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Weatherford, Carole Boston
In 1936, an eighth grader becomes the first African American to win the spelling bee in Akron, Ohio. MacNolia gets a military band send off to the National Spelling Bee in Washington DC with her mother. MacNolia learns about racism and discrimination when she crosses into Maryland and arrives in Washington. She and another black girl are seated away from the other spellers and their families. MacNolia spells word after word with a calm and focused performance. The judges throw a curveball to stump her and MacNolia is determined out. Her triumph is that folks now learn that African American students are as smart as anyone.
Turn the pages of this book to learn how an author's manuscript and the artist's pictures become a book. Publishing a book is a long hard process with many workers from editors and publishers to proofreaders and printers. Who made this book? Read about the many people and the step-by-step process for publishing a book for all to read.
Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe
Many workers from Mexico leave their homeland with their families to a land of opportunity where they dream to live a life without borders. A young boy and his parents drive their car far away until there are no city lights. Papa sings a sweet sad song on the side of the road where there are other people at a campfire. The boy eventually learns that the laborers worked in Alaska, Los Angeles, Michigan, Minnesota, Kansas, and Chicago, and they cross the border together to find answers to their dreams.
Vischer, Frans
Fuddles is not an ordinary house cat. His family pampers and spoils him but he lacks adventure. Even though he is not allowed to go outside, he finds a way to get laughed at, chased, and put in my difficult situations before he realizes that he really misses his family. In the deep darkness of the night, he hears his family calling him. What a relief!
Duster, Michelle
Ira B. Wells was an educator, feminist, and anti-lynching civil rights leader who founded many important clubs for African Americans. Even when faced with threats and criticisms, Ida B. Wells still kept writing, speaking, and traveling to challenge the racist and sexist norms of her time and leading the fight for justice and equality as a leader who made a difference for us all.
Johnson, Dinah
A community describes each day of their weekly routine. The community is constantly looking forward to their Sunday traditions. Sunday is rich with family time, the Lord, and storytelling.
Best, Cari
Sara, her mother, and Russian grandmother Catherine the Great, pile into Mr. Minsky's car along with a few of their other neighbors. They make their way to the beach to escape the heat of the hot summer day. Although they find it takes longer than planned to reach the beach, everyone has fun along the way.
Pinto, Sara
Look at this illustrated sequence of hidden doors. As you look behind each door, different pictures accumulate from A to Z. You'll find 26 surprises in the alphabet room (A Board Book).
James, Simon
Baby Brains is a child prodigy! As an infant, his intelligence is that of a brilliant adult. His infancy is occupied by going to school, being a doctor and travelling to space. One day, he realizes that he really just wants his mommy.
Andersen, Hans Christian
Did you know that chickens gossip too? Come read about one chick that plucks out her feathers, supposedly to look good and impress her rooster. After one of her feathers is plucker, an owl sees her actions and spreads the word. The story gets turned around and exaggerated especially when the newspaper prints it.
Krishnawami, Uma
A young girl in India waits with her family and friends for the monsoon season to begin. The importance of the monsoon in her culture is revealed to the radio, television, newspaper, and stories of the people.
Monsell, Mary Elise
A new newspaper comes to Crackle Creek. A fierce storm hits and floods the town, destroying one of the presses. The rival editors help each other.
Smalls, Irene
Kevin loves spending time with his dad. Kevin learns that after he works hard, he can play hard with is dad. Kevin and his dad spend the day cleaning the house, then they play sports and go to the movies. Oh what fun!
Cronin, Doreen
Duck and his friends decide to participate in the county fair, behind Farmer Brown's back. Farmer Brown knows his animals are up to something, but doesn't know what. To keep them out of trouble, he takes them to the fair with him. Little does he knnow, that's exactly where they wanted to be!
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
On a nice sunny day, Monster and the little boy and little girl go to the beach. While relaxing near the water, all the children came over to ask Monster to play hide and seek. Monster hides, but the children always find him. They tell Monster to hide where he cannot be found, so he covers himself with sand. When the children canメt find him, they play on a sand hill. Soon, a boy begins to dig in the sand and found Monster.
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy see an ad in the newspaper that reads モTOY SALE TODAY!ヤ Together, they bicycle to the store. On their journey, they are very helpful to others. Monster and the little boy serve as policemen to direct traffic, and as mangers at the toy store. They are so busy that they run out of time to shop for their own toys. Everyone is grateful for their unselfish behavior.
Gaffney, Timothy
An educational story told from Wee the mouse's point of view, of how the Wright brothers succeeded in flight. Wee, an ambitious mouse, tells the story in a humorous yet detailed way of the historical Wright brothers and their flying machine.
Miller, William
Sara stands up for justice on her city bus. Sara gets tired of sitting in the African American section of the bus. Sara does not undertsand why she does not have the same rights as the white Americans, so she takes a stand to change that law.
Laden, Nina
Being an architect is tough when you are a termite. But with hard work and dedication, Roberto is determined to become one.
Rey, Al//Rey, H.A.
A compilation of Curious George stories show his adventures which range from getting a job, riding a bike, getting a medal, flying a kite, learning the alphabet, and going to the hospital.
Adler, David A.
A young boy and his family are living through the Great Depression of 1932. When he learns that his father does not have a job, he gets a job with his friend selling newspapers to help make money for his family. He sells all of his papers outside of Yankee Stadium due to the popularity of Babe Ruth and his stories in the paper. He even gets to meet the Babe!
Hall, Marie Ets
Young Oley, the harbor seal, is separated from his mother near the shore and ends up on display in the Midwest. Oley soon grows homesick and is set free. However, before Oley is able to be reunited with his mother, he accidently causes everyone to think he is a sea monster.
Christelow, Eileen
Bert and Ethel receive a post card from Florida from runaway pigs and an adventure begins. Bert wants to go to Florida to look for the pigs while Ethel wants to go on vacation. When Bert won't stop looking for the pigs, Ethel decides she wants to go home. Bert and Ethel eventually learn that the pigs were right under their noses.
Pilkey, Dave
The Tosis family has a dog named Hally. Hally is a wonderful dog except that she has very bad breath. When Mr. and Mrs. Tosis cannot take Hally's bad breath anymore they decide to give her away. The kids try to fix the problem by taking her to a mountain top to see the view, a movie, and a carnival to ride a roller coaster in the hopes that they will take Hally's bad breath away but nothing works. That night two burglars break into the house but when Hally kisses them the burglars pass out from the smell and Hally and her breath are, heroes!
Pilkey, Dav
While everyone else is still asleep, the paperboy is up making his rounds. He has to get up very early and get dressed, eat breakfast, and fold his papers. When he is finally done delivering his papers, he goes back to bed just when everyone else is getting up.
Marshall, James
A hungry wolf wanders into an unfamiliar area as he is walking around town. He smells his favorite food, pigs, and looks around to find out from where the smell is coming. The wolf looks up and sees that the ballet Swine Lake is playing inside of a theater. He gets a ticket and takes his seat with the intention of eating the dancing pigs in th show. He ends up becoming entranced by the love story and finds that he is not hungry anymore. The next day he goes to see the show again but this time when a monster in the show is about to appear on stage, the wolf jumps from his seat to the stage and plays the role of monster. The next day he sees good reviews in the newspaper.
Wellington, Monica
At nighttime, most children go to sleep. However, many people in the city do not. Find out what goes on all around the city throughout the night when many people are sleeping and dreaming.