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This collection of short stories are exaggerated to intrigue your imagination. The stories are full of odd events involving animals, traveling, and much more.
Cabrera, Jane
Come join the frogs, lions, and elephants as they spin around, stamp their feet, and flap their arms to the song If you're happy and you know it.
Hort, Lenny
A group of people get onto a bus that takes them around to different places in town. At each stop a different type of animal gets on. Each animal has a distinctive sound that goes with the rhyme. Finally the people flee off the bus from the animals.
Siegelson, Kim L.
Mentu and Twi tell the story of an African family newly arrived in the Americas. Twi never gives up on returning to her native Africa. Twi tells stories of cooking, planting, music and dancing from her native land.
Stutson, Caroline
A little girls toe is the basis of this cummulative tale, or a story that repeats and adds on with each new character that is introduced. There are many pictures of witches, ghosts, and ghouls.
Cronin, Doreen
Duck and his friends decide to participate in the county fair, behind Farmer Brown's back. Farmer Brown knows his animals are up to something, but doesn't know what. To keep them out of trouble, he takes them to the fair with him. Little does he knnow, that's exactly where they wanted to be!
Arnold, Tedd
A pet fly follows Buzz and his parents on vacation. Throughout the trip the parents continue to worry that Fly Guy is lost, but always find him hiding in inconspicuous places. As it turns out, Buzz's parents get lost and have to rely on Fly Guy to save the day.
Arnold, Tedd
Fly guy comes home to find that Buzz is on a picnic with his parents. Fly guy is hungry, so he decides to find his family's picnic location by searching for his favorite brown, oozy, lumpy, smelly food. After coming across many food thatfit part of the decription, he finally find his favorite food and the picnic.
Fields, Terri
Burro finds it hard to get any help from his friends as he diligently works to turn corn into tortillas. Expect repetition, puns, and an accurate picture of the traditional way that tortillas are made.
Carle, Eric
Does a kangaroo have a mother too? Of course a kangaroo does, and so do all animals, humans included! Inquiry about mothers and baby animals lead us to this simple, but very important fact. All living creatures have a mother, just like you.
Broach, Elise
An old dog, hot from the noon day sun, wanders down the road in search of a way to cool off. He discovers different sources of cool water, but is always chased away until he meets a too-hot baby. When the baby's family sees her and the wet dog enjoying the cool water, they join in the splashing having a wonderful time.
Fox, Diane//Fox, Christyan
Tyson is rumored to be the most terrible dinosaur in all of Stone Valley. So, when three friends hear him coming they head for cover...until they see a tiny tyrannosaurus emerge. But is their new friend really Tyson the Terrible?
Creech, Sharon
Mr. Keeene knows he has a fine school with great teachers and students. Since everyone is learning so much, he decides to have school on Saturdays, then Sundays, and then eventually all summer. Eventually, one student named Tillie tells Mr. Keene that they are not learning anything outside of school. Everyone is relieved when Mr. Keene announces the return of a normal school year.
O'Malley, Kevin//O'Tunnell, Michael
An old witch makes Halloween pie and puts a spell on it so she is protected when she flies on her broom. Several graveyard creatures smell her pie and eat it-- only to have the spell cast upon them.
Wolff, Patricia Rae
Everyday on his walk to school, Trigg must cross the toll bridge where a mean troll lives. The troll will not let Trigg pass, so Trigg must think of ways to outsmart the troll.
Fox, Mem
Harriet is a very busy little girl. She loves to play and be silly. When she makes messes in the house, her mother does not know what to do with her. Harriet spills her juice, drips paint on the floor, and dribbles jam on her pants. What will Harriet do next?How will her mom react?
Verdick, Elizabeth
Learn about the different things you can do to prevent germs from spreading and why it is so important. germs are not for sharing because they can spread and make you sick.
Arnold, Tedd
Buzz take Fly Guy with him to visit Grandma. During Grandma's excited hug, she accidentally swalllows Fly Guy! She proceeds to swallow animal after animal in an attempt to catch Fly Guy and all the animals she swallows until Fly Guy finally escapes, followed by the rest.
Berkes, Marianne
Count one through 10 while using rhymes to talk about different activities between mother fishes and their babies. Move to the rhythm of this poem about ocean creatures !
Thomas, Shelley Moore
As nighttime falls, bedtime is right around the corner. A soothing lullaby sets the mood for sleep, through a warm stanza repetition. A glowing fireplace, shining stars, and yawning baby signal a farewell to daylight.
Dunbar, Joyce
Dora the duck, announces to Pogson the pig, Humphrey the horse, and Gideon the goat that tomorrow is Eggday!There will be a big competition to see who has the best egg. Pogson, Humphrey, and Gideon are so excited about Eggday, but they don't know how to lay their own eggs. Can a pig lay an egg?Can a horse?Or a goat?The animals learn a lesson from Hetty Hen, and Dora has a fun surprise!
Shannon, George
The existence of and passing down of a cherished family heirloom depicts one family's history of women. This carved wooden bird is given to the women of each generation, and it brings with it memories of its owners and their lives.
Garza, Carmen Lomas
Papel picado, the art of cut paper, is shown. Learn how to hold the tissue paper and scissors. A few papel picado projects are explained including how to make papel picado with a craft knife.