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Smith, Stacy
A little boy goes to sleep one night without brushing his teeth, and then he hears a song coming from his bathroom. When he goes to investigate the noise, he finds his toothbrush singing and dancing about why it is so important to brush his teeth every morning and night. Scared that he will develop cavities (or even worse, that his teeth might fall out), the little boy brushes his teeth well and continues to do so every day in order to keep a healthy smile!
Ekster, Carol Gordon
Mark and Evan have a hard time keeping up with all the changes in their lives. Their parents are divorced and it's not easy remembering all the things they need to do. Mark's teacher, Mrs. Demott helps Mark, Evan and their parents get organized and also teaches them how to cope with divorce.
Palatini, Margie
Hilda Mae Heifer, the cow, was singing, running, and having a good old time. Suddenly from out of nowhere a hard flying cow pie whacks her in the head. It causes her to lose her moo. She forgets what sound she makes. She meets a goose, chickens, a pig, and a cat and copies their sounds until she becomes familiar with her own sound again.
Aylesworth, Jim
A curious little girl sometimes forgets what her mother tells her. Sometimes this gets her into trouble. One such time found her deep into the woods at a cottage belonging to three bears. You probably know the rest of the story.
Dulemba, Elizabeth
Hugo's mama sends him to the store to buy soap. As a result of his comical adventures, soap is exactly what Hugo needs when he returns home.
Cunnane, Kelly
Follow a little Kenyan boy through his village on a typical but eventful day in Kenya. He learns an important lesson about listening to his elders as he visits with the neighbors in his village.
Hutchins, Pat
A boy is sent to the store for bacon and other items. As the boy walks to the store, he repeats over and over what he is supposed to get. He becomes thoroughly confused and forgets about the bacon. Once he gets home, he is sent back to the store for the bacon.
MacGregor, Ellen
Theodore turtle is a very forgetful turtle. He forgets where he puts everything. When a fire starts in his home and he remembers where the hose is, he thinks he is very clever.
Weisgard, Leonard
Willy Nilly is a silly elephant, because he keeps forgetting everything that an elephant is supposed to know. As he wanders through the jungle he pretends to act like the animals he sees, but they scold him for this. When he meets a lion, Willy Nilly finally remembers what an elephant is supposed to know.
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry tells his own story about how he misplaces his library cards. He feels ashamed about not being responsible, but then learns that he is not the only one.
Rose, Anne
Fuzzy Fogtop has a short memory. He cannot remember anything from the night before. Fuzzy decides to visit the next town, but he falls asleep on the train and does not know where he is when he wakes up.
dePaola, Tomie
Big Anthony is born, and from the beginning cannot seem to pay attention. This gets him in trouble, where ever he travels.
Burningham, John
Santa Claus has just delivered his presents when he realizes that he forgot to deliver a present to Harvey Slumfenburger. Santa doesn't want to wake the reindeer to take the sleigh, so people with cars help him get to Harvey's house.
London, Jonathan
When Froggy wakes up and decides to play in the snow, he needs to get dressed. Each time he goes out, he forgets to put something on and must come back inside. At last Froggy is ready to play, or is he?
Buckley, Helen E.
A little boy is afraid nobody will remember his birthday so he makes a special effort to remember everyone elses. Eventually he gets so wrapped up in everyone else's birthday he forgets his own, but the others remember and he is surprised.
Parish, Peggy
Miss Molly was never good at remembering. One day, she woke up with a string tied around her finger to remind her of something special. But she had forgets what it was. Miss Molly throws a party for herself, which turns out to be a surprise party.
Vigna, Judith
Disappointed when her mother's ex-boyfriend forgets her birthday, Amy is comforted by her family when they give her a surprise birthday party and a special gift.
Hest, Amy
On a dark and stormy night, Sam's mother puts him to bed in their cozy little house. After a bedtime story and a glass of warm milk, Sam needs a kiss goodnight.
Whitelaw, Nancy
The feelings of three generations are shared through the loving story of a girl and her grandmother who has Alzheimer's Disease.
Rubel, Nicole
Alfie, the alligator, gets knocked out during a baseball game. When he recovers, he cannot remember who he is. Alfie flees from his friends and finds refuge with humans. He finally gets hit in the head again and comes to his senses.