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McFarland, Lyn
A stray dog names Widget tries to find a home which happens to have six cats. To stay in the house, Widgey acts like a cat until he saves his owner and his true self is revealed.
Weaver, Alexis Rae
Hunter Bunny is eagerly awaiting for winter to arrive and is determined to take part in all the activities that come along with it. He visits his fellow animal friends who teach him to ski, skate and snowboard, but with Hunter Bunny's shorter leg, he is unable to be successful. With the help of his best friend Clark, the two find a way for Hunter to be able to ski in the animal ski race. Determined to win, Hunter Bunny practices day and night for the big competition and it pays off in the end when he brings home the first place ribbon.
Best, Cari
A young girl and her dog care for an injured goose with one leg. They encourage her to learn to walk, swim, and fly. When they goose leaves for winter, they search for her everyday. A year later the goose returns with a mate and with seven baby geese.
Muntean, Michaela
A pig tries to dissuade the readers from opening the book because it is not finished yet. However, as the reader turns the pages, a frustrated pig realizes the book is being written after all.
Weisgard, Leonard
While a dogcatcher is in the barber shop, his wagon full of dogs outside the window starts rolling down Huckleberry Hill. As the wind blows harder and harder, the wagon rolls faster and faster. The door eventually flies open and the dogs are free.
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Wendell O. Scott made history as the only black driver to win a race in a NASCAR Grand National division. Using secondhand Fords that he fixed up in his garage, he competed in five hundred races in NASCAR'S top division. This is the story of a man who worked full time while racing on the side. A man who didn't just dust the competition, he blazed the trail.
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia always seems to take everything literally. This only leads to chaos as well as laughter as Amelia Bedelia helps prepare for a surprise bridal shower. From pruning the hedges by placing prunes on the hedges, to icing the fish by covering them in chocolate icing, well-intentioned Amelia causes quite a commotion. After hosing down the guest of honor as part of the shower, Amelia turns the entire party into a disaster, but at least all of the guests leave in laughter.
VanAllsburg, Chris
Danny and Walter Budwing have a typical brotherly relationship. It isnメt until Danny finds an old game that takes the boys away to another galaxy that the brothers finally reach a new appreciation for one another.
Herbert, Barbara N.
Danny moves to a new house and discovers a monster on the other side of their garden wall. The monster throws Dannyメs soccer ball back to him, talks, plays, and eats candy with Danny. At school the next day, Danny plays soccer and gets tripped. Both boys yell nasty names at each other. Then, Danny goes home to talk to the monster, Fred, but he wasnメt there. Later, a huge thunderstorm tears down the wall, and Danny sees that モFredヤ is the child that tripped him during soccer. They become fast friends, tear the wall down, and play soccer together
Shaefer, Carole
Kessy loved to listen to stories told by his Mama and his cousins on laundry days. One laundry day, Kessy is asked to go to the store and bring back the biggest piece of laundry soap. Kessy returns and tells his story about the biggest soap.
DeGroat, Diane
It's April Fool's Day so Gilbert is excited to trick his friends. Throughout the day, his friends keep on tricking him, but he can't seem to trick anyone else. Gilbert doesn't give up though: he has one more trick in mind. The rest of the afternoon, he's extra nice to Lewis. Lewis gets so nervous about what Gilbert's trick is, the other classmates manage to trick him. At the end of the day, Lewis finds out Gilbert didn't have a trick after all. He had been tricked!
McCully, Emily Arnold
Have you ever been lost or disconnected by those you love? Little Bitty experiences those experiences when she accidentally falls out of the truck on the way to a family picnic. Will the mouse family successfully find Little Bitty?
Rand, Gloria
Miss Pearl loves her pet pig Little Flower. The pig can play dead and loves the attention this trick gets her. One day Miss Pearl has an accident and can't go get help. Little Flower finds a unique way to communicate Miss Pearl's need for help.
