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Nosey mrs. rat
Allen, Jeffrey//Marshall, James
Mrs. Rat is always spying on her neighbors. One day, she finds out someone is spying on her and the tables are turned.

Allen, Judy
When the people in a small village hear that there may be a small tiger living in their woods, they hire a hunter to track it down.

Where is freddy?
Allen, Laura Jean
Two mouse detectives solve a case of a missing youth mouse whose imagination and curiosity lead him to build and fly a hot air balloon with the help of his best friend.

Ottie and the star
Allen, Laura Jean
Ottie longs to have his own star. He sees a reflection in the water and dives in to catch his star. He has many adventures under the sea until he finds a starfish and brings it to the surface where his mother informs him of the difference between stars and starfish.

Bertie and the bear
Allen, Pamela
A bear was chasing Bertie. So, the king chased the bear and everyone in the knigdom ran along and made noise. The bear was flattered by all the attention.

A lion in the night
Allen, Pamela
One night from the confines of her crib, a baby makes a wish and much to the king and queen's astonishment, the wish comes true in the middle of the night. A lion takes the baby on a wild chase in time for breakfast. And when the queen comes in, the Lion disappears.

Beginning to learn about colors
Allington, Richard
An artist mixes many colors and draws pictures representing them. For example, red for apple, white for egg, and gray for mushroom.

Bad day at riverbend
Allsburg, Chris Van
The small town of Riverbend is under siege by omnipresent forces in this wonderful tale.

Amelia's road
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Amelia, the daughter of migrant farm workers, is tired of moving around and dreams of a permanent home. She finds a special place for herself so she doesn't feel so bad about leaving. The family continues to harvest peaches, apples, carrots, and tomatoes.

The legend of freedom hill
Altman, Linda Jacobs
A Jewish girl and an African American girl become friends during the Gold Rush in California when slavery was against the law. The two girls work together to save Miz Violet, a runaway slave, by searching for gold to buy her freedom from a slave catcher.

Singing with Momma Lou
Altman, Linda, Jacobs
Tamika does not enjoy visiting Momma Lou, her grandmother. Momma Lou has Alzheimer's, and she cannot remember Tamika. When Tamika reminds her about the friendship she used to have with Momma Lou, she decides to bring in pictures to re-create the memories. Tamika and her family celebrate Momma's Civil Rights victories, despite the sadness of her disease.

There's a little bit of me in jamey
Amadeo, Diana M.
Jamey has leukemia and becomes very sick. His brother feels like his family cares more about Jamey than they do him. His mother assures him that he is loved just as much as Jamey. When Jamey needs a bone marrow transplant he agrees to be the donor.

Ready, set, brush! A pop-up book
American Dental Association
Elmo and his gang teach you how to brush your teeth. First, Elmo teaches you about how much toothpaste to use, and Marvin Monster helps you learn about where you should brush. Then Zoe reminds you to brush your tongue, and you learn about rinsing from the Cookie Monster. Next, Martha Monster visits the dentist for a checkup, and he tells her that she, and all of her friends, do a great job of taking care of their mouth by brushing and rinsing twice a day!

Ella sets the stage
Amico, Carmela
Ella wants so badly to be in the school talent show, but she has no talent. She decides instead to join the talent show committee and helps make the show the best it can be. During the show, something unexpected happens and Ella comes to the rescue, finding her true talent: helping others.

Tom in the middle
Amoss, Berthe
Tom's little brother, John, follows him everywhere. Sometimes, he becomes a pest. His big brother Mark can do almost anything. Tom gets mad one day and goes away, but gets scared and comes back home.

Pass the peas, please: A book of manners
Anastasio, Dina
Clever, funny rhymes are used to show how to behave in a variety of situations. Eating with your mouth full, taking food that doesn't belong to you, eating spaghetti the right way, and sharing food with others are rhymes about food manners.

The santero's miracle: A bilingual story
Anaya, Rudolfo
Don Jacobo and his grandson carve a figurine of a saint from wood for the Christmas season. A large snow storm comes and closes the roads. This creates problems for Don Jacobo's family who wants to visit their family. It is also a problem for his sick neighbor who needs to to go the the hospital.

Truffles is sick
Anbolt, Catherine
Truffles wakes up sick and is covered with spots. He has to stay in and take awful medicine. By the end of the day, Truffles realizes that being sick and resting is not so bad after all.

Let's dance
Ancona, George
Children from all backgrounds move and dance to different rhythms of their culture. Dances range from tap to folk dances and from Native American dance to Tibetan dance. There are many forms, types, and styles of dance a person can do to express their emotions. There are different dances for men, women, animals, and puppets too!

Handtalk zoo
Ancona, George//Miller, Mary Beth
At Handtalk Zoo, children use sign language to communicate what animals they see. Children can learn sign language easily from this book.

For sure! For sure!
Andersen, Hans Christian
Did you know that chickens gossip too? Come read about one chick that plucks out her feathers, supposedly to look good and impress her rooster. After one of her feathers is plucker, an owl sees her actions and spreads the word. The story gets turned around and exaggerated especially when the newspaper prints it.

Lizzie demands a seat! Elizabeth Jennings fights for streetcar rights
Anderson, Beth
One hundred years before Rosa Parks took her stand, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Jennings tried to board a streetcar in New York City on her way to church. Though there were plenty of empty seats, she was denied entry, assaulted, and threatened all because of her race -- even though New York was a free state at that time. Lizzie decided to fight back. She told her story, took her case to court -- where future president Chester Arthur represented her -- and won! Her victory was the first recorded in the fight for equal rights on public transportation, and Lizzie's case set a precedent.

Blaze finds the trail
Anderson, C.W.
Billy and his pony, Blaze, ride off for a day in the woods together. They get lost in the woods and they need to find their way home before the storm.

