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Ka, Olivier
A little boy adores his mother for being large. After speculation from others, the mother decides to go on a diet. The son does the same. The two come to a conclusion to no longer diet and to enjoy food once again.
Archambault, John/ Martin Jr, Bil
The human body is an amazing organism, starting with our hands and feet. Children go through each of our body parts and point out important functions that each can do. For example " Here are my hands for catching and throwing. Here are my feet for stopping and going." Learns lots about your body parts with this rhyming text.
Carlson, Nancy
A very fine pig lists all the good qualities she sees in herself, along with what helps her cope when she's feeling low. She points out that nothing is better than being yourself. She paints, rides her bike, reads good books, and takes care of herself.
Blance, E. & Cook, A.
Monster has a new-found hobby; painting! His inspired friends crowd into his house to try painting too. In order to avoid a mess, Monster invites his friends to go outside and paint an old brown wall in the city. Together, they create a beautiful mural of a park. It is eye-catching and makes everyone in the community happy!
Seuss, Dr.
Read and explore the uniqueness of everything around us. Everything and everyone has their own body shape, and we should be proud of the one we have.
de Vries, Anke
Grey Mouse is feeling lonely, so she decides to change her color in order to feel better about herself. However, all of the other animals laugh at her each time she does this. She finally realizes that she is happiest with her natural grey color when she finds other mice friends that look like her.
Barber, Barbara
Allie loves basketball, but she is often the only girl on the court. Buddy and other boys tease Allie about playing basketball. Allie believes in her ability and keeps practicing so that one day she can be better at basketball than the boys!
Brown, Marc
Arthur's friends tease him when he gets glasses. Soon other children get glasses, and Arthur learns to wear his glasses with pride.
Heling, K. & Hembrook, D.
Rosa goes to elaborate and comical lengths to have freckles like Abby. She realizes she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for freckles. Rosa gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.
Berger, Melvin
What makes you sneeze? Why is it so hard to get rid of the hiccups, or you hold back a yawn? Inside, you'll find the answer to these questions about reflexes, and you'll also learn lots of easy experiments to try out on your friends.
Wolff, Patricia
Santa is determined to become a new and improved Santa. He changes his hair, loses weight, and changes his clothing style. The children are not happy with his changes; they want the old Santa back.
Agell, Charlotte
Diversity in the world is shown through rhythmical lyrics and warm pictures. Diversity also includes the names of major body parts and functions.
Gershater, Phillis
Challenging stereotypical gender roles, Tiny and Bigman illustrate the unique people skills people have to help the world go around and to make a happy family. Tiny learns to use her large size, strength, and booming voice to help people in her community. Tiny falls in love with a small man who is hard of hearing. She builds their house, and he cooks and cleans.
Gackenbach, Dick
A little girl's panda, Poppy, would not got to bed until it had something to wear like the other stuffed animals. The little girl could not satisfy the bear. Her mother tied a bow around his neck to make him happy and he went to bed.
Narahashi, K.
A young boy tells about his special friend -- his shadow -- whose shape disappears with the dark.
Souhami, Jessica
An old woman is on her way to her granddaughter's house for dinner, but meets many animals on her way. In order to escape the animals, she promises to come back all fat and fed. The animals are outwitted when the old woman is disguised as a pumpkin.
Hamilton, Virginia
Jahdu uses creativity to outwit his shadow in order to recover his magic dust.
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
A very tall young girl was unhappy about being six inches taller than her friends. Then she realizes that being tall enables her to do many more things then most girls her age. Most of all, she learns that it is fun to be special.
Zavos, J.//Drahos, Z.
Murgatroyd screams whenever his parents wash his hair so they stop washing it and a huge garden -- complete with animals -- grows on his head. When Murgatroyd can no longer stand up under his garden, he realizes that hairwashing really isn't so bad!
Duvoisin, Roger
Petunia realizes she is too heavy to fly so she starts doing calisthenics to get into shape. When she does fly, she gets blown into the city and she sees how small she is in proportion to other things. She misses her home and takes a train back there.
Smith, Lane
A little boy is reluctant to get a pair of glasses because he is afraid of how he will look. The doctor points out all the neat images that the boy can see with his glasses on. He is amazed at what he can see with glasses.
Munsch, Robert
One day Stephanie shows up at school with her hair in a ponytail. At first all of her friends make fun of her, but she quickly becomes a trend-setter. When Stephanie tricks everyone into shaving their heads, they aren't very happy with her.
Marshall, James
Emily, the pig, decides she needs to lose weight. She takes a walk then eats everything in sight. Eugene Turtle suggests that walking is a good way for losing weight.
Garrison, Christian
Two brothers, one fat and one thin, live together. Flam eats all the food and leaves nothing for Flim. So Flim decides to trick Flam into drinking the pond by placing a piece of cheese in the middle of it. Flam drinks the whole pond not realizing the cheese was the reflection of the moon. When Flam cannot move, Flim eats a very satisfying meal.
