unlikely answer to a wish is a scruffy old cat that has to win the heart of a little girl. It takes a cold snowy day to make his wish come true.
Beaumont, Karen
An African American girl tells about the characteristics she likes about herself and the different circumstances in which she likes herself. She is proud of herself no matter where she is or what silly things she is doing. She knows what really counts is inside her and shares this knowledge in an energetic story with imaginative illustrations.
Watson, Pete
An American boy comes to understand and admire the rich culture and traditions of West Africa.
Curtis, Jennifer Keats
Imagine finding turtle eggs in your sandbox! When a mother diamondback terrapin lays eggs in a young girlメs sandbox, the girl becomes a モturtle-sitterヤ to help the babies safely hatch. She raises the teeny hatchlings until they become big enough to fend for themselves in the wild. Then, with the help of experts, she releases them. Along the way, she learns about these unique animals and that she has made an important contribution to their survival.
Clements, Andrew
Shrimpy learns that he is special in his own way, despite being different. He gets involved in a social activity then contributes his idea to solve a problem to help a friend in need.
Boedoe, Geefwee
In the town of Arrowville disagreement and frenzy is a way of life, but a young girl named Barb wants to agree and get along. She gets in trouble for this and runs away. At the same time the Targets make a wrong turn and end up in Arrowville. The Arrows think they are invaders. It is Barb who helps the Arrows and Targets come together and understand each other.
Stadler, Alexander
A young girl receives a trunk full of costumes for her birthday. Her new found love for acting has her trying out for the school play. On the day of auditions she gets stagefright. While, at first she is disappointed with the outcome, she makes the best of it in the end.
Dr. Suess
A little boy makes unique noises instead of talking. He doesn't seem to fit in anywhere and is lonely. He is found by a man who has a radio station. He appreciates the boy's abilities.
D'Amico, Carmela
Suki does not act the same way as the other bunnies. He is loud and always excited to play and explore. One day his curiosity takes him out into a new world and he gets lost. In the end it is his loud voice that helps him find his way back home.
Ziefert, Harriet
Pete's picture of a chicken doesn't make it to the classroom bulliten board. Is it really that funny?
Komaiko, Leah
A young girl goes out into her neighborhood and finds many extraordinary things. What do you think about grown ups lining up for recess and poodles getting married?
Lionni, Leo
A snail tells his father that he wants to have the biggest house in the world. His father tells him a story about a snail who said the same thing and his house got so big he could not move. The little snail realizes he is happy the way he is.
Komaiko, Leah
Katy's family is of Yiddish decent, born in Mexico. However; Katy's Aunt Elaine enjoys spanich dancing and speaking spanish phrases. Katy attends one of Aunt Elaine's dance shows and realizes why her aunt grealty enjoys spanish dancing.
Pak, Soyung
A little boy name Juno receives a letter from his grandmother in Seoul, Korea. He's unable to read the letter since it is written in her native language, but he's able to gain an understanding of it from the photograph and dried flower that accompanies it. Juno decides to send a letter of his own in a very inventive way.
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
A very tall young girl was unhappy about being six inches taller than her friends. Then she realizes that being tall enables her to do many more things then most girls her age. Most of all, she learns that it is fun to be special.
Lear, Edward
Four children travel around the world in less than 18 weeks. They stop at many different islands and countries and find that each is unique.
Lobel, Arnold
Unusual birds like the waterglass goose, ice cream coot, and highbutton bobolink are described in verse.
Hutchins, Pat
Ella and Emily, a pair of identical twins, dress up as witches for a Halloween party. No one can tell which witch is which. Eventually, their choice of food, games, and colors help to tell them apart.
Burningham, John
A young boy and his imaginary friend, Aldo, grow up together. The imaginary friend helps the boy cope and get through the rough times.
Maclear, Kyo
Spork feels left out. He has a spoon and a fork for parents, which makes him unique compared to the other cutlery. He is never chosen in the kitchen, until something comes along that neither forks nor spoons can handle. His uniqueness comes in handy!
Herron, Carolivia
Brenda has nappy hair all over her head. Her Uncle Mordecai tells the story that God gave Brendy nappy hair even though the angels tried to talk him out of it. Brenda is special, because God created the only perfect circle in nature in one nap of her hair.
Townsend, Kenneth
Felix, the lion, is embarassed about his bald head and will do anything to cover it up, including stealing hats from people. When none of the hats work, Felix becomes discouraged. With the help of a friendly colonel, Felix becomes the talk of the town.
Jackson, Isaac
Jerome becomes good friends with Robert, a new boy at school. On the night that Jerome sleeps over at Robert's house, Robert shares a pair of his pajamas. Jerome learns that it's okay if people do things a little differently.
Waber, Bernard
A very special firefly deals with his uniqueness. It is not easy to be different, but this story shows it is okay to be different.
Miles, Miska
A gosling spends the day with his father, not understanding why his father honks so loudly. That evening, the loud honking saves many farm animals from being surprised by a coyote attack. The gosling understands the value of the honking and hopes to someday emulate it.