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Borgert-Spaniol, Megan
Use the music and the song lyrics of this active song to touch your "head, shoulders, knees and toes" over and over again. Add your "eyes and ears and knees and toes" to the song and you have learned how your body parts work together to help you move and live as a human being.
Wheeler, Lisa
Many skilled workers, craftsmen, and tradesmen help to build each dream of a community in order for it to become a house, a park, or a bridge. After many many examples of how dreams are made and constructed, you learn how an author and illustrator are also a dream team that makes a book for you.
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
The principal of Lynnhurst School, Mr. Tanen, is known for his unbelievable collection of 975 ties. He has a tie for every occasion! When the plan for the new playground falls through, everyone is shocked to see Mr. Tannen part with his beloved ties as he auctions them off so that the children at Lynnhurst School can enjoy their new playground.
Blumenthal, Deborah
As Sophie walks home from the park with her mother, she sees another little girl eating a chocolate-covered-cookie. Sophie's mother does not have any cookies to give her and will not allow Sophie to eat cookies so close to supper time. Sophie is outraged and throws a temper tantrum! Sophie learns that not eating a cookie before supper isn't so bad after all.
Girimes, Nikki
A young African American boy living with his mother spends the day with his father. They spend time together doing a variety of activities that leave the boy satisfied with his life.
Fox, Mem
Sheep of many sizes, shapes and colors are busy doing many things. They are playing, sleeping, working, eating, bathing and reading just to name a few. But there is a problem to be solved. Where is the green sheep?
Tangvald, Christine
Do you know how many types of hugs there are? Look and learn how hugs are imporatant everywhere and everyday.
Barber, Barbara
Allie loves basketball, but she is often the only girl on the court. Buddy and other boys tease Allie about playing basketball. Allie believes in her ability and keeps practicing so that one day she can be better at basketball than the boys!
Hubbell, Patricia
Great big school! In we go! Our teacher greets us, waves hello! A teacher and her class do lots of interesting things throughout the week. They paint, read, look at weather charts, count money, work on the computer, and greet a special guest. The students not only learn, but they have fun, too. And so does the teacher!
DeBear, Kristen
Marina and Moira are very much alike, and yet very different. They like to play with one another, but often have conflicts. They learn to work through their differences and become the best of friends.
Pak, Soyung
On Sumiメs first day of school, she experiences loneliness because she doesnメt know anyone and doesnメt understand the language of the other children. She also thinks school is a scary and mean place because the other children are loud and one boy even sticks his tongue out at her! Eventually, Sumiメs nice teacher makes her feel comfortable in her new environment. After meeting a new friend at recess, Sumi recognizes that school is not as lonely, scary, or mean as she originally thought.
Ichikawa, Satomi
La La Rose and her girl, Clementine, are the best of friends. The do everything together! One day, their afternoon at the Luxembourg Gardens goes awry when La La Rose mistakenly gets left behind. She is forced to face the world alone and can only hope to be reunited with Clementine.
Cadena, Beth
Supersister is always thinking of ways she can help her pregnant mother. In the morning on the way to school, she forgets two things: to tie her mother's shoes and to give her mother a kiss. Throughout the day, she does all her chores and thinks of new ways to help her mother. At the end of the day she forgets the same two things, but when she remembers her mother says, Like I always say, you're going to be a super sister.
Bauer, Marion
Join in with this storybook rhyme about exploring the body parts and what they do! From your hands, to your feet, and from your ears to your nose, learn about body actions and senses through rhyme, alliteration and a fun steady beat!
Neale, Richard
Bertie the ghost wants a new place to live and new friends. He crosses through each page of the story then arrives at an old farmhouse and finds friends and a home.
Curtis, Carolyn
A little boy takes the moon on an adventurous walk. At first the moon is timid but then opens up to the little boy. They do things together such as swing, hold hands, and dance until the boy goes home to go to the sleep.
Dulemba, Elizabeth
Hugo's mama sends him to the store to buy soap. As a result of his comical adventures, soap is exactly what Hugo needs when he returns home.
Halliman, P. K.
Kids like to play as a team no matter what they do -- football, soccer, baseball and all kinds of sports. When they're done playing, it doesn't matter who wins or loses as long as they all had a great time while they were playing. Join these kids in their fun-filled day of teamwork.
Rosenberry, Vera
It's Vera's first day of school!She is so excited that she is up before the sun. But when she finally gets to the school yard, it is full of older children who scare Vera. When she finally gets to her classroom, with a little help from her mother, it is everything she hoped it would be.
Borden, Louise
A young boy discovers that he shares a birthday on the same day as Abraham Lincoln's. Learn how many other common characteristics a boy shares with a past president.
Hoban, Lilliam
Arthur's determination to have the best birthday party and be the best all-around gymnast causes him to be inconsiderate of the feelings of his sister and friends. When Arthur forgets to be fair and have fun at the competition, his younger sister is quick to point out that each chimpanzee has his or her own special skill to be honored with a medal at the birthday competition.
Chlad, Dorothy
Jackie is going to the playground with her friends. She explains six simple rules she follows to ensure her safety and to make sure she has fun. Her six rules are never go to the playground alone, always go with friends, do not walk in front of swings, wait at the bottom of the slide, always hold on tight, and be careful and alert.
