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  • Tags: sexuality
Sanders, Rob
Cleve Jones was an advocate for gay rights and showed support for his community through volunteering, protesting, and creating artwork. As a part of his work, Cleve made the NAME Project AIDS Memorial Quilt to recognize and remember members of the LGBTQ+ community who lost their lives to this disease. This project shows the interconnectedness of a suffering community and the importance of staying together to fight for what is right.

Sanders, Rob
Michael and Jack met and fell in love, growing closer over time. Even though no one had done it before, Michael and Jack wanted to get married, and although it was difficult, they were the first same-sex couple to marry in America legally. Today, they are still married and work to ensure that other same-sex couples can also get married.

Horowitz, Ruth
Leo and his brother love their two giant pet cockroaches given to them by their mother. After the two cockroaches have babies, the boys try many different solutions to try to get rid of them. They finally find a solution after they receive help from their mom and local library.

Newman, Leslea
Heather has two mommies. Heather learns that there are many different types of families and that having two lesbian moms does not make her different from any other children in her class.

Vigna, Judith
Homosexuality is a topic that is very difficult for most people to accept. This book examines how to deal with differences.

Gerstein, Mordicai
A boy has dreams of visiting the world. He grows up and dies in the same city. Once he dies, he has a chance to live again as any animal, in any planet, in any country, and with any parents. He chooses the same life, except he decides to be a girl.

Mack, Bruce
Jesse always likes to wrap himself up and try on his mother's old dresses. He has a dream skirt which his mother helped him make. When he wears it to school, all the children have something to say.

Willhoite, Michael
Daniel's daddy marries a man. A commitment ceremony is viewed through the eyes of a child.