Brandenburg, Franz
Otto is sad because he is an octopus and has eight arms. He feels different from everyone else. He learns that eight arms are better than two and that it is okay to be different.
Silverstein, Shel
A circle is missing a piece. She rolls along singing and looking for her missing piece. She comes across several pieces that do not fit, butshe finally finds her missing piece.
O'Malley, Kevin
A young girl visits Fantasy Park and gets to play golf, games, and eat ice cream. She is not tall enough to ride the roller coaster though. This year she has grown and now she can ride the roller coaster.
Herron, Carolivia
Brenda has nappy hair all over her head. Her Uncle Mordecai tells the story that God gave Brendy nappy hair even though the angels tried to talk him out of it. Brenda is special, because God created the only perfect circle in nature in one nap of her hair.
Roca, Nuria
Your body can do so many things. When you were born, you were only a baby. Then as you grew, you learned how to walk, eat, hear, taste, smell, see, and touch things. It is important to take care of your body so that it can continue to sense the world around you.
Benson, Patrick
Pip is a three-year old penguin. She is much smaller than some of the other penguins that are three years old, and this worries her. Eventually,she realizes that size does not matter because friendship goes beyond appearance.
Adoff, Arnold
A little girl is named Flamboyan after a tree that is the color of her hair. One day, she imagines she is flying over her city, and she tells of all that she would see.
Asch, Frank
Bear wishes he could fly like Little Bird, and Little Bird wants to be big and strong like Bear. Both of them got their wishes fulfilled in a very creative and imaginative way.
Wiseman, B.
Morris thinks that every animal with four legs and a horn is a moose. The cow and deer disagree with him. When they all go to get a drink in the pond, they see that they are all different.
Lionni, Leo
Little blue and little yellow are good friends. One day they are playing and they hugged each other and became green. When they went home, their parents sent them away because they did not look the same. Little blue and little yellow both began to cry and they turned back into blue and yellow.
Joyce, William
George wakes up one day to find he has shrunk. He spends the day trying to complete the tasks his parents have left for him to do.
Browne, Anthony
Willy is called Willy the Wimp by the local gorilla gang. One day he sees an ad in his comic book on how to stop being a wimp. He starts exercising, eating healthy, and lifting weights to the point where the gorilla gang becomes afraid of Willy.
Buckley, Helen E.//Eagle, Eleen
A little girl has many dreams of things she would like to do with her father. She is not able to do them because she has a broken leg. She will have fun when the cast comes off.
Caudill, Rebecca
Betsy is invited to a party and can bring one doll. The doll should be dressed well, do something, or be old. Instead of taking one of these dolls, Betsy took Jennifer. Although Jennifer did not fit the party requirements, she was awarded a medal for being the best-loved doll at the party.
Seuss, Dr.
There are all kinds of different feet. People use their feet for different things and also their feet can be used for the same things.
Kuskin, Karla
Herbert hates being small, and Philomel hates being tall. They meet and see that they are the same height. They then understand that size is based on perspectives such as who you are standing next to.
Newman, Leslea
A chubby little girl has difficulty understanding why all people have different shapes and sizes. Her friend's mom tells a story that helps Belinda understand how people are different. Belinda ends up feeling good about herself.
Morey, Kathleen
This is a rhyming book which describles a giggle beginning at the toes and moving all over the body of the boy Otto who enjoys laughing.
Wild, Margaret
While some grannies have thin legs or fat kneees, and some grannies wear pantsuits or baggy underwear, and some grannies drive trucks or write books, this granny is special.
Freeman, Don
Marty would rather play then get his hair cut. However, if he wants a birthday party, he has to get his hair cut. He has many adventures on his way to the barber.
Berenzy, Alix
This is a life lesson concerning love is in the eyes of the beholder. This story show how love turned a common frog into a prince.
Bornstein, Ruth
A little green elephant finds himself out of place among a herd of large gray elephants. He sets off in search of a belonging place. Finally he finds one.
Tobias, Tobi
Jane wishes she could change her name, hair, eye color, the number of children in her family, and even who her best friend is. In the end, Jane realizes all her wishes will not come true, and she decides to be happy anyway.
Howe, James
A little cricket is sad and wishes to be a beautiful butterfly. Through talking to an older cricket, the littlest cricket soon realized, that he too, was beautiful.
Rylant, Cynthia
Poppleton the pig is welcoming the fall. He celebrates the new season with some friendly geese. His friend, Cherry Sue, helps him find a great new coat to stay warm. Pancakes with the Lions turns out to be a sticky situation for Poppleton. Fall has begun and Poppleton is getting ready!
McPhail, David
The elephant hates hide and seek because he can never find a place to hide. All of his animal friends try and try to find him a hiding place just in time to dodge the hunters.