Billy and blaze: A boy and his pony
Anderson, C.W.
Billy is a young boy who gets a pony for his birthday. He names the pony Blaze. The two become close friends. They enter a horse show together.

Blaze and the gypsies: Blaze escapes from the horse thieves
Anderson, C.W.
A young boy named Billy and his pony, Blaze, meet a group of gypsies on a road. The gypsies steal Blaze. Billy searches for Blaze, while Blaze searches for home.

The big cheese of third street
Anderson, Halse Laurie
Little Benny is bullied constantly for being so little. It isn't until he wins the pole challenge that everyone cheers and honors Benny.

The land of no
Anderson, Jill
Tiffany always hates to be told no, so she dreams up a place called the Land of No. Here, everyone always answers with the word no. Tiffany learns how to word her requests in order to het her way. When she awakes from her dream, her mother answers yes.

Turkey pox
Anderson, Laurie Halse
Charity's favorite holiday finally arrives, Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, she and her family are unable to travel to Nana's for dinner because Charity has come down with the chicken pox. However, Nana solicits the help of four snowplow drivers and she and the turkey arrive just in time for dinner!

Anderson, Lena
Stina spends every summer with her grandfather. They do many things together. They fish, collect shells, and find seagull feathers. This summer they watch a storm together.

The halloween party
Anderson, Lonzo
A young boy is on his way to a Halloween party, when he sees two witches and follows them. He ends up at a Halloween party with witches, ogres, and gremlins and has a wonderful time. He returned home that night by way of broomstick, only to wonder if it was a dream or not.

Ponies of mykillengi
Anderson, Lonzo
Two children and their ponies get caught in a snow storm. There is also an earthquake and a volcano that prevent them from making it home. One pony is about to give birth and the two children help.

Two hundred rabbits
Anderson, Lonzo//Adams, Adrienne
A boy wants to perform in front of the king at a festival. He first has to find a special talent. He tries to sing, juggle, and finally he comes up with something the king will love.

Me, all alone, at the end of the world
Anderson, M. T.
A young boy loves living quietly by himself because he enjoys reading, whistling dance tunes, and listening to the wind and sounds of nature. A boisterous man shows up one day and installs an amusement park for tourists to visit and play. Eventually, he leaves to live all alone at the Top of the World where he is quite happy for the time being.

The auction
Andrews, Jan
A boy named Tom visits his grandfather's farm the day before it's suppose to be auctioned off. He is very sad and relives old memories with his grandfather. This helps them both deal with the pain.

Very last first time
Andrews, Jan
Eva, a little girl who lives in an Inuit Village in Canada, makes her first trip under the ice on the Seabed looking for mussels. While under the ice, she makes many discoveries and has an adventure.

My painted house, my friendly chicken, and me
Angelou, Maya
Thandi, an eight-year-old Ndebele girl who lives in a village in South Africa with her mother, aunts, sisters, and mischievous younger brother, shares her secrets with her best friend, a chicken.

Kofi and his magic
Angelou, Maya
A young Ashanti boy describes some of the wonders of his life in and around the West African village of Bonwire.

A friend is someone who likes you
Anglund, Joan Walsh
This book describes all the different kinds of friends a person could have.

Aren't you lucky!
Anholt, Catherine
A little girl is having to deal with the aspect of having a new baby brother. She keeps hearing how lucky she is but she isn't agreeing at first. She now realizes how much they can do together and enjoys his company.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

Sophie and the new baby
Anholt, Laurence
A new baby is coming, and Sophie's going to be a big sister!She helps her mother and father prepare for the arrival of the baby, but when her little brother is born, she wishes that her family could give him back!Sophie slowly begins to realize that having a new brother might not be so bad after all.

Picasso and the girl with the ponytail
Anholt, Laurence
Sylvette is a shy young girl, until she meets Picasso. He has moved to France for the summer to work on his art. Seeing Sylvette through his window, he decides to use her as his new model. All summer they work together and become good friends. Picasso helps Sylvette unlock her secrets and artistic talent.

Billy and the big new school
Anholt, Laurence
Billy is very nervous about starting at his new school. He wants to stay home with his mother. Then he meets a small bird who is hurt and cannot fly. Billy takes care of it until it is ready to fly again. Find out how Billy gets himself ready to go to school and how he uses his bird story to make a friend.

Degas and the little dancer: A story about Edgar Degas
Anholt, Laurence
Marie dreams of being a famous dancer until one day her chance of being in the Christmas show diminishes when her father becomes ill. Marie begins to model for a painter to earn money for her family's lost income. One day, Maria's sculpture shows up in the art museum and becomes the famed sculpture of Edgar Degas.

How the witch got alf
Annett, Cora
Alf is a donkey that feels unappreciated, so he hides on the roof and pretends to run away. His two owners miss him very much. Alf learns how appreciated he really is.

The dog who thought he was a boy
Annett, Cora
Peter gets a dog for his birthday. The dog, Ralph, thinks he is a boy. The family works day after day to try to show Ralph he is a dog and not a boy.

Anno's magical abc: An anamorphic alphabet
Anno, Masaichiro//Anno, Mitsumasa
Children's eyes are opened to the excitement of seeing and learning the alphabet in a different way. Although initially distorted, the letters can be easily viewed when using a silver tube as directed.

Anno's faces
Anno, Mitsumasa
See-through plastic cards move to reveal a variety of fruits and vegetables, which have smiles and frowns on them.

Anno's alphabet
Anno, Mitsumasa
In this alphabet book, one page has the letter, and the corresponding page has a picture of something that begins with that letter.

Anno's animals
Anno, Mitsumasa
Look carefully at every page because animals, birds, and people are hidden in the pictures.