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Mr. tanen's ties
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
The principal, Mr. Tanen, loves wearing different ties until Mr. Apple tells him not to anymore. When Mr. Apple substitutes as principal, he learns the kind of happiness that the ties can bring.

A symphony for the sheep
Millen, C.M.
A poem about shearing sheep, spinning the wool, and also weaving, and knitting with the wool. Each worker has a different addition to the poem that explains their job.

The tale of benjamin bunny
Potter, Beatrix
Benjamin and Peter Rabbit have an adventure trying to reclaim Peter's clothes from a scarecrow. They are trapped by a cat and punished by Mr. Bunny, but manage to bring some onions home to Mrs. Rabbit.

Oliver and amanda and the big snow
Leevwen, Jean Van
Amanda and Oliver are brother and sister pigs who see the first snow of the year. They have many adventures in the snow including building a snow fort, sledding, and making a snow pig.

Six hogs on a scooter
Spinelli, Eileen
The hog family wants to go to the opera. But when father Hog's car breaks down, they must find a different mode of transportation. After unsucessfully trying a scooter, roller skates, and other ideas, the six hogs take the bus. By the time they get to the opera, the show is over.

Ten dirty pigs: An upside-down, turn-around bathtime counting book
Roth, Carol
One dirty pig gets into the tub, but what happens when all ten pigs take a bath?See what happens when all ten are clean and you must turn the book around and upside-down to count again.

Down buttermilk lane
Mitchell, Barbara//Sandford, John
An Amish family goes away for a day to buy clothes and food. They return home to eat dinner, then take their animals to the barn.

The tale of mrs. tiggy-winkle
Potter, Beatrix
Lucie often loses her handkerchiefs. She asks all of the the farm animals if they have seen them, but no one has. When she goes off to look for them, she finds Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle has washed all of them for her.

Fox in socks
Seuss, Dr.
A tongue twisting book which is about a fox who tries to play many games, but ends up hanging out with his blue socks.

Fox and heggie
Guzzo, Sandra E.
Fox tries to earn enough money to buy a Greek fishing hat by helping out all his friends and neighbors. But, his generosity keeps him from earning the money, so his friends pull through for him in the end.

Poppleton in fall
Rylant, Cynthia
Poppleton the pig is welcoming the fall. He celebrates the new season with some friendly geese. His friend, Cherry Sue, helps him find a great new coat to stay warm. Pancakes with the Lions turns out to be a sticky situation for Poppleton. Fall has begun and Poppleton is getting ready!

Mama's perfect present
Goode, Diane
Two sweet spirited, young siblings and their mischievous dog exercise their muscles and goodwill as they search for the perfect present for Mama. They experience a comic escapade through the city blocks of markets and vendors.

The calico jungle
Ipcar, Dahlov
A mother makes her son a beautiful quilt that has many pictures of animals on it. He looks at the quilt and imagines what it would be like to be in the jungle.

Beneath the ghost moon
Yolen, Jane
A colony of mice take revenge on the creepy-crawlers who tear up their Halloween costumes. They scare these mean creatures out of the farmyard so that they can live together in peace.

The lorax
Seuss, Dr.
Trees are being destroyed in a small town and the lorax tries to stop the business that uses the trees to make clothes. Finally, all the trees are gone and the animals are dying, so a young boy decides to plant trees all over town.

Little bear's trousers
Hissey, Jane
Little Bear loses his trousers and goes all around the house asking his friends if they have them. Eventually he finds them and they all have a party.

The emperor's old clothes
Lasky, Kathryn
A farmer is on his way home from the market and discovers the emperor's old clothes along the road. He tries them on and feels wonderful!When he gets back to his farm and beloved animals, he discovers how hard it is to do his chores in his new clothes and finds it is better to just be himself and wear his regular clothes.

One mitten lewis
Kay, Helen
Lewis always loses one of his mittens. His mother is continually making or buying him new pairs. Finally, Lewis meets a girl who has the same problem so they end up matching all their odd pairs.

Max's dragon shirt
Wells, Rosemary
Max does not want to get rid of his old blue pants!Instead he wants a dragon shirt, but his mom did not give his sister enough money to buy one. Max loses his sister at the story and gets into a little mischief.

Runaway mittens
Rogers, Jean
Pico, an Eskimo boy, is always losing the red mittens his grandmother makes for him. One day, Pico finds his mittens in a box with his dog who has just delivered puppies. He decides his mittens should stay there, so the puppies can keep warm.

Buster loves buttons
Manushkin, Fran
Buster loves buttons and even goes so far as to take them right off of people's clothing. Finally, a little girl and her dog set Buster straight.

Animals should definitely not wear clothing
Barrett, Judi
Can you think of reasons why animals should not wear clothing?

Five little foxes and the snow
Johnston, Tony
Five foxes wanted to go outside in the snow to play. Their grandma told them their bare paws would get cold. On Christmas morning, grandma fox gives each of the five foxes a pair of mittens so they can go outside to play.

Geraldine's blanket
Keller, Holly
Geraldine the pig does not want to give up her blanket. So when she gets a doll for Christmas, she makes a dress out of her blanket so she can take it with her.

The tailor of gloucester
Potter, Beatrix
When the tailor of Glouchester falls ill, he worries that he will not get the mayor's waistcoat finished and not make any money to use for food. But some helpful mice come to the rescue and surprise the tailor on Christmas morning.

