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Blessing, Charlotte
A brand-new pair of shoes begin on the playful feet of an American boy then his shoes are donated and worn on the feet of African children. The shoes are worn and used in many different ways for play and work.
Beach, Judi K.
A rabbit asks his mother what is snow? and she responds with several different descriptions of snow and the many names there are for it.
Cox, Judy
Silly Mrs. Millie is at it again. In the fall, she takes her kindergarten class on a trip to pick pumpkins for their harvest party. The class has fun guessing the meanings of their favorite teacher's nonsense words. They go on a dragon (wagon) ride, pet the boats (goats), and drink apple spider (cider). Coupled with hilarious artwork in pen, pencil, and colored dyes by Joe Mathieu, this lighthearted text sets a class trip on its ear with subtle lessons in wordplay.
Huck, Charlotte
Using ten scary Halloween things readers count from one to ten and then back down again. Each page has illustrations that sequentially correspond to a number, featuring bats, ghosts, skeletons and other Halloween symbols.
Root, Phyllis
Rosie O'Grady loves being by herself, but people can't stay away when she plays her fiddle. She is so good that they say she could out-fiddle the devil himself!One day, the devil shows up to challenge Rosie to a contest, the devil's golden fiddle for Rosie's soul!
San Souci, Robert D.
A witch makes a scarecrow and decides to play a joke on a judge. The judge does not like witches. The scarecrow, Feathertop, finds it hard to follow through with the witch's wishes.
Schertle, Alice
A boy makes a scarecrow out of a witch hazel branch. The scarecrow, Hazel, has special powers only the boy knows of. Hazel saves a pumpkin to make a large harvest moon with it.
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Tiffany and her mom, Janelle, have just moved to a new trailer that is pretty far away from everything else. Since Janelle has to work, Tiffany spends a lot of time playing alone. When she discovers plants growing by her driveway, the mailman helps her take care of them as they grow.
Cazet, Denys
It's a morning on the farm with the animals waking for the day and the scarecrow quietly watching from the field. It's quiet on the farm until he gets a mouse inside of him.
Dillon, Jana
A scarecrow family is frustrated by the crows. See how young Jeb plans to scare them away.
Potter, Beatrix
Benjamin and Peter Rabbit have an adventure trying to reclaim Peter's clothes from a scarecrow. They are trapped by a cat and punished by Mr. Bunny, but manage to bring some onions home to Mrs. Rabbit.
Brown, Margaret Wise
The big red barn has many different farm animals that live in it. All the animals go out and play on the day when the children are not there.
Preston, Edna Mitchell
A robber, ghost, witch, scarecrow and jack-o-lantern are all scared by a noise. They run to their homes to learn that the noise came from a mouse.
Ipcar, Dahlov
After the farmer plants his crops, he needs to keep a close eye on them. He puts up a scarecrow to scare the birds, then chases the chickens out of his field. When autumn comes, he harvests his crops and makes a big Thanksgiving dinner.
Brown, Margaret Wise
The little scarecrow boy anxiously awaits the day when he can go into the fields and frighten crows like his father does every day. As he grows and grows, he becomes even more determined to become an actual scarecrow. The day finally comes when he has to put his courage to the test.
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.