Johnson, Angela
A young boy from Mississippi listens for the sound of the train whistle while doing his work as a sharecropper. As he picks cotton, he dreams of someday leaving on a train. He refers to the train whistle as a call to his soul.
Mollel, Tololwa M.
What would you buy if your mother gave you some money? Saruni wants a bicycle- a bicycle of his very own! Saruni saves his coins and works hard to help his mother. Unfortunately, Saruni is disappointed because he does not have enough to buy his very own bicycle. Where there is a will, there is a way, so Saruni finally gets a bicycle to help his mother to the Tanzanian market.
Rylant, Cynthia
Poppleton has several adventures. First, he looks at the stars at night with his friend, Hudson. Next Poppleton buys a new bed to replace the one he has had since he was a boy. Then Fillmore takes Poppleton sailing for the first time.
Valgardson, W.D.
Thor wants to stay inside and watch cartoons on T.V. One day his grandfather needs help ice fishing and Thor is volunterred to help. Thor goes with grandfather, and the two ice fish for the entire day in the bitter cold. Thor ends up saving a man who falls through the ice.
Taylor, Mark
Henry and his dog set out on an exploratory adventure. When they become shipwrecked, they learn survival skills and how to be brave.
Kuklin, Susan
Heath describes his day playing with his classmates at nursery school. The children play with the water table, the class rabbit, and the blocks. After their snack, they run, climb, ride, slide, bounce balls, play chase and pretend games on the rooftop playground.
Farmer, Nancy
Sim Webb is finally getting his chance to work on a train for the famous Casey Jones. Casey is putting a brand new whistle on his train, but Casey knows it's a bad idea. He knows that something bad is about to happen.
Tuyet, Tran Khanh
Hien is a young Vietnamese girl who lives in a bombed village. She must cope with the deaths of her mother and grandmother, and is flown to the United States to have a special operation on her injured throat. She meets two nice Americans who give her a weaving loom and becomes known as the Little Weaver of Thai-Yen village.
Spelman, Cornelia
Charlotte lost her mother only six months ago, so she and her father still grieve a lot over the death. Charlotte gets into a fight at school and has to see a therapist, Anna. Anna helps Charlotte to bring out her emotions which establishes a better bond between her and her father.
Moss, Elaine
Polar decides to have fun and sled down a big hill. He is careless and breaks his leg. His friends take care of him and find ways to cheer him up.
Davison, Martine
On a bike ride with her friends, Rita hits a tree root and flips over her handelbars. Maggie's mother takes Maggie and Binky (her favorite stuffed animal) to the hospital. Maggie learns all about x-rays, stitches, and other emergency techniques.
Pendziwol, Jean//Gourbault, Martine
A little girl meets a friendly dragon at the beach and invites him to tea and lunch. During lunch the dragon sneezes fire and the table and curtains catch on fire. The fire alarm goes off but the little girl knows the important rules of fire safety. She tells the dragon that they must not stay inside and must meet their mother outside by the tree. When the dragon tries to go back in for his teddy bear, the little girl tells him to never to go back insidde a burning building. The little girls mother calls for help and the fire men come and put out the fire. Everyone is safe which is really important. The next time that they want to have tea, the friends will have a picnic on the beach.
Lasky, Kathryn
A little bunny named Clyde is nervous about lunch time on his first day at school. Clyde worries about whether he will be able to balance his tray or if anyone will sit with him.
Bunting, Eve
James and Isaac sneak out at night while their mother is at work, seeking acceptance into a club of boys. When this situation puts himself and his brother in danger, James decides he's better off without the gang.
Lewis, J. Patrick
Will and Yiddy venture out on Christmas Eve to visit their aunt and cousins. On the way home, they get lost in a terrible snowstorm and are rescued by Wee Mary Fever. Mrs. Fever calls upon St. Nicholas by creating a reddle moon, and before Christmas morning the children are tucked safely in their beds.
Every morning Abigail and her brother go to school on board their father's boat. One morning they see an accident and decide to help one of the boats. Abigail has to steer while her father helps on the other boat. On her way down the river, Abigail must make some quick decisions. With Captain Abigail in charge everyone arrives safely.