The tale of tom kitten
Potter, Beatrix
Tom Kitten has two siblings. Their mother cleans them all and puts on nice clothes because her friends were coming to tea. The kittens then go out to play and get dirty. Three ducks come by and take their clothes. Their mother is very angry and sends them up to their room.

Teacher's pet
Miles, Miska
Lottie is embarrassed as she begins her new school because her clothes are different, and her cat continues to follow her to class. She tries to fit in with the other children but is unsuccessful. Her cat has kittens in the school which helps her win the friendship of Gertrude. Gertrude helps Lottie to realize that uniqueness is special, not bad.

Mrs. mcgarrity's peppermint sweater
Holl, Adelaide
The sweater Mrs. McGarrity makes is too big for any animal. So they decide to use her sweater for a circus tent.

Tortillas and lullabies: Tortillas y cancioncitas
Reiser, Lynn
The relationship between mother and daughter is seen in one girl's family. Each generation of women in the family makes tortillas, picks flowers, washes clothes, and sings lullabies. The little girl does these same things for her doll. This story is told in both English and Spanish.

Be brave, baby rabbit
Manushkin, Fran
Baby rabbit and his big sister go trick-or-treating. In the beginning baby rabbit is afraid of all the costumes, but in the end, he proved that he was brave.

The seal mother
Gerstein, Mordicai
A man finds a seal that sheds her skin and becomes a beautiful woman. He falls in love with her and makes her stay for seven years. They have a son who realizes that his father takes his mother's seal skin. The boy finds the skin and gives it to his mother, who then returns to the sea.

The north wind and the sun
La Fontaine
The north wind and the sun compete with each other on who can make a man take off his cloak. The wind tries to force the cloak off of the man, but is unsuccessful. The sun makes everything warm, and the man takes off his cloak through the sun's gentleness.

Olive and the magic hat
Christelow, Eileen
While Olive and Otis pretend to do magic with their father's birthday present of a hat, it blows out the window. Mr. Foxley gets the hat and Olive and Otis must work to get it back in time for the birthday party.

Moss, Miriam
Different animals move through the woods and plants with some clues. At the end of the trip, why is there a wolf dressed in human clothing?

Katy no-pocket
Payne, Emmy
Katy Kangaroo does not have a pocket in which to carry her son, so she asks different animals to help her. She finally goes into the city and finds a man with an apron.

Jennie's hat
Keats, Ezra Jack
Jennie gets a hat from her aunt but it is very plain. Jennie is upset because it isn't as pretty as other hats. She tries to find a prettier hat. Finally, as Jennie is leaving church, the birds come and decorate it.

Tell me something happy before I go to sleep
Dunbar, Joyce
Willa is having a hard time falling asleep because she is afraid that she will have bad dreams. So she asks her brother Willouhgby to tell her something happy to help her have good dreams instead. Willoughby helps Willa out and they both eagerly await the morning.

Tomorrow on rocky pond
Reiser, Lynn
A child can't wait to go fishing on Rocky Pond so she can see animals and have picnics. It's a day full of adventure and fun.

Lobel, Arnold
A horse named Lucille is unhappy with her self-image. When the farmer's wife buys Lucille new clothes, she feels grand at first, but later she just wants to be a horse.

What a scare, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse, Halloween is an exciting time to carve pumpkins, trick or treat, and scare others. With confidence, Jesse trick or treats but soon gets frightened by all the many costumes. With his own mask he overcomes his fear and scares everyone else. What a scare, Jesse Bear!

A northern alphabet
Harrison, Ted
A Northern Alphabet provides many examples of people, places, animals and objects under each letter. It also displays an accurate representation of northern life throughout the year.

The witch's hat
Johnston, Tony
A witch's hat falls into her magic brew. After she retrieves the hat, it causes her many problems when it turns into a bat, then a rat, and then a cat.

One halloween night
Teague, Mark
Three children get more than they are trick-or-treating for, when the night turns into one unexpected event after another. The neighbors pass out Broccoli Chews and Eggplant Fizzlers and the trio runs into their nemesis Leona Fleebish. With a sweep of a wand, flash of a pirate sword, and gulp of magic potion, the children create an unforgetable Halloween.

Twenty-two, twenty-three
Raskin, Ellen
A mouse wants to join the other animals in a special celebration but must choose what to wear. The mouse finally chooses a blouse and is invited for a Christmas and New Year gathering on Twenty-two, Twenty-three.

Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten
Slate, Joseph
An alphabet of animal students get ready for kindergarten and so does their teacher Miss Bindergarten. There are many activities and tasks for each student to do before arriving at school to hear Good morning, Kindergarten!

The awful aardvarks shop for school
Lindbergh, Reeve
This morning the aardvarks are going to the mall for back-to-school shopping. They have a list prepared for backpacks, lunch boxes, school supplies, and more. However, while following their list, they continue to add new items, making for a crazy and chaotic day.

The 500 hats of bartholomew cubbins
Seuss, Dr.
Bartholomew goes into town wearing his grandfather's red hat and runs into the king. The king orders him to take off his hat, but every time he tries to take off his hat another one appears. He keeps trying to take his hat off until he finally took off his 500th hat; it was so beautiful that the king wants to buy it.

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

Lili at ballet
Isadora, Rachel
At ballet class, a young girl named Lili explains to the leader all about ballet. One day she dreams of becoming a great ballerina.

Alice and aldo
Lester, Alison
During their day, Alice and Aldo work their way through the alphabet. They do all kinds of fun things like quacking with the ducks, making milkshakes, and swinging over the flowers. By the end of the day Alice and Aldo are ready for bed.