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The dream quilt
Ryan, Celeste
Michael has bad dreams with many animals flooding his thoughts. A special quilt from the cedar chest is pulled out to play a game with his mother each night. A square from the quilt is chosen for sending a letter into dreamland. Michael's mother kisses him good night, and Michael has a wonderful dream. After Granny Rose comes to visit, Michael starts to dream in rainbows.

Look what I see! Where can I be? With my animal friends
Michels, Dia L.
Each day of the week, a baby and her family visit the various places animals live. She sees a variety of animals and which types live in which areas.

Island-style alphabet
Yee, Tammy
Learn the alphabet from a diverse perspective through the Hawaiian, Japanese and Chinese cultures. Learn more about these different cultures through the ethnic words and colorful illustrations.

The adventures of Marco Flamingo under the sea/ Las aventuras submarinas de Marco Flamenco
Jarkins, Sheila
The comical Adventures of Marco continue as your favorite flamingo explores the wonders of ocean life to find unlikely friends.

A day in the salt marsh
Kurtz, Kevin
Watch the animals that have adapted to this ever-changing environment as they hunt for food or play in the sun. Learn how the marsh grass survives even though it is covered by salt water twice a day.

Does a kangaroo have a mother, too?
Carle, Eric
Does a kangaroo have a mother too? Of course a kangaroo does, and so do all animals, humans included! Inquiry about mothers and baby animals lead us to this simple, but very important fact. All living creatures have a mother, just like you.

Habitat spy
Kieber-King, Cynthia
Told in rhyming narrative, Habitat Spy invites children to search for and find plants, invertebrates, birds, and mammals and more that live in 13 different habitats: backyard, beach, bog, cave, desert, forest, meadow, mountain, ocean, plains, pond, river, and cypress swamp. Children will spend hours looking for and counting all the different plants and animals while learning about what living things need to survive.

If a dolphin were a fish
Wlodarski, Loran
A dolphin imagines that she is a fish, a turtle, a bird, an octopus, a shark, and a manatee. Learn how special she really is and how special each of her other sea animal friends are too.

ABC safari
Lee, Karen
Go on an around-the-world rhyming journey with animals, in different habitats, biomes, and geographic regions. From the cold tundra to the hot deserts and from the jungles of Africa to the high mountains, find the hidden safari boy and his pet parrot in each illustration.

River beds: Sleeping in the world's rivers
Karwoski, Gail Langer
Take an around-the-world boatride to learn how mammals sleep in or around ten of the world's major rivers. Row down the Mississippi and watch two river otters slip into a hollow tree, or look to the bank of the Bribane River as a platypus pops into a hole and disappears into a narrow tunnel.

Is that josie?
Narahashi, Keiko
An adult and child play an imaginative question and answer game. The questions are real situations that Josie experiences, but Josie becomes wild animals when she uses her imagination to answer the questions.

Sea-fari deep
Woodman, Nancy
The JASON Project is studies underwater life in Mexico. When Dusty finds out about this, she writes the scientists to ask if she can go along. During her adventures, Dusty learns all about deep sea plants and animals. It is the adventure of her life!

Over in the ocean: In a coral reef
Berkes, Marianne
Count one through 10 while using rhymes to talk about different activities between mother fishes and their babies. Move to the rhythm of this poem about ocean creatures !

Water beds: Sleeping in the ocean
Karwoski, Gail Langer
How do marine mammals - animals that breathe air - sleep in the deep waters of the ocean? Meet ten marine mammals, including sea otters, bottlenose dolphins, manatees, harbor seals, humpback whales, and walruses. Learn about each animal's unique habitat as you drift into a peaceful sleep on the gentle waves of imagination.

Slither, swoop, swing
Ayliffe, Alex
Join animals of many shapes and sizes doing the activities they do best. Watch snakes slither, bats swoop, monkeys swing, penguins waddle, and other animals on the move.

There was an old lady who swallowed a trout
Sloat, Teri
An old woman swallows a trout and must keep swallowing different creatures to try and catch the trout. She gets quite a mouthful of animals and fish, then they all swim out.

I look like a girl
Hamanaka, Sheila
A girl uses her imagination to become a tiger, dolphin, horse, jaguar, and wolf. She needs nature to become independent so she can follow her dream.

Mice, morels & monkey business: Likely lessons from Aesop's Fables
Wormell, Christopher
Character building lessons are presented in a condensed version of Aesop's Fables. Bright illustrations and simple explanations of these famed lessons present self development messages that range from Be prepared to Be careful what you wish for.