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  • Tags: Korea
What will you be, Sara Mee?
Avraham, Kate Aver
Cho, a young boy, wonders what his little sister Sara Mee will be? They celebrate Sara Mee's first birthday with a feast and music from Korea. Cho continues to try to figure out what his sister will be when she grows up.

Good-bye: 382 shin dang dong
Park, Frances; Park, Ginger
Jangmi is sad because she is moving from her home in Korea to America. She is sad because she is leaving her best friend and all of the things she loves in Korea. Jangmi says goodbye to her Korean home and is skeptical about America. Jangmi meets a new friend, slowly accepting and appreciating her new life in America.

The have a good day cafe
Park, Frances; Park, Ginger
Mikes grandma lives with him. She is homesick and misses Korea. She cooks and reminisces about food and her homeland. Mike's mom and dad lose money by selling American food until Grandma involves the family in making Korean food. The new food is popular, and Mike and his family receive more customers.

Halmoni and the picnic
Choi, Sook Nyul
Yunmi wants her grandmother, Halmoni to feel at home in New York City. However, Halmoni is having trouble adjusting to the American customs that differ so much from the customs of her native Korea. Yunmi's friends suggest that Halmoni chaperone the annual class picnic to Central Park. It may be an opportunity to open-up and feel comfortable in her new home.

Aekyung's dream
Paek, Min
A little girl named Aekyung has trouble adjusting to America, because it is so different from Korea. She doesn't like to go to school because her classmates make fun of her. Eventually she begins to feel more comfortable and accepted.

Dear juno
Pak, Soyung
A little boy name Juno receives a letter from his grandmother in Seoul, Korea. He's unable to read the letter since it is written in her native language, but he's able to gain an understanding of it from the photograph and dried flower that accompanies it. Juno decides to send a letter of his own in a very inventive way.

Father's rubber shoes
Yeo, Yumi
Yungsu's family moves from Korea to America. When Yungsu goes into his new town and sees children playing, he missed his friends from Korea. Yungsu tells his mother that he wants to go back to Korea, but his father explains that their life will be better in America.