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What comes in 2's, 3's, and 4's?
Aker, Suzanne
What comes in two's?Some of the things are two pieces of bread for a sandwich, two body parts, and two wings on a bird. What comes in three's?Three wheels on a tricycle, three meals each day, and three primary colors. Can you come up with thing that comes in four's?

Louella mae, she's run away!
Alarcon, Karen Beaumont
Louella Mae has disappeared and her family goes on a wild search around the farm to find her. At the end, not only is her location discovered, but also the fact that Louella Mae is really a pig!

The oreo cookie counting book
Albee, Sarah
From 10 to 1, it's Oreo counting fun. Practice counting down from 10 to 1 with the help of Oreo cookies. Oh, some friends have come along to help. Turn the page and find out how many Oreos are left.

Where does the trail lead?
Albert, Burton
A boy explores Summertime Island and observes many things. At the end of the trail, he is back with his family.

Alejandro's gift
Albert, Richard
A lonely man plants a garden full of vegetables in the middle of the desert. A wide array of desert wildlife finds their way to his garden and watering hole. He wants to be friends with the animals and help them.

It's the bear
Alborough, Jez
Eddie and his mother plan to have a picnic in the woods but a big bear comes and eats all the food.

Duck in the truck
Alborough, Jez
As duck drives home in his truck, he hits a rock which leaves him stuck in the muck. Frog first tries to help, then sheep and finally goat. Working together the four animals are able to get the truck out.

A boy's best friend
Alden, Joan
Will wants a dog for his birthday, but because of his asthma, he gets a stuffed toy dog instead. When Will takes his dog to school, he is made fun of by bullies.

The tale of the turnip
Alderson, Brian
With the help of his family, a farmer grows an oversized turnip and presents it to the King. The King gives the farmer a cartload of gold for his turnip. The King's gift entices a squire to present the King with a horse, but the reward is not what the squire has in mind.

Bonnie mcsmithers you're driving me dithers
Alderson, Sue Ann
Bonnie is trying to entertain herself. In the process she makes mischief and irritates her mother. Mommy's anger disturbs Bonnie. She doesn't understand why Mommy gets mad and why she doesn't play with her. Bonnie confronts her and then Mommy realizes that her daughter needs her very much.

Noise in the night
Alexander, Anne
Sherri realizes one night that she does not like the noises that she hears in the darkness. Her parents try to come up with many alternatives so that she is not afraid any more. Finally, she tries to think of all the noises as friendly noises.

My dad has HIV
Alexander, Earl//Rudin, Sheila//Sejkora, Pam
The virus (called HIV) is explained in this gentle and descriptive story about a young girl whose father is living with HIV. The facts about the virus are described in a way that children can understand. The story helps children to know that a person with HIV can lead a normal life.

Dots! dots! dots at the museum
Alexander, Francie
Children delve deeper into the world of art using dots and imagination. Using interactive questions, the children enjoy some real art, both paintings and sculptures.

An American story
Alexander, Kwame
An African American story is an American story of slavery, brutal conditions, struggle, and oppression. Remember the American story of hard work, pride, and strength in the fight for liberty as Black people stand up and speak out while "holding history in one hand and clenching hope in the other".

The house gobbaleen
Alexander, Lloyd
After a stroke of bad luck, Tooley calls up on the Friendly Folk to help him improve his luck. When Hooks comes to the door, Tooley invites him in the house despite warnings from his cat. Hooks takes advantage of Tooley and makes his luck even worse than before-until the house gobbaleen scares Hooks away.

The fortune tellers
Alexander, Lloyd
A carpenter who is unhappy with his life, goes to a fortune teller. The fortune teller tells him that he will be rich and famous. The carpenter does become rich and famous by becoming a fortune teller himself.

The four donkeys
Alexander, Lloyd
The Baker, Shoemaker, and Tailor all wanted to go to the fair to sell their goods, but had trouble making it there. After their donkey collapsed, they had to pull the cart. They were all rude to each other, but when they were all faced with the same problem they figured out a helpful solution.

