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Mr. mcmouse
Lionni, Leo
Mr. Timothy McMouse, a city mouse, runs away to the country. He meets a group of field mice who live in a castle and tries to fit in. Timothy cannot pass the test of the country mice. When Timothy saves himself and another mouse from the cat, he is given an honorary Field Mouse License.

Sweet strawberries
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
A man and his wife set off in their wagon to go to the market. On the way there the husband is very rude and impatient to everyone he comes across on the trip. During the trip, the man's wife tells her husband how much she would love to have some strawberries from the market but he tells her to stop complaining. At the market, the husband exchanges his fish for flour and his wife is very upset and doesn't talk to him on the way home. The next trip to market, the husband is friendly to everyone he meets and buys a big basket of strawberries for his wife. He thinks everyone else has changed, not himself.

The mission bell
Politi, Leo
Diego is taught by Father Serra that there is always a mission in life. Diego learns that you must learn to accept and love people for who they are and in turn, they will teach you.

I wish that i had duck feet
Lesieg, Theo
A boy wishes that he has several different unique body parts, such as duck feet, an elephant's nose, etc. Until he realizes that he is just glad to be himself.

Wemberly worried
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!

Keeping up with cheetah
Camp, Lindsay
Hippopotomus and Cheetahare best friends and Hippo always laughed at Cheetah's jokes. Cheetah decides to find new friends who can run and keep up with him because Hippo cannot. In the end, however, Cheetah realizes what a good friend he has in Hippo.

The cats of mrs. calamari
Stadler, John
Mrs. Calamari moves into a new apartment and the landlord tells her No cats allowed! Mrs. Calamari is not about to put her cats out on the street, she'll have to think of something. Mrs. Calamari and her cats become friends to the landlord and he accepts them.

Bunting, Eve
A mother and son huddle together in a cardboard box on Christmas Eve when a mysterious woman knocks on their door. They give her a place to sleep, a small cookie, and a coat for a blanket. On Christmas morning, an angel appears and changes their life forever.

King long shanks
Yolen, Jane
King Long Shanks is known for his fine, long and strong legs and he is quite proud of them. One day two tailors arrive at the palace promising they can make an outfit to show off his legs!The outfit also promises to be a true test of loyalty for the people of the kingdom.

So far from the sea
Bunting, Eve
Laura and her family are moving, so they are coming to visit the Manzanar War Relocation Center one last time. Years ago, this center was used to house anyone living in the United States that were of Japanese descent. These people were forced to leave their homes and come to the center because Japan bombed the United States. The center is bare now except for all of the memories and the cemetary, including her grandfather's grave.

The little old man and his dreams
Ross, L
A little old man's wish before his death is to attend his granddaughter's wedding and see her happy with her new husband. His journey is plagued with troubles and his gift of pearls is stolen.

Stranger in the mirror
Say, Allen
Sam, a young Asian American boy, realizes first hand what it is like to be an old man. He wakes up one morning with a much older look, but is the same young boy on the inside. He has a difficult time convincing his family and friends that he is the same boy they all know.

Star mother's youngest child
Moeri, Louise
Both an old woman and a star want to experience Christmas. The star's mother turns him into an ugly child and sends him to earth. There, he and the old woman share their first Christmas with someone.

Mrs. katz and tush
Polacco, Patricia
Larnel unexpectingly finds himself befriending an old, Polish woman. From Mrs. Katz, he learns Jewish history and begins to appreciate his own African roots.

Something beautiful
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
A little girl looks out her window only to see broken glass and trash in the court yard. She remembers her mother once told her everyone should have something beautiful. She sets out to look for something beautiful in her neighborhood.

White wash
Shange, Ntozake
Helene-Angel is the only person in her class to have to wait for her brother, Mauricio to walk her home. On their walk home, a group of boys decide to pick on her. Her brother is out-numbered so the boys paint her white. She is devastated and refuses to leave her room. Find out how her grandma helps her overcome her fears.

Pushkin meets the bundle
Ziefert, Harriet M.
Pushkin lives with Kate and Michael. Kate and Michael took Pushkin everywhere and did everything with him. That is, until one day when Kate and Michael brought home a bundle. They started paying attention to the bundle and not to Pushkin. The bundle was a baby. Pushkin does everything in his power to get Michael and Kate's attention. The baby always cries, too. Finally, Pushkin decides to do some of his tricks and the baby started laughing. The baby and Pushkin were best friends from then on.

Sophie and the new baby
Anholt, Laurence
A new baby is coming, and Sophie's going to be a big sister!She helps her mother and father prepare for the arrival of the baby, but when her little brother is born, she wishes that her family could give him back!Sophie slowly begins to realize that having a new brother might not be so bad after all.

Today is shrew's day
Carrick, Malcolm
Shrew and Bullfrog are friends. Shrew is lively and Bullfrog is lazy. The book has many different stories about their lives and adventures together.

The adventures of connie and diego
Garcia, Maria
Connie and Diego are born multi-colored and get laughed at by their siblings. They travel to try to find a place where they fit in. They find that they are human beings and the place they belong is with their parents and family with the other humans.

