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  • Tags: nonfiction
McCarthy, Meghan
Movies are an important part of our society today, but they have not always been what we see in theaters. From the Kinetoscope to black and white film, and from soundless productions to special effects, the movie industry has evolved over time to make what we see and enjoy today!

Omololu, Cynthia Jaynes
Starting at 6 a.m. in San Francisco, travel across each time zone to learn what is going on in that location. Each time zone holds a descriptive excerpt about a life of a kid living there, accompanied by details of a meal that is eaten there too!

Galiano, Dan
This informational text explains the life cycle of tropical storms, the coriolis effect, and the anatomy of a hurricane. Wind and flooding damage are explained and especially the effects of storm surges. Hurricane strength is measured by a category scale. Improvements in technology have helped us with hurricane prediction and safety.

Murray, Peter
This informational text describes the Hurricane Hunter planes that are designed to fly in the roughest weather. In 1958, scientists tried to slow down a hurricane by dropping silver iodide crystals into the clouds, but the experiment did not work. The best thing to do with a hurricane is to get out of its way! Explains the destruction of Hurricane Andrew in Florida and Louisiana. Contrasts the death rate of a 1900 hurricane in Texas with the 1992 Andrew due to better warning systems in place.

Chambers, Catherine
This informational text takes you inside a hurricane with questions of what? where? why? and when? to explain hurricane zones around the earth. Explains rain, wind, and air pressure of hurricanes. Global warming, storm tracking, and prediction problems are discussed for hurricanes and tornadoes. Learn how technology and the natural world alert us about upcoming storms.

Jennings, Terry
This informational text discusses hurricanes and tornadoes by photographs and diagrams. Weather researchers use satellites to circle the earth and take photographs of cloud patterns and the ground. Tornadoes are born in thunderclouds. Learn how tornadoes and hurricanes are tracked and studied, including the damage these natural disasters cause.

Branley, Franklyn M.
This informational text describes the relationship of air over land and oceans. When wind speed reaches 74 miles an hour, a tropical storm becomes a hurricane. Explains the sequence of weather events and how weather planes fly into the eye of a storm to take measurements of temperature, pressure, and precipitation. People prepare safely for the storm by securing homes, gathering supplies, and moving inland.

Erlbach, Arlene
This informational text describes how tropical disturbances become a tropical storm, then a hurricane. Compares and contrasts hurricanes and tornadoes, including watches and warnings. Learn how storms are predicted and monitored. Photographs show the storm with an eye. Hurricanes have different names across the world.

Tofts, Hannah
Young children will enjoy looking at vegetables as you name them. Then you can name them in your own language- a perfect book for sharing. Each page opens to an extended vocabulary about each vegetable from whole cabbage with its leaves, and shredded parts, to a whole tomato with its stalk, seeds, and slices.

Tofts, Hannah
Young children will enjoy looking at fruit as you name them. Then you talk about them in your own language- a perfect book for sharing. Each page opens to an extended vocabulary about each fruit from whole strawberry with its stalk, its seeds, and sweet slices to a whole peach with its soft and fuzzy skin, pit, and slices. Which fruit do you like?

Rockwell, Lizzy
An introduction to the human body, how it functions, and its need for exercise. Kids have a variety of phyical activities and sports to enjoy while keeping their different body systems fit, healthy, and happy.

Meiners, Cheri
Learn how to develop the skills to make friend and play with others. Includes role-playing activities, as well as games to play with your child. Practice goal setting and decision making when playing and working with others.

Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth
Different types of physical activity are important in a young child's life. Children are able to make a goal for regular physical activity. Children also decide which activity is their favorite. Children can play alone or with friends.

Sears, William; Sears, Martha, Kelly, Christine Watts
As kids grow their needs begin to change and a variety of foods are necessary to stay healthy. There are foods that give us energy, and food that make us tired. These foods can be divided into red, green and yellow light foods, just like the colors on a stop light. By including plenty of colors in a meal, you will eat many nutrients.

Royston, Angela
A highly informative text that provides information on the food pyramid. The book discusses all aspects of the food pyramid and using real photos of children eating each food group. The end of the book also provides fun facts, a glossary, more books to read and an index.

Keeler, Patricia//Leitao, Julio T.
Informative passages and lyrical verse explore the history and rhythmic qualities of traditional African dance as performed long ago and today.

Rathmell, Donna
Follow the photo journal of Carolina, a critically ill loggerhead sea turtle, as she is cared for and nursed back to health at the Sea Turtle Hospital of the South Carolina Aquarium. \r\n\r\nJust like hospitalized children, Carolina goes through a variety of emotions and procedures during her care and recovery process. When she first arrives at the hospital, she is too sick, weak, and confused to understand what is happening. She has blood drawn, x-rays taken, gets shots, and is fed through an IV...just as ill children may be! As she gains strength, she begins to interact with her caregivers and begrudgingly, understands that they are really trying to help. Join her as she interacts with her many caregivers and her sick or injured roommate turtles.

Rockwell, Lizzy
Using colorful pictures, the author describes what our bodies need to survive. This book demonstrates to children which foods they should eat to stay healthy as well as what each food provides for the body (i.e., protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals). The end also provides healthy recipes for children to try with adult supervision.

Humphrey, Mary
Kids model yoga poses to help them identify different feelings they have within. Twenty simple poses are provided to help children calm, center, and balance themselves. Each pose is correlated with an animal or nature connection then supported with human feelings and words of affirmation.

Munro, Roxie
Enjoy a giant dinosaur, a flying reptile, a dinosaur with plates and spikes on its body, and even a baby dinosaur cracking out of their shells. There is a ferocious dinosaur that eats meat and vegetarian dinosaurs that hide from carnivores. Look inside the dinosaurs and you'll see a dynamic view of eight dinosaur skeletons. Look outside the dinosaurs and you'll see sweeping paintings of these creatures as they once lived on our planet.

Mainland, Pauline
Yoga is an activity that children can experience in many forms. Children can imitate the ways animals move and position themselves to help relax the body and free the mind.

Tofts, Hannah
Explains how one fruit can come in different forms. For example oranges are displayed as juicy, halves, seeds, peels and segments. Enjoy many bright photographs of fruits, including pages that fold out to create a very interactive book.

Carroll, David
The ASCPA Complete Guide to Pet Care is a great book that tells you everything you need to know about taking care of your pet to ensure a healthy life! It's a favorite among pet lovers everywhere.