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Anno's journey
Anno, Mitsumasa
Anno's journey takes us to Northern Europe where we see the land, the people at work and play, their art, architecture, and folklore. We also see an escaping prisoner, some characters from Sesame Street, and other things.

Topsy-turvies: More pictures to stretch the imagination
Anno, Mitsumasa
Each page of this book stretches the imagination and gives the reader something to think about. Some of the things seen are upside down while others are right side up. (A Wordless Book)

Anno's counting house
Anno, Mitsumasa
Children discover numbers while playing a game. Children learn to relate abstract symbols to real objects.

Anno, Mitsumasa
In the land of cards, everyone has an upside-down double. Everyone bickers over who is really up and who is down. The joker guides us through this world. Finally, the king tells them it's all about your point of view.

The king's flower
Anno, Mitsumasa
The king believes he must have everything bigger and better than anyone else until he tries to grow the biggest flower. The little flower is so beautiful that the king realizes that bigger does not mean better.

Anno's flea market
Anno, Mitsumasa
A flea market is shown from beginning to end. At this flea market, people are everywhere discovering different things with a lot of excitement. (A Wordless Book)

All in a day
Anno, Mitsumasa
Eight children from eight different countries are shown at the same time each day over two days. The contrasts and similarities of the children and their activities are described.

Anno's counting book
Anno, Mitsumasa
Daily activities in a countryside village are shown through the numbers 0 through 12

In shadowland
Anno, Mitsumasa
The watchman leaves his post in Shadowland to help a poor, cold girl. The two are chased back to Shadowland when their shadows overlap and the towns people think they are witches.

Anno's magic seeds
Anno, Mitsumasa
Jack is given two magic seeds by a wizard. He is told to plant one seed and eat one seed, but Jack figures out a more lucrative method. How many seeds does each harvest yield?

Somebody has done it, why can't you?
Annoh, G. Kwesi
Two sisters in Ghana pursue their dreams of becomming career women. They receive help from their parents and teachers, and work hard to study math and science. Abena becomes a mathematician and Akousa becomes a medical officer in public health.

Antony, Steve
Blip accidentally becomes unplugged and spends the day outside, traveling through the forest and sailing through a river. Blip starts to make friends with the animals and realizes they love to spend time outdoors, away from the screen. Finally, Blip returns home and leaves soon after to join their friends again.

Friends from the other side
Anzaldua, Gloria
Prietita is a young girl who befriends a young immigrant from Mexico. He lives with his mother in a shed. When the police come, Prietita hides them so they won't be taken away. This story is in English and Spanish.

Cocoa ice
Appelbaum, Diana
A young girl from Maine and a young girl from Santa Domingo learn about each other's home through Jacob the Sailor. The girl from Santa Domingo describes how to make chocolate, and the girl from Maine tells about making ice.

Elephants aloft
Appelt, Kathi
Rama and Raja are elephants who receive a letter from their aunt. The elephants live in India while the aunt lives in Africa. Their aunt wants them to come and visit her. The elephants travel to India in a hot air balloon.

Incredible me
Appelt, Kathi
A young girl examines all the traits that make her the unique individual that she is. She talks about her body parts, feelings and different figures of speech.

Bubba and beau go night-night
Appelt, Kathi
Baby Bubba and his puppy Beau love going for truck rides with Big Bubba. After a long day they return home, but still are not ready for bed. When they drive around at night they finally fall asleep in the truck after seeing the Feed & Seed Store, the ice cream store, and the fruit and vegetable stand.

The buffalo storm
Applegate, Katherine
Hallie and her parents are leaving their home in Nebraska and setting out in a wagon for Oregon. Hallie is sad to leave her home and her grandmother, but she isn't afraid. She is'nt afraid of anything, except for storms. When hallie experiences her greatest storm she's ever seen during her journey, she isn't afraid, though, thanks to her grandmother's beloved quilt and kind words.

Here are my hands
Archambault, John/ Martin Jr, Bil
The human body is an amazing organism, starting with our hands and feet. Children go through each of our body parts and point out important functions that each can do. For example " Here are my hands for catching and throwing. Here are my feet for stopping and going." Learns lots about your body parts with this rhyming text.

Tim and ginger
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim and Ginger are best friends. One day Ginger goes off on his own. Tim realizes that something is wrong. He searches to find Ginger. After Tim saves him, Ginger saves Tim. Both boys are heroes.

Tim in danger
Ardizzone, Edward
Ginger, a little boy, runs away to live on a ship, and Tim and Charlotte go after him. They both join the crew on another ship and work. Their ship collides with Ginger's ship. Ginger comes aboard. They all work and go back home to their parents.

Sarah and simon and no red paint
Ardizzone, Edward
Two children and their family are rather poor. Their father is a painter and he needs a tube of red paint to finish a painting, but he has no money left. The children try to help him get the red paint.

Tim to the lighthouse
Ardizzone, Edward
One night, Tim noticed the light from the lighthouse was not flashing past his window. So Tim, the captain, and their friends braved the storm only to find robbers who wanted the ship to crash so they could get their goods. The children help save the lighthouse.

Tim all alone
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim, a little boy, comes home after being at sea to find his parents have moved. He goes out looking for them. He travels on different boats and stays with different people. Then, one day by luck, he finds his parents.

Little tim and the brave sea captain
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim wants to be a sailor, so he stows away on a boat. He stays on the boat until a storm overturns it, and then he heads for home.

Ship's cook ginger
Ardizzone, Edward
Two young boys longed to be at sea, so their parents took them on a trip. Their parents were called off on an emergency but the boys stayed. They encounter a series of problems, but the crew and the boys survive.