Kolar, Bob
Do you want to play?These two children have lots of ideas about what they can do. They can play together or alone or even in a big group. The park is fun, so is a board game, There are so many things to do with a friend, the possibilities are endless!
Davies, Sally J.K.
A little boy is having problems adjusting to his new home. He compares his new school to his old school which makes him feel sad and frustrated. The boy decides to go ice skating with other kids even though he isn't invited. He helps to solve a problem when the ice isn't safe.
Two young boys must deal with the idea of one best friend moving away. Luckily, each meets a new friend. They are able to keep their friendship through letters.
Duvoisin, Roger
Santa travels in-cog-ni-to to a town during Easter time to see what it is like. When he says that he is Santa Claus, no one believes him at first.
Berger, Melvin
Do you wonder how your body quits bleeding when you have a cut or why the new skin under a scab is pink?A group of students finds answers to these questions when they complete their science fair project. This is a great resource for information on cuts, bleeding, and how wounds heal.
Browne, Anthony
A typical day's walk through the park is seen through the eyes of a grouchy woman, an unhappy man, a lonely boy, and a happy young girl. An intriguing look at how friendships are made and torn apart.
Taulbert, Clifton
Little Cliff is dreading the first day of school. He has heard that school is all work and no fun. With the continued encouragement of his great-grandmother, Cliff finally heads to school. Upon arrival, he sees all of his friends and discovers that school can be fun too.
Weller, F.W.
Matthew Wheelock built a stone wall around his field with great care. The stone wall was his pride and joy and eventually a home and playground for the animals and his grandchildren.
Sherkin-Langer, Ferne
When a little girl's mom is sick and has to stay in the hospital she becomes sad and doesn't want to sing or play with her friends. She visits her mom, but she is nervous that her hugs might hurt her. When her mom finally comes home, the little girl is happy to have her back but worries that she won't be there when she wakes up.
Van Laan, Nancy
Baby Bobby is in for a wild ride when his buggy starts to roll down the hill through town. Everyone he passes begins to chase after him, but he enjoys the ride and ends up happily in the sand at the playground.
Jackson, Isaac
Jerome becomes good friends with Robert, a new boy at school. On the night that Jerome sleeps over at Robert's house, Robert shares a pair of his pajamas. Jerome learns that it's okay if people do things a little differently.
Strauss, Linda Leopold
A day in preschool is full of fun activities and energetic students. The students come into the classroom excited to learn and play with friends. They paint, play, eat and sleep. The students explore, dance and play until it's time to go home!
McCain, Becky Ray
Members of a class are always picking on Ray. Finally, a student decides that he can't continue to ignore this, so he tells a teacher about the situation. When the bullies come around this time, so do the teacher and principal.
Crews, Nina
Each morning the children awake and anxiously look outside to see if it has snowed. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday go by and there's still no sign of snow!Friday is the children's last hope for a day of fun in the snow.
Lester, Helen
Rodney Rat is constantly made fun of by his classmates because he cannot pronounce his r's. Rodney saves the day and earns respect from his classmates when he saves them from the class bully.
Crews, Nina
Summertime brings really hot weather, but there's still things to do for fun in the sun and shade. Soon the weather brings a storm which cools the temperatures and brings with it a different fun.
Myers, Christopher
Black cat creeps through the city streets looking for a home. He encounters many things on his journey including chain-link fences, children playing and jeeps passing in the streets. Observe the sights and sounds of the city while discovering where black cat calls home.
Griffith, Helen V.
Janetta is excited about the upcoming visit from her Grandaddy. She makes a list of everything she wants to show him. Grandaddy shows Janetta that they share the same stars. Now when Janetta looks at the stars she realizes that Grandaddy isn't that far away after all.
London, Jonathan
Froggy discovers the truth behind having a crush. His clumsiness and confusion lead him to discover his one true love, his mother.
When a child moves to a new school it can be frightening. Mari not only moved to a new school, but a new culture as well. Mari uses painted pictures to communicate her words and recalls her life through spoken memories.
Moon, Nicola
Lucy's blind grandpa is coming to visit today, and she wants to make him a special collage. Lucy gathers many different materials to make the collage that her grandpa can see with his hands. She uses sticks and leaves to make a tree, sand to make a path, and her own hair to make a dog with fur.
Lamstein, Sarah
Random acts of kindness are demonstrated by Cassandra as she tells her teacher that she likes her buttons. Cassandra's positive attitude spreads throughout her school and around the neighborhood bringing joy and surprise to all.
Blegvad, Lenore
Grandma takes Emma and Luke to visit the house she once lived in when she was a little girl named Norrie. Grandma tells Emma and Luke the kinds of things Norrie used to do. When Emma and Luke have difficulty believing Grandma was Norrie, she proves it to them.
Halpern, Shari
What shall we do when we all go out to play?Sing along as children choose many activities to throughout the day. Children ride bikes, fly kites, somersault, seesaw, run, eat, and much more.
Hausman, Bonnie
How are you feeling today?Join the children in this book to find out if they are feeling the same way. Learn the letters of the alphabet while you solve the puzzles of emotions. Have fun!
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!