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  • Tags: compromise
Pfister, Marcus
Hopper the rabbit meets a young squirrel searching for his buried nuts. Hopper agrees to help the squirrel find his nuts if he agrees to what they find. The rabbit and squirrel find more then just hazel nuts; they find friendship. Each had to give and take in order to grow their friendship.

Child, Lauren
Clarice Bean is having a hard time coming up with an idea for her project on the environment. To make matters worse, she is paired up with her tag-along neighbor, Robert Granger. Her situation looks hopeless until her brother becomes an ecowarrior in an effort to free the tree from being cut down in their neighborhood. Robert and Clarice become ecowarriors themselves, saving the tree and their project.

Edwards, Michelle
A Jewish family deals with the recent death of their mother and wife, while trying to keep their Chanukan traditions alive. Each family member deals with their emotions. They work as a single parent family to move on, while embracing their traditions of the past.

Wilson, Jacqueline
Mr. Cool gives a fresh perspective on friendship and accepting people for who they are. There is a focus on emotional and social health which is brought to light in a positive manner. Kids will gain a better view of acceptance of their peers and helping with self esteem. Mr. Cool's band develops health skills, friendship, and confidence as they perform.

Hudson, Wade
Tyrone Rashon Williams goes to school on the first day, excited about his new sneakers that he bought himself. He is disappointed when he gets there and finds that everyone has the same ones, and there is a new student, Tyrone Rashon Williams. Tyrone must deal with both of his problems, and get things back to normal.

Bognomo, Joel Eboueme
Madoulina has dreams of becoming a doctor. She doesn't, however, go to school because her mother needs her to sell fritters in the marketplace to earn money. Madoulina meets her brother's new teacher, who convinces her mom to find a way to let her go to school.

Kroll, Steven
Two mice fall in love with the same pumpkin and each one waters it, fertilizes it, and protects it from the frost. The pumpkin grows into the biggest pumpkin ever, wins the town contest, and is made into a jack-o-lantern that can be seen for miles.

Aylesworth, Jim
Aunt Pitty Patty and her niece Nelly bring a pig home from the market. But the pig won't enter the gate to Aunt Pitty Patty's yard. Nelly seeks out the help of others to get the pig through the gate but no one is willing. Nelly problem solves to get others to help and they get the pig through the gate before dinner.

Buckley, Paul
A witch casts a spell causing every bug not to be able to speak except for one. That one bug visits the witch and tells her that no other bug except for him can speak. So the witch makes the bugs' tails light up so they do not have to speak to communicate.

Baker, Barbara
Digby and Kate spend every day together. They play games, eat, draw pictures, take walks, and just enjoy each other's company. The only problem is that they often disagree, as a dog and cat should. Still they have fun together and continue to be best friends.

Levitin, Sonia
Abel, Nagel and Zeke are farming friends who argue about everything, including who owns the moon. The farmers go to a teacher in the city to settle their argument about the moon. The teacher tells the three men that they each own the moon two nights a week and the remaining nights they are to share it.

McCully, Emily Arnold
Pip and Ski go on a camping trip with their Grandmas Nan and Sal who cannot agree on anything. The kids do not have any fun until they take a boat into the middle of the lake, and the Grandmas learned to compromise.

Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Dudley likes to walk, while Burton likes to sit and look outside. They both try doing what the other likes best and finds some enjoyment in other activities.

Hest, Amy
In order to get to Grandpa's house for the traditional pancake breakfast, Baby duck has to walk in the rain. Baby duck doesn't like the rain but his grandpa shows him a way to enjoy it.

Minarik, Else Holmelund
A dragon comes out of a little girl's book and eats all of her toys. She refuses to let him back in the book until he gives back all of her toys.

Peet, Bill
Droofus the dragon is from a fierce family, but he is a good dragon. When he becomes separated from his family, he tries to find a new home. Meanwhile, the king wants his head for his castle wall. A small boy rescues Droofus and helps him find his family.

Blaine, Marge
When a mother goes back to work, things in the house get out of control. The kids feel left out and start to get upset. Finally, with a little compromising, things work out for the best.

Gage, Wilson
An old woman has a ghost in her kitchen. She tries to get rid of the ghost. The ghost was sad, so she opened her heart and let the ghost stay.

Brock, Emma L.
After the first snow, all the birds that do not fly south for the winter are left hungry. The birds learn to compromise and share when a christmas tree full of tasty treats is put up in town.

