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A teeny tiny baby
Schwartz, Amy
Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a newborn baby?Listen to the thoughts of this baby as he talks about all the different places he likes to go. Where does he like to sleep?

Stories from the big chair
Wallace-Brodeur, R.
Molly is tired of her younger sister, Susan. She tells stories about Susan for one week and realizes she's not so bad afterall.

The house that jack built
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.

Reiss, John J.
Common objects are shown together representing different shapes.


A secret house
Gauch, Patricia Lee
A little girl dreams about a secret house by the sea. She wishes that she could live there with her doll.

And my mean old mother will be sorry, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony is tired of his mean mother always yelling at him, so he runs away with his bear. After some fun, he misses his mother, his bed, his pillow, and food. He happily returns to his home.

The feathered ogre
Lorenz, Lee
A terrible ogre comes to live at the edge of a peaceful kingdom. When he kidnaps the princess, a small piper volunteers to rescue her. In his efforts to do so, many secrets of the town are revealed and several spells are broken, allowing the people to live happily ever after.

Burglar bill
Ahlberg, Janet and Ahlberg, Allan
While Buglar Bill is out stealing, he takes a box. When he gets home, he finds that there is a baby in the box. When Burglar Betty is robbing Bill, she discovers that he has her baby. They decide to stop stealing and get married.

I can read with my eyes shut
Seuss, Dr.
This book points out the importance of reading things that interest you.

Happy birthday, crystal
Gordon, Shirley
Two girls get together to celebrate Crystal's birthday. They play many games and open presents.

A child's good night book
Brown, Margaret Wise
Animals, children, and plants go through different rituals as they prepare for bed each night.

The lord's prayer
D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
This story depicts Jesus giving the Lord's prayer to his disciples at the last supper.

Iva dunnit and the big wind
Purdy, Carol
A pioneer woman named Iva Dunnit tries to save her house from the Big Wind. Her children use their wits and work with their mother to save their property from the wind storm.

I'll never love anything ever again
Delton, Judy
A young boy develops allergies and isn't able to keep his dog. He copes with the separation although it isn't easy.

Stories about rosie
Voigt, Cynthia
Rosie's four adventures are quite eventful for a dog that loves chaos.

How many snails?
Gigante, Paul Jr.
Learn to count the number of objects in a scene. How many snails do you see?

Night city
Wellington, Monica
At nighttime, most children go to sleep. However, many people in the city do not. Find out what goes on all around the city throughout the night when many people are sleeping and dreaming.

Where is it?
Hoban, Tana
A rabbit is looking for something and the reader follows him through the forest until he finds his treasure - carrots.

Ten for me
Mariconda, Barbara
Two friends take off on a butterfly hunt, only to find themselves tangled in a mathematics net! You will be drawn in as the narrator Rose, and her friend Ed, race to see who can catch the most butterflies on this addition adventure. How many in all? "Let's add them again!" shout the butterfly hunters. Who will win? Ten for Me makes math fun, easy, and entertaining, while adding a touch of the natural world into cross-curricular education.

The drinking gourd
Monjo, F.N.
Tom misbehaves in church and is sent home early. He goes to play in the barn and discovers runaway slaves. He and his father help them escape and Tom learns all about freedom through the Underground Railroad.

The room
Gerstein, Mordicai
The history of a room for rent is depicted. The past owners of the house, their lives, and why they moved is shown.

Wallace, B. B.
This is a comical story about the invention of Argyle plaid.

The biggest birthday cake
Spurr, Elizabeth
The richest and fattest man in the world wants the biggest cake for his birthday. He only thinks of himself and ignores the young children in the village. He finally learns what it means to be rich.

The ring and the window seat
Hest, Amy
Stella, a young girl, saved nickels for weeks to buy a ring. Eventually, she gives it all away so she can help a girl come to the United States from Germany during WWII.

Because I am human
Buscaglia, Leo
With few words, this story describes all the aspects of humanity in a child's vocabulary.

