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Carlson, Nancy
George's first day of school is ruined by Big Mike, who bullies George and steals his lunch. All week, George does everything he can to keep Big Mike happy. However, George can't live in fear forever! George and his friend Harriet spend the weekend devising a plan to stop Big Mike and his evil ways.
Choi, Sook Nyul
Yunmi wants her grandmother, Halmoni to feel at home in New York City. However, Halmoni is having trouble adjusting to the American customs that differ so much from the customs of her native Korea. Yunmi's friends suggest that Halmoni chaperone the annual class picnic to Central Park. It may be an opportunity to open-up and feel comfortable in her new home.
Brown, Marc
Arthur does not like his nose! Although his friends and family like Arthur's nose just the way it is, he feels that it is always getting in the way and decides to get a new nose!
Garden, Nancy
When Molly draws a picture of her family, some students in her class say that her family is weird. They tell her she can't have two mommies. After talking to her teacher and her family, she realizes all families are different and that she is lucky to have two mommies.
de Vries, Anke
Grey Mouse is feeling lonely, so she decides to change her color in order to feel better about herself. However, all of the other animals laugh at her each time she does this. She finally realizes that she is happiest with her natural grey color when she finds other mice friends that look like her.
Blance, Ellen & Cook, Ann
Monster gets a bike for his birthday. Monster doesn't know how to ride a bike. He is discouraged. The little boy and his friends try to help him, but he is too big. Lady monster comes to help and encourages him. Monster learns how to ride his bike just like all the others in the park.
Garland, Sherry
A young boy is fascinated with his neighbor. He watches the neighbor's actions and understands his feelings. Unfortunately, no one notices the boy.
Greenfield, Eloise
A little boy's mother brings him home a new sister instead of a new baby brother. All of the attention goes to the new baby at first. In the end, the little boy becomes a protective big brother and thinks it is pretty neat to have a little sister.
Breinburg, Petronella
Shawn has always wanted to go to school. When his mother takes him to school on his first day, he cries. After feeling welcome by his classmates and teacher, he is happy to be at school.
Bunting, Eve
A little boy and his father describe their homelessness and how they live in an airport. They find hope for leaving the airport in a bird that they see trapped and eventually finding freedom and a way out.
Girard, Linda Walvoord
Katie experiences feelings of loneliness and self-blame when her parents get divorced. Her fears of her father disappearing from her life are dispelled as she develops a special bond with him in his new home.
Kindred, Wendy
Wilma sees her father only on Saturdays when they go to museums and parks. However, one Saturday, they are forced to just spend time being together and they enjoy this much better.
Goff, Beth
Jane's parents get a divorce. At first she is angry and she feels that it is her fault. Then she regains her faith and stability and realizes both of her parents love her and are not going to abandon her.
Kuskin, Karla
Herbert hates being small, and Philomel hates being tall. They meet and see that they are the same height. They then understand that size is based on perspectives such as who you are standing next to.
Hoagland Hunter, Sara
A young boy is insecure about moving away and leaving what is familiar to him. His grandfather tells about the time when he felt the same way and how he grew proud of his accomplishments.
Browne, Anthony
Willy is a monkey that tries to succeed at many different things. Everytime Willy tries something, he is made fun of. Willy accidentally beats up the bully and becomes the champ.
Guest, Elissa Haden
Iris is disappointed when her family moves to the country. There are no other children to play with and it is very boring for her. No one can seem to cheer Iris up, and then Grandpa comes along. He asks her to take a walk down the road. Will this walk help Iris find what she has been missing?
Mitchell, Rita Phillips
Hue Boy is very concerned about his height. Everyone thinks that he is too short. He and his mother try every possible remedy, but nothing works. Finally, Hue Boy's father returns, and Hue Boy loses his feelings of smallness through his pride of being with his father.
Korschunow, Irina
A young dragon comes to stay with Adam for a while and they help each other overcome the problems that make their school days unhappy.