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  • Tags: dragonfly
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.

Ketteman, Helen
Down in the swamp where the cypress grows, Old Man Gator starts tappin' his toes...Pretty soon, all the swamp animals are movin' and swaggin' to Gator's beat. Sing along with the river otter, bullfrog, dragonfly, and many other swamp animals as their music swells into the natural chorus of croaking, whirring, and buzzing, all brought to life by Ponder Goembel's colored ink and acrylic-wash-paint illustrations.

Coles, Henry
Caroline and her family move into a new house on Meadowview street. Much to Caroline's dismay, there is no meadow on Meadowview Street. After Caroline's hard work to create a wild life preserve in her own backyard, there is now a meadow on Meadowview Street, a new home to many.

Billout, Gary
One day, a little frog named Alice asks a passing seagull about life beyond her pond. The seagull tells Alice about everything there is to see between her pond and the great sea. Feeling courageous, Alice take up her lilly pad and embarks on a wondrous adventure to the sea and back.

Angelou, Maya
Thandi, an eight-year-old Ndebele girl who lives in a village in South Africa with her mother, aunts, sisters, and mischievous younger brother, shares her secrets with her best friend, a chicken.

Pollak, Barbara
Neighborhood children plant a garden together and each contribute by helping to take care of the garden. They set goals, work hard, and build healthy friendship. After harvesting their crops, everyone from the community comes together for a special meal made from vegetables grown in the garden. What a nutritious, heart-warming treat!

Kieber-King, Cynthia
Told in rhyming narrative, Habitat Spy invites children to search for and find plants, invertebrates, birds, and mammals and more that live in 13 different habitats: backyard, beach, bog, cave, desert, forest, meadow, mountain, ocean, plains, pond, river, and cypress swamp. Children will spend hours looking for and counting all the different plants and animals while learning about what living things need to survive.

Mitchell, Susan K.
Imaginations soar while following the circle of life in the rainforest. Children learn about the wide variety of creatures lurking in the jungle. Search each page to find unique rainforests with bugs and butterflies hiding in the illustrations.

Karwoski, Gail Langer
Take an around-the-world boatride to learn how mammals sleep in or around ten of the world's major rivers. Row down the Mississippi and watch two river otters slip into a hollow tree, or look to the bank of the Bribane River as a platypus pops into a hole and disappears into a narrow tunnel.

LaMarche, Jim
When a boy visits his grandmother for the summer, he finds adventure along the river. By making a raft, the boy is able to interact with the nature around him. He especially enjoys drawing the animals and fishing.

Jonas, Ann
A young girl owns a cat and a dog which are constantly falling in the pond with the fish and frogs. Each time a different animal falls in, the question, How many are in my pond? is asked again.


Egielski, Richard
Buz is swallowed with a spoonful of cornflakes. While he is being chased by pills, follow Buz on his exciting adventure through the human body.

James, Betsy
Susi and her family are in desperate need of rain to save their corn and land. If it does not rain soon Susi and her family will have to move to a different place. Susi runs away to a secluded place and prays to her mud family to bring rain to the canyon. Eventually, the rain does come bringing Susi back to the family that needs her most of all.

West, C.
A parrot looks for a crocodile, and on the way, a dragonfly, frog, bumble bee, butterfly, and hummingbird join in the search. The crocodile is much closer than they realize, and they all get eaten by the crocodile.

Kepes, Juliet
The message that Lady Bird's house is on fire and her children are alone is sent from insect to insect. Lady Bird hears the news and rushes home to a pleasant surprise.

Howe, James
A little cricket is sad and wishes to be a beautiful butterfly. Through talking to an older cricket, the littlest cricket soon realized, that he too, was beautiful.

Root, P.
One duck gets stuck in the muck down by the marsh. Creatures by the marsh try to help him get free. Creatures come first two, then three, then adding one every time. No one can free the duck by themselves but as a team, the duck is freed.

Simmons, Jane
As Mama Duck continually calls for Daisy to follow along, Daisy is distracted by everything around her. Suddenly, Mama Duck is no where to be found, and Daisy is all alone. Will Daisy find her mother and learn the importance of staying close to her?

Moss, Miriam
Different animals move through the woods and plants with some clues. At the end of the trip, why is there a wolf dressed in human clothing?

Lively, Penelope
Frog wants to find a new home where he can jump. While exploring the garden the frog encounters some dangers. Thanks to the dragonfly, the frog makes it to the pond- the perfect place for any frog to live!

Carlstrom, Nancy White
Benjamin Badger is two years old going on three. He does not believe he needs to take a nap anymore. Mama Badger explains to Benjamin that everyone needs time to slow down and rest. While Mama Badger is explaining to Benjamin about who sleeps, Benjamin falls asleep.

Geringer, Laura
A young girl's mother brings her breakfast to her at the kitchen table. When the mother leaves, the girl's imagination goes wild. She imagines there are many different animals in the kitchen with her during breakfast. When her mother reappears, all of the animals seem to disappear except for the cow.

Saul, Carol P.
Barn Cat is looking for something out of the red barn door. She is noticing all the beautiful animals surrounding the barn. The nature activities of butterflies, leaping pups, and buzzing bees give Barn Cat quite an eventful day.

Slade, Suzanne
From pirate bugs to walking sticks to sturdy soldier ants, children will love learning about the world's insects in Multiply on the Fly! Following in the footsteps of What's New at the Zoo? and What's the Difference?, this rhythmic book teaches multiplication in a way that will make children bug you for more. Teeming with fun facts, readers will multiply with a variety of insects, including daring dragonflies, hungry honeybees, and lovely Luna moths. The For Creative Minds section in the back of the book keeps the fun rolling with facts about the insect life cycle, matching insect activities, and multiplication guides to make anyone a multiplication master.