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Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
Judy Heumann always hears NO from a young age. She is not allowed to attend public school because she is in a wheelchair. Then after she goes to a special school with special education students, she attends college to become a teacher. But even the New York Board of Education says NO to her becoming a teacher after she earns her teaching degree. Judy joins several other disability rights activists to ensure Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 could be signed into federal law. Their work lays the foundation for the Americans with Disabilities Act. As a living advocate for herself and others, Judy tells her story of civil rights for which she fought tirelessly. By leading and working together with others to fix problems and make changes, disabled people now have less discrimination against them.
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.
Smith, Heather
Makio and his neighbor, Mr. Hirota, loved looking out at the ocean every morning while watching Makio’s father and Mr. Hirota’s daughter working. One day, a tsunami came and killed their family members, prompting Mr. Hirota to build a telephone booth as a way to cope with his grief. Soon after, Makio and Mr. Hirota began speaking into a disconnected telephone while communicating with the loved ones they lost.
Boelts, Maribeth
Nothing makes Sierra happier than soccer does. Sierra eats meals with her aunt after soccer games. Sierra's big game is cancelled one day. Sierra plans a makeup soccer game so that her aunt can see her play. What a great day to play at home in her own neighborhood!
Cohen, Santiago
Rosa has not seen her mother in three years. Rosa's mother works to save money in America until she is finally able to come home for Navidad. The whole family can now celebrate the Christmas holiday in the small town in Mexico.
Ullrich, Nai D.
Octo Annie, an octopus, lives in a great big glass tank at Underwater World until one day she becomes part of a real family. The Martin family of two parents, two sons, and two pets are all surprised by their new addition, Octo-Annie. With Octo-Annie's eight arms, the Martin family's move to a new house is accomplished. But something and someone is left behind...
Belton, Sandra
A young boy is introduced by his father to Miss Josie, who as first freightens him. As he grows up, he learns to admire her and the two develop a special friendship. Soon the grown boy passes on his memories to his own son and introduces Miss Josie to him.
Belton, Sandra
Big Mama shares family memories of her childhood with her grandchild about a special friendship she had with Bettie Jean. Little Miss and Big Mama share the pages of a scrapbook which tells the favorite story of May'naise sandwiches and sunshine tea.
Heling, K. & Hembrook, D.
Rosa goes to elaborate and comical lengths to have freckles like Abby. She realizes she might have something that is just as desirable as the longed-for freckles. Rosa gains appreciation for her own uniqueness.
Grimes, Nikki
Xavier feels sad, angry, and jealous towards his new step brother, Chris. Xavier soon realizes that Chris is coping with loneliness and resentment too. The pain over losing a parent to divorce forms a special band between Xavier and Chris so they promise each other, that no one will ever leave. Through short vignettes, the story ends with Our family is a song we sing, and we can add new notes anytime we like.
Joy, N.
Olivia develops interpersonal skills by realizing how her words affect her friends. Olivia and her best friend realize the importance of honesty and trust in their friendship.
Carlson, Nancy
Louanne's school is putting on a talent show. There's only one problem though: Louanne doesn't have a talent. When an unexpected turn of events causes Louanne to step up to the plate, she discovers her hidden talent: saving the day!
Ljungkvist, Laura
Toni wants to have a potluck dinner. She calls all of her guests and tells each of them what to bring. It's the day of the party and her guests have arrived. Something has happened! Her friends misunderstood what Toni told them to bring. Now Toni has no food to feed her guests. What will Toni do?
Rand, Gloria
Miss Pearl loves her pet pig Little Flower. The pig can play dead and loves the attention this trick gets her. One day Miss Pearl has an accident and can't go get help. Little Flower finds a unique way to communicate Miss Pearl's need for help.
Wahl, Jan
Ricky meets an elephant on the telephone. He adopts the elephant and saves him from imprisonment at the local zoo.
Calmenson, Stephanie//Cole, Joanna
Allie the Alligator is a typical young girl. She and her two girlfriends have lots of fun together playing games and dressing up. The three of them will do anything to be able to go to the Rockin Reptiles concert, their favorite band. There's a catch though -- only two can go.
Rheingrover, Jean Sasso
Nathan learns that his new baby sister has Down Syndrome. Nathan wants to help his special sister. He works with his parents to complete Veronica's baby book.
Raschka, Chris
Two boys are talking on the telephone. They get into an argument about their other peers. By the end, both sides of the conversation are known.
Quattlebaum, Mary
Mama's birthday is coming soon and even though she says she doesn't want a big fuss, her daughter knows better. With her aunts' help, she plans a birthday surprise. Planning was the easy part though, actually getting the party ready on time will be difficult, especially if no one does their part. In the end, only a take-charge kind of person will be able to surprise Mama.
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.
Zagwyn, Deborah Turney
One summer, as young Clee finds herself lost in the shuffle with the arrival of a new baby brother, Uncle Fishtank Hal comes to the rescue when he asks her to care for his special southern-breed turtle. For Clee, caring for the turtle is like therapy to cope with the new changes in her life. That is until the turtle dies due to the harsh cold winter and Clee is forced to bury him out in the yard. Without the turtle, Clee spends time with her new brother and learns to enjoys his company. In spring however, the turtle springs back to like in the compost pile and Clee gains a new outlook on the changes in her life.
Lish, Ted
Things start to smell in this family's new house when their trash cans fill up with garbage. Will someone take out the trash? No one will take on this responsibility. By the end of the fifth week, trash fills up the yard around the house. It looks like it's going to take a lot of teamwork and cleaning to get their house back to normal.
Brown, Marc
Francine and all of her friends, including the new girl, Muffy, get the meanest teacher for third grade. Francine gets in trouble for cheating when it was really Muffy who cheats. Francine is kept from playing in the big softball game until at the last minute Muffy tells the truth.
Bourne, Mariam Anne
A little girl wants to modernize her home by having a telephone. Her only problem is that she has to convince her father that it is not an invention that will soon be gone.
Schindel, John
Jesse really wants to visit his father who lives far away. Jesse and his dad write letters back and forth to pass the time until Jesse can visit in the summer.
Child, Lauren
Herb loves being read storybooks by his mother, as long as she takes the books out of his room when she is done. Tonight though, his mother gets distracted and forgets the book. As Herb is just about to fall asleep, two wolves jump out of the book with the intention of eating him. Herb must now find a way to keep them from eating him. With the help of a fairy godmother (from another book!), Herb escapes the hungry wolves.
Lindgren, Barbro
Benny the pig is tired of rules. After refusing to take a bath and pick up his toys, Benny decides he would like to live somewhere else. He soon discovers the problems of being away from home.
English, Karen
Marisol is anxious to get home from school to see if she has new kittens or not. Unfortunately she is delayed by relatives and friends that stop Marisol for a favor, to speak or translate English. She happily complies and solves everyone's problems and is rewarded with her mother's love and pride.
Hassett, John//Hassett, Ann
Nana Quimby saves the day when she executes a creative plan to rescue stranded cats from a tree outside her window. The old woman called the firehouse, police station, library, and zoo for help but no one was willing to lend a hand.
Lester, Alison
During their day, Alice and Aldo work their way through the alphabet. They do all kinds of fun things like quacking with the ducks, making milkshakes, and swinging over the flowers. By the end of the day Alice and Aldo are ready for bed.
Barasch, Lynne
In 1923, a young boy works hard to learn morse code in order to get his amateur radio operator license and his very own call letters. Everyday he excitedly puts on his headphones and warms up his station, talking to people all over the world. During a far away hurricane, he uses his radio to send out messages to rescue stranded people.