And my mean old mother will be sorry, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony is tired of his mean mother always yelling at him, so he runs away with his bear. After some fun, he misses his mother, his bed, his pillow, and food. He happily returns to his home.

Nobody asked me if I wanted a little sister
Alexander, Martha
Oliver's new baby sister gets a lot of attention and he feels neglected. He tries to give his sister away, but realizes that she wants to be with him. Oliver discovers that he will have a playmate when she is a little older.

You're a genius, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony wants to go to the moon. His only problem is that he does not know how to build a spaceship. When Anthony goes to sleep, his friend blackboard bear builds a spaceship. Together they pack the spaceship for their trip. Anthony begins to get worried about the trip and decides he will stay safely at home while blackboard bear goes to the moon himself.

No ducks in our bathtub
Alexander, Martha
David endlessly tries to convince his mother to allow him to have a pet. However, all of his choices are inappropriate. Finally, they agree on fish, so he waits for the fish eggs to hatch. Only, the eggs aren't fish eggs after all.

Even that moose won't listen to me
Alexander, Martha
Rebecca has a hard time convincing her busy family that there is a moose tearing up their garden. Rebecca runs the moose out of the garden by herself. When her family finally comes out to see what Rebecca is talking about, the moose and the garden are gone. Rebecca eventually moves onto a new project.

When the new baby comes, i'm moving out
Alexander, Martha
Oliver is becoming a big brother, and is dreading the arrival of his new sibling. He becomes angry and jealous and threatens to leave his mother. However, she is able to convince him that he is loved and needed at home.

How my library grew, by dinah
Alexander, Martha
There is a new library being built near Dinah's house. She watched it get larger and could not wait for it to open. When it did she wanted to get a card of her own, so Dinah learned how to write her name and got her own library card.

Move over, twerp
Alexander, Martha
A little boy gets on the school bus and gets bullied out of his seat. He tries to build muscles, but that does not work. He cleverly calls himself Supertwerp and all the big kids love it and no one ever asks him to move again.

Maggie's whopper
Alexander, Sally
Maggie dreams of catching a whopper sized fish to compete with her older brother. With the help of her aging uncle, Maggie catches her fish and confronts an old bear in the mountains.

World famous muriel and the scary dragon
Alexander, Sue
A king asks Muriel to help people from his kingdom who are afraid of a dragon. With her peanut butter cookies, Muriel finds the dragon. She then gives the dragon a bath which makes him feel better. In return, he becomes a nicer dragon so the king continues to give him a bath once a week.

World famous muriel and the magic mystery
Alexander, Sue
A professor invites Muriel to watch a magician warm up before a magic show. When the magician disappears, the professor asks Muriel to find the magician for him. She needs peanut butter cookies to help her think. She finally finds him in the library and has him back in time to do his magic show.

Marianthe's story one: Painted words. Marianthe's story two: Spoken memories
When a child moves to a new school it can be frightening. Mari not only moved to a new school, but a new culture as well. Mari uses painted pictures to communicate her words and recalls her life through spoken memories.

My feet
The ways that we use our feet are explained in an amusing way. Running, skipping, walking, and kicking are discussed, as well as the different parts of our feet and how we use them.

My five senses
How do you taste your favorite food or see an airplane in the sky?Your five senses let you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. You may use one sense or several at one time. Wherever you go and whatever you do, your senses are always working for you.

I'm growing
In simple words and delightful pictures, Aliki explains how and why we grow. We groww, both inside and out, from the time we are babies until the end of our teenage years. We all need energy to help us grow. Energy from the good food that we eat will help the growth of our bones and skin, teeth and muscles. Everyone grows in their own way at their own speed. This growth will happen to you too!

Quiet in the garden
A little boy enjoys going out into his garden. His garden has flowers, produce, and wildlife. The wildlife shows the little boy the importance of the food chain. The little boy enjoys a picnic with the wildlife, because he loves nature.