Metropolitan cow
Egan, Tim
Bennett Gibbons, the only calf in his neighborhood, often feels very bored and alone. When the Andersons, a family of pigs, move in next-door, Bennett instantly becomes friends with Webster, the youngest Anderson. Come join Bennett and Webster in the joy and pains of friendship.

The bird house
Rylant, Cynthia
A young girl goes everyday to watch the amazing blue house that an old woman lives in. The house is always surrounded by birds and one great barred owl. When the old woman finds the young homeless girl, she takes her in to live in the beautiful house.

A mother for choco (Une maman pour choco)
Kasza, Keiko
A lonely bird, Choco, tries to find his mother by going to a variety of animals and comparing features to see if they match. Choco finally comes across a bear who takes Choco as her baby.

San Souci, Robert
Family is defined differently when Tarzan is raised by a group of apes. Tarzan grows into a curious being. Confused by what he knows and what he is finding out, his confusion builds to power as he rules the apes. Can he forget his past to pursue his future?

Mommy far, mommy near: An adoption story
Peacock, Carol Antoinette
Elizabeth is a young Chinese girl who has been adopted by an American family. Elizabeth begins to question her adoption and wonders why her mommy in China did not keep her. Elizabeth's mother explains the adoption to her and loves that she has a mother who is far away and one who is close.

Who's whose?
Ormerod, Jan
Three families come together every day of the week to do activities help each other out. Some observe activities, do chores with others, or run errands with their friends. With so many people doing things together it is hard to keep track of who's whose!

Bat boy and his violin
Curtis, Gavin
Reginald loves playing the violin. His father only has time to worry about the Duke's losing streak. Reginald passionately plays the violin to improve the baseball team's losing streak. Find out what else Reginald's love for the violin improves.

The eensy-weensy spider
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Travel beyond the waterspout -- out into the garden, pond, brook, shoe store, and even the park with this determined spring-loving spider. Sing the all-time classic tune or just read with rhythm!This book will catch you in its colorful web and keep you on your toes as you advance beyond the traditional limits.

The happy lion
Fatio, Louise
A lion in the zoo is happy because everyone comes to visit him. One day he decides to leave his cage and visit some of these friends. Outside of the cage, everyone is not so happy to see him. They are frightened of him, except for one boy who takes the lion back to the zoo.

Biggest frog in australia
Roth, Susan L.
The biggest frog in Australia just woke up, and he is very thirsty!After he drinks all the water in the ground and the sky, there isn't any left for the other animals. The other animals now have to come up with a plan to get the water out of the frog!

Hans and Peter
Petrides, Heidrun
A teacher brings an African priest into her classroom to talk about the discovery of America.

The dinosaurs are back: And it's all your fault edward!
Hartmann, Wendy//Daly, Niki
Edward and his brother are going to bed when his brother starts talking about the rock under Edward's bed. He tries to scare Edward by telling him that it's really a dinosaur egg and that the dinosaurs are going to come back and terrorize the town. Edward's smarter than that though, and he turns the story around on his brother. Soon, his brother is too scared to sleep!

Please don't cry mom
DenBoer, Helen
Stephen becomes worried when he notices that his mother is sad all of the time and won't get out of bed. He and his father must learn about depression and how to help her cope with this illness.

Sail away
Crews, Donald
A family enjoys a day of sailing in their sailboat. During their sail, they observe how the weather changes throughout the day.

More hugs
Ross, Dave
This book depicts many ways of giving and receiving hugs, as well as the many types of hugs possible.

In the haunted house
Bunting, Eve
Take an adventure through a haunted house with lots of witches, ghosts, and vampires.

Yolen, Jane
An elf, an activity, flowers, animals, and objects represent each letter of the alphabet.

Heine, Helme
Katie shows Auntie Dumpling, Uncle Plod, and Mr. Brian how to have an interesting and unique holiday.

Reiss, John J.
Familiar objects that share the same color are depicted next to the name of the color.


Ehlert, Lois
A very interesting circus with many performing animals and other acts are described.

In my garden
Maris, Ron
A girl shows us all around her garden. There is lots to see and do in her garden.

The baby's lap book
Chorao, Kay
A collection of short children's verses and rhymes are presented in this book.

I'm going on a bear hunt
Sivulich, Sandra Stroner
A young boy goes on an imaginary bear hunt.

Clifford's abc
Bridwell, Norman
Clifford discovers the alphabet and many different objects. (A Wordless Book).

The quarreling book
Zolotow, C.//Lobel, A.
The inclement weather causes a father to be in a bad mood. He takes his feelings out on the mother, then the mother takes it out on the children. The quarreling continues with other characters, but is resolved at the end of the book.

Anno's faces
Anno, Mitsumasa
See-through plastic cards move to reveal a variety of fruits and vegetables, which have smiles and frowns on them.

As i was crossing boston common
Farber, Norma
While a turtle is crossing the Boston Common, he sees a man with many animals. All of these uncommon animals are in alphabetical order.

The moon was best
Zolotow, C.
A mother reflects about her trip to Paris as she shows her daughter beautifully enlarged photos of her favorite places.

Working wheels
Webber, H.
This picture book shows different types of objects and vehicles that use wheels.

When summer ends
Fowler, Susi
A young child is sorry to see the summer end but remembers all the good things the other seasons bring.