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  • Tags: amish
Down buttermilk lane
Mitchell, Barbara//Sandford, John
An Amish family goes away for a day to buy clothes and food. They return home to eat dinner, then take their animals to the barn.

The school picnic
Steffy, Jan
Amish children have a full day of activities which start very early in the morning. After school, all the children and their parents go on a large picnic and have lots of fun.

Raising yoder's barn
Yolen, Jane
A boy and his family lose their barn to a fire but their Amish community works together to raise the barn again.

Just plain fancy
Polacco, Patricia
Naomi is an Amish girl whose elders have told her that it is very important to be plain and simple. Naomi becomes very scared when her egg hatches into a fancy, little bird.

The folks in the valley
Aylesworth, Jim
Using the Pennsylvania Dutch culture as a backdrop, this book uses a rhyme to teach the alphabet. For example, the letter E is represented by the rhyme Eggs are found under the fat red hens.