An artist
Goffstein, M.B.
Goffstein depicts how an artist's work is part of him and how his work is like a creation from God.

Pearson, Susan
Cary gets a stuffed cat for her birthday and names her Izzie. She takes Izzie everywhere, but when Izzie gets too dirty, Cary stops carrying him around.

Beats me, claude
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Shirley and Tom are a lonely old couple until Tom comes to stay with them. Shirley tries to make pie but everytime she tries, robbers come. The pie is so bad it makes them all sick.

Pot luck
Tobias, Tobi
Rachel and her grandmother prepare for a special dinner guest, Sophie, who is grandmother's oldest friend. The two of them go to market, cook, bake, and prepare a feast for Grandmother's special guest from the old country. They go through a lot of work to make sure everything is perfect.

Spier, Peter
This book depicts many things that make sounds in our world.

First things first
Fraser, Betty
Various situations are presented and explained by a suitable proverb. Each situation begins with the statement, What do you say when..



Scott, Ann Herbert
A little girl, named Margarita, becomes discouraged when no one in the post office will say hi to her. Finally, the lady working says hi to Margarita and she is happy.

Annie bananie
Komaiko, Leah
A girl's best friend, Annie Bananie, is moving. The girl is sad because they shared many memories together.

Sam the minuteman
Benchley, Nathaniel
Sam follows his father in the militia. He discovers what it means to fight for his country.

The toy brother
Steig, William
Yorick considers his brother, Charles, to be a first rate pain. When Yorick concocts a potion that shrinks himself to the size of a peanut, Charles takes care of him and struggles to find an antidote before their parents return.

On friday something funny happened
Prater, John
Let's learn the days of the week!Each day is defined by the many activities that the family does.

The ghost of nicholas greebe
Johnston, Tony
At midnight, Nicholas Greebe dies. The following day he is buried by his family. However, a small dog digs around his grave and runs off with one of Nicholas Greebe's bones!This upsets Nicholas. His ghost decides to haunt his family until the missing bone is returned.

When the teddy bears came
Waddell, Martin
After Tom's mother brings her new baby home, friends and family bring over lots of teddy bears for the new baby. Soon there are so many teddy bears that there is no room left for Tom to sit with mom and the baby. Tom's mother reassures Tom that there is always a place for Tom.

The park book
Zolotow, C.
A little boy who lives in the country asks his mother what a park is like.

A father like that
Zolotow, C.
A little boy wishes he had a father. He tells his mother all the things he would do with his father if he were there.

Owl lake
Tejima, Keizaburo
Father Owl hunts for fish at nightfall to feed his hungry family.

Amy loves the wind
Hoban, Julia
It is a windy fall day in the park. Amy plays on the swings and flies a kite.

Moira's birthday
Munsch, Robert
Moira's birthday wish is to have a party with all of the kids in the school from kindergarten to sixth grade. She orders 200 pizzas and 200 birthday cakes. What will her parents do?

All alone with daddy
Fassler, Joan
Ellen's mother goes away on a business trip leaving her alone with her father. Ellen and her father have a very good time being together while the mother is away. Ellen decides she wants to marry somebody just like her daddy when she grows up.

McPhail, David
Emma's television will not turn on one day, so her family tries to keep her occupied while they fix it.

The balloon race
Coerr, Eleanor
Ariel almost causes her famous mother to lose a balloon race and then helps her to win.

When the sun rose
Berger, Barbara Helen
A lonely little girl had an imaginary playmate come one sunny day. She brought color, warmth, and enjoyment. The playmate left when the sun set with a promise to return when the sun rose the next day.

Wilby's fitness book
Branner, Toni Tickel
Learn to exercise, stretch, eat well, and feel good about yourself with Wilby. He instructs you on how to be healthy through rhymes.

Walls are to be walked
Zimelman, Nathan
A boy finds many things to do on his walk home from school.

The good-luck pencil
Stanley, Diane
A magic pencil, which Mary Ann discovers by mistake, brings her more good luck than she can handle.