Ehrlich, H.M.
Louie's toy goose goes everywhere he goes. Sometimes the goose needs to be fixed. Louie's mom and dad, and even the sun, fixes the goose.
Aylesworth, Jim
In the middle of the night, a little boy wakes up suddenly because of a bad dream. He falls out of bed and is extremely frightened. His parents rush in to help him. After comforting words from his parents, he goes back to sleep realizing that it was just a bad dream.
McPhail, David
Matthew loves trains. One night, he lets his brother run the train and he crashes it. Matthew cannot sleep so he gets up to fix it. All of a sudden, it was a real train. Matthew fixes it, loads up the baggage, and helps the engineer.
Nolen, Jerdine
This little girl loves to be in her momma's kitchen. There's always something going on. From college announcements, to family dinners, to late nights of singing, everything happens in the kitchen. It is the most special place in the house.
Bonsall, Crosby
At the beach, two little boys argue over whose balloon is better, even though they are essentially the same. In the end, their balloons are completely deflated because of the abuse they have taken from the two little boys. When a girl teases them with her ballon, they pull together in defense of each other.
Munsch, Robert
Jonathon finally cleans his house -- but then he hears a noise. A wall in his house opens up and people rush through the house making a big mess. A computer is broken and a subway mistakes his house for a stop.
Atwell, Debby
After the American Revolution, a barn is built and endures the many stages of history. The barn describes its transitions through farming days, world wars, peace rallies, and other historical events.
Steig, William
Farmer Palmer and his mule Ebenezer travel to town to buy some supplies. On their way home, they encounter obstacles they never thought possible.
Schwartz, Amy//Hale, Lucretia
A lady puts salt in her coffee one morning by mistake and did not know what to do. Her family calls a chemist and an herb lady. They both were unsuccessful. At last, a wise lady from Boston suggests making a fresh cup.
Vigna, Judith
A young girl copes with the death of her father. Her mother and grandfather help her through the painful grieving after the car accident.
Yagyu, Genichiro
Children's curiosity about scabs is addressed, including different answers to many commonly asked questions about scabs are explained.
Cowley, Joy
Marta Enos finishes her homework and accidentally knocks it out the window. She doesn't know what to do so she asks her grandmother for help. With a song and a warm tortilla, Grandmother helps Marta feel better.
Munsch, Robert
Brigid is a young girl who is fascinated with coloring. She gets bored quickly with her markers and asks for new and improved ones...until her coloring goes a little too overboard!
Ward, Helen
Just like Aesop's original folktale, the hare and the tortoise are going to race. The quick but lazy hare takes his speed for granted when he challenges the tortoise. However, when the hare becomes too confident, the tortoise creeps past him to win the race.
Martin, David
Everyone knows the five little piggies- one that goes to the market, one stays home, one has roast beef, one has none, and one goes we, wee, wee all the way home. Now we will finally learn why these little piggies did all these different things!
Alborough, Jez
As duck drives home in his truck, he hits a rock which leaves him stuck in the muck. Frog first tries to help, then sheep and finally goat. Working together the four animals are able to get the truck out.
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, an African monkey, becomes quite adventurous as he travels on boats, to zoos, and many other places. After taking in the sights and getting into mischief, George is captured and must live at the zoo.
Quackenbush, Robert
New verses are added to an old song describing the Chicago Fire of 1871 The story blames a cow for starting the fire.
Rand, Gloria
After an oil spill covers Prince William Sound, a little girl rescues a baby seal and helps get him ready to go back to his natural home.
Yolen, Jane
A boy and his family lose their barn to a fire but their Amish community works together to raise the barn again.
Udry, Janice May
Mary Jo's grandmother lives alone in a house away from town without a phone. Mary Jo gets to spend Christmas vacation with her. During the visit, her grandmother falls and Mary Jo has to find a way to help her.