Fitzhugh, Louise
A group of kids like to play fake war on a hill. Another group of kids come to the hill to play too. Both groups have a real war, and some of them get hurt. They eventually decide to share the hill.

Locker, Thomas
Adrian loves to paint landscape pictures, but portraits are more popular. He always paints the truth. When the king asks him to paint a portrait of twenty-seven nobel men and women, he is asked to make the people nice looking.

McCrea, James//McCrea, Ruth
Two birds like to go sailing everyday until they realize their umbrella is taken during hottest hours of the day. They catch the thief and compromise in order to make everyone happy.

Wood, Audrey
Being too embarrassed to ride her old bike, a little girl schemes to get a new bike. But her family works together to fix up her old bike without having to buy the new one.

DeFelice, Cynthia
Playing the bagpipes is Willie McPhee's favorite form of entertainment, but because his audience is unable to pay for his entertainment, Willie is forced to leave. On his journey to find money, he becomes tired and his clothes wear out. Across the forest he sees a dead man and since his shoes are torn, he takes the dead man's boots. As he approaches a house to find hospitality, see how the dead man comes back to haunt him.

dePaola, Tomie
Tommy wants to be an artist when he grows up, but when he has his very first art lesson in first grade, he is very disappointed. He learns to compromise, and he is happy in the end.

Slepian, Jan//Seidler, Ann
Big Hungry Thing and Little Hungry Thing go to a nearby school. After eating such things as flamburgers, blownuts, and crackeroni and sneeze, the Little Hungry Thing wants to play on the slide. Since Big Hungry Thing doesn't agree, the school children give the Hungry Things the slide as a gift.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
James receives Barkis, a dog, for his birthday. His sister wants to share her cat and his dog, but James is not interested. It is not until Nell Jean, his sister, saves Barkis' life that James will share his dog.

Paul, Anthony
General MacTiger is the most magnificent animal in the forest, until he loses his stripes. His friend, the Python, stole them and now General MacTiger has to find a way to get them back.

Sharmat, Michael
Since Gregory does not eat the typical goat food, his parents takes him to the doctor. The doctor says that they should add some goat food into his diet a little at a time. Eventually, Gregory and his parents compromise and he eats some of each.

Hoban, Lillian
A boy and his sister decide to have a garage sale. He decides to sell his old bear and his sister buys it. After he sees her buy it, he is sad and wants it back. Then he realizes that even if the bear is not his now, the bear will be his nephew forever.

Scher, Paula
Six animal families live in an apartment building together. They switch apartments several times in order to make each other happy with their neighbors and to make a better living community.

Alexander, Martha
David endlessly tries to convince his mother to allow him to have a pet. However, all of his choices are inappropriate. Finally, they agree on fish, so he waits for the fish eggs to hatch. Only, the eggs aren't fish eggs after all.

Raskin, Ellen
A pig, a parrot, and a monkey try to have tea, but their tea party is ruined by a rain storm. They all come up with ideas to solve the problem, but only one works.

Henkes, Kevin
Lilly wants to be a teacher like Mr. Slinger. She always says wonderful things about him until one day he takes her purple plastic purse away. For revenge, Lilly draws a nasty picture of Mr. Slinger which makes her feel worse than before. This teaches Lilly that revenge is the wrong way to resolve conflict.

Smalls, Irene
Dawn wakes up early every day, but everyone in her family is too busy to play with her. She is sad, but figures out a way that they can make time for her, and it works.

McGill, Alice
After spilling a bucket of milk and being brought before the court, Molly Walsh is sent from England to America as an indentured servant. After seven long years she gains her freedom, a farm of her own, and an African slave who becomes her husband.

Chorao, Kay
This book includes three short stories. It describes details of an important friendship between Oink and Pearl. They grow closer with every adventure they encounter together.

Byars, Betsy
Two sisters, Rose and May-May, travel in a covered wagon to many places dancing and singing and encounter many adventures

Falconer, Ian
Olivia, a very active pig, wears everyone out during her daily activities. From waking up, going to the beach, dancing and playing, Olivia has a busy day.

Robins, Joan
Addie is reluctant to befriend her new neighbor Max, expecially after they run into each other when riding bikes. Eventually Addie's mom sets up a luncheon between the two of them. Addie begins to like Max and they become friends.