How a book is made
Turn the pages of this book to learn how an author's manuscript and the artist's pictures become a book. Publishing a book is a long hard process with many workers from editors and publishers to proofreaders and printers. Who made this book? Read about the many people and the step-by-step process for publishing a book for all to read.

Go tell aunt rhody
This illustrated version of the children's folk song tells about a goose that dies and is then used to stuff a feather bed.

Christmas tree memories
One Christmas eve, a family gathers in front of their Christmas tree. Each ornament brings back a memory. The family shares rememberences of friends, places, events and their own family through the stories of each decoration.

The two of them
A little girl spends time with her grandfather. They go shopping for food, share a meal together and grow fruit in the garden. An apple tree becomes a good way for the girl to remember her grandfather forever.

Milk from cow to carton
Describes the steps of milking a cow then processing it at a dairy. Children also learn how butter and cheese are made from milk.

We are best friends
Two young boys must deal with the idea of one best friend moving away. Luckily, each meets a new friend. They are able to keep their friendship through letters.

The case for loving: The fight for interracial marriage
Alko, Selina
Mildred and Richard Loving wanted to love each other with freedom without having to be legally limited by where they lived as husband and wife based on the color of their skin. Marriages between people of different races were against the law in 17 states. In those states, interracial marriage was illegal. So Mildred and Richard got married in Washington DC then moved to Virginia where their marriage certificate hung on the wall of their home. The police did not honor the certificate so the Lovings were taken away and locked up in jail. They moved away from their families back to Washington DC where they had three children. The Lovings took their case all the way to the Supreme Court and won on June 12, 1967. Richard had his courageous message read aloud in court. The message was: "Tell the court I love my wife and it is just unfair that I can't live with her in Virginia". From that day, it was unconstitutional to make marriage a crime because of race.

The stupids step out
Allard, Harry
The Stupids go out for the day to visit their grandparents. They go past a store and make fun of the people staring back at them from the mirrors.

It's so nice to have a wolf around
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
An old man and his three old pets needed someone to look after them. The wolf came and helped them get their spirits up. The man and his cats did not know that the wolf was wanted for bank robbery. The wolf was set free because he was so nice to the old man and they all lived happily ever after.

Miss nelson has a field day
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
The Smedley football team was having a horrible season. They hadn't won a game all season. Miss Nelson comes up with a great idea to whip the team into shape by dressing up as a substitute coach. After a few practices with Coach Swamp, the team won the biggest game of the year.

Miss nelson is missing!
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
The kids in Miss Nelson's class were misbehaving. They were so awful Miss Nelson decided to have a new teacher, Miss Swamp, come in the next day. She was a very mean teacher that made them do a lot of work. The kids missed Miss Nelson, so they looked for her. A couple of days later, Miss Nelson came back and the kids all behaved for her. She will now tell them that she was Miss Swamp.

The stupids take off
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
The Stupid family go on a trip to escape from their bizarre uncle. While on their trip, they run into more bizarre relatives. They have one adventure after another until they reach home.

Miss nelson is back
Allard, Henry//Marshall, James
Miss Nelson, a teacher, had to have her tonsils taken out. The principal of the school substituted for her but he was very boring. The kids decided to pretend to be Miss Nelson. When Miss Nelson found out, she brought out Miss Swamp for an afternoon.

Dancing in the wings
Allen, Debbie
Sassy uses her unique characteristics and height to become a great ballet dancer. Sassy does not allow bullying from the other students to prevent her from trying out for a summer dance festival. Sassy learns the benefits of perseverence and self-esteem.

Brothers of the knight
Allen, Debbie
Twelve brothers magically disappear every night even though their door is locked. Their father hires a housekeeper to figure out the mystery of his boys. She learns to listen, which turns out to be more powerful than simply solving a mystery.

Mary alice returns
Allen, Jeffrey
Mary Alice is a switchboard operator on whom everyone depends. She completes her job perfectly until one day, when Karen squirrel plays dangerous games with her.