Tim's friend towser
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim and Ginger are cabin boys who find a dog on the S.S. Royal. The captain does not like dogs, so they try to find it a home every time they go to shore. When the captain finds the dog in hiding, he scolds the boys. In the end, the boys get to keep the dog.

Tim's last voyage
Ardizzone, Edward
A brother and sister are extra crew members on a ship. It is not as easy as they thought to work on a ship. They face many adventures and dangers together.

Tim to the rescue
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim got to be the second ship boy on a ship. The first ship boy, Ginger, puts a hair growing formula on his hair and it works. Tim saves Ginger in a storm by grabbing him by his hair. Tim receives a gold medal.

The wrong side of the bed
Ardizzone, Edward
A little boy gets up on the wrong side of the bed. At the beginning of the day, he gets into all kinds of trouble. However, throughout the rest of day, he realizes what he has done wrong and apologizes to everyone. (A wordless book)

The science book of the senses
Ardley, Neil
Includes all kinds of health and science experiments that will test your five senses. From reading with your fingers to tasting sweet and sour foods, all your senses will be used during this learning experience.

Magic dogs of the volcanoes
Argueta, Manlio
The people of El Salvador are protected by cadejos, which are magic dogs that are descendents of the volcanoes. Two ancient volcanoes help the cadejos when Don Tonio and his 13 brothers send soldiers to destroy the cadejos. This book contains both Spanish and English text.

Prudy's problem and how she solved it
Armstrong-Ellis, Carey
Prudy loves to collect things. But unlike most kids who collect only a few things, Prudy collects everything. Some things are even unsanitary. One day her enormous collection becomes too much for her to handle. She must come up with an idea on what to do with all her stuff. Finally she has it. She solves her problem by creating a collection museum. Here her collection can be neat, orderly and seen by everyone.

Chin yu min and the ginger cat
Armstrong, Jennifer
Chin Yu Min is married to a wealthy man. She takes advantage of their wealth and is very mean to people. Her husbands dies, and she is now poor. She finds a cat that catches fish, so she gets him to stay with her. She is attached to the cat now, but she accidentally gives him away. She later finds him and has now learned to appreciate her good fortunes.

Hugh can do
Armstrong, Jennifer
Hugh is an orphan who wants to go to the city to make his fortune. Even though he encounters many obstacles, he pushes on and makes it to the city.

Pierre's dream
Armstrong, Jennifer
Is it all a dream? Pierre thinks so. He is the star of the circus, daring to do things he wouldn't do if he was awake. Pierre tames a lion, walks on a high wire, and all sorts of other scary or dangerous things. As the star of the circus, Pierre proves to the people of Apt that he is not just a lazy, foolish man.

Let's find it!
Arnold, Katya
An assortment of environmental themes, such as a park, a street scene, a garden, a pond, a beach and a forest are used as background to identify plants and animals. Words are used to label and identify different plants and aniamls in our environment.

Elephants can paint too!
Arnold, Katya
Comparisons are made between human students and elephants who are learning how to paint. Photographs of elephants and their artwork are shared. Children learn that these elephants have many similarities to humans and must take part in the same learning process as them in order to achieve goals.

Duck, duck, goose?
Arnold, Katya
A goose wishes to look different than all the other geese so she travels to all the different birds she envies and switches one of her body parts for theirs. She later learns she is unable to perform the same things the other birds can even with her new look, and she begins to appreciate her own qualities.

Heart of a tiger
Arnold, Marsha D.
One week before Naming Day, the character does on a search for Bengal. The parrots and monkeys were not kind to him in the forest and even teased him. Even in the face of danger and violence, this character shows how to have the heart of a tiger.

No jumping on the bed
Arnold, Ted
Walter always wanted to jump on his bed. One night he dreamed that he fell through the floor. When he awoke, he never wanted to jump on his bed again.

There was an old lady who swalled fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Buzz take Fly Guy with him to visit Grandma. During Grandma's excited hug, she accidentally swalllows Fly Guy! She proceeds to swallow animal after animal in an attempt to catch Fly Guy and all the animals she swallows until Fly Guy finally escapes, followed by the rest.

Shoo, fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Fly guy comes home to find that Buzz is on a picnic with his parents. Fly guy is hungry, so he decides to find his family's picnic location by searching for his favorite brown, oozy, lumpy, smelly food. After coming across many food thatfit part of the decription, he finally find his favorite food and the picnic.

Fly high, Fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
A pet fly follows Buzz and his parents on vacation. Throughout the trip the parents continue to worry that Fly Guy is lost, but always find him hiding in inconspicuous places. As it turns out, Buzz's parents get lost and have to rely on Fly Guy to save the day.

Every autumn comes the bear
Arnosky, Jim
A bear wakes up in autumn to get food and eventually hibernate. The big bear scares all the other animals.

Deer at the brook
Arnosky, Jim
A portrayal of the lovely things that happen at a brook when a mother deer and two fawns come to drink.

Clink Clank Clunk
Aroner, Miriam
Rabbit is taking a trip into town and is kind enough to pick up nine friends along the way. Much to his dismay, Rabbit's car begins to fall apart more and more with each friend that gets in! With a little teamwork and persistence though, the ten make it safely to town where Rabbit buys a new car.

Stella's bull
Arrington, Frances
Mary Wilson is afraid of Stella's bull, even though she has never actually seen it before. Mary overcomes her fear by facing the bull eye-to-eye.

Juan and the asuangs
Aruego, Jose
Juan lives in a jungle. One day while Juan is napping, his carabao wanders into the jungle. In the jungle, Juan comes across many Asuangs.