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The forgotten bear
Joerns, Consuelo
Stuck on an island attic and very lonely, Sam Bear sends a message in a bottle to a boy named Peter. Peter finds Sam Bear and they sail away into a storm!When Sam Bear's firecrackers are struck by lightning, they light the stormy sky, and help is found.

Sea swan
Lasky, Katheryn
Elzibah Swan decides to take up swimming at the age of seventy-five. She shares her new hobby with her grandchildren.

Amelia bedelia goes camping
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedielia follows exact instructions given to her on a camping trip, including rowing boats and pitching the tent.

Fierce john
Fenton, Edward
After John goes to the zoo, he wants to be a lion. He dresses up like a lion and pretends to be one around his family. They believe that he is the lion from the zoo and that he ate John. He must prove to them that he is not a lion, but John.

Birdie's lighthouse
Hopkinson, Deborah
Ten year-old Bertha, daughter of a lighthouse keeper, receives a diary for her birthday. She records significant family events such as their relocation to rugged Turtle Island and the time when her brother went to sea for a long time.

James, Betsy
Marie is afraid of the dark while she is sleeping over at her grandparent's house. Her grandpa gives her a flashlight to become familiar with her surroundings and to overcome her fear.

Harry in trouble
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry tells his own story about how he misplaces his library cards. He feels ashamed about not being responsible, but then learns that he is not the only one.

Where does it go?
Miller, Margaret
Various children learn where different objects are supposed to go. After four tries, the correct answer is given.

Hop on pop
Seuss, Dr.
This book presents two or three rhyming words and then uses them in a sentence to help beginning readers.

Mrs. merriwether's musical cat
Purdy, Carol
Mrs. Merriwether gives piano lessons to neighborhood children. Their ordinary lives are transformed when a cat joins the piano lessons and helps keep the beat of the music. The cat even brings her three kittens to the lessons.

The jacket i wear in the snow
Neitzel, Shirley
A girl is playing in the snow. Her zipper gets wet and becomes stuck so she goes home so her mother can help her.

Ralph's secret weapon
Kellogg, Steven
During his summer vacation with his eccentric aunt, Ralph is forced to take bassoon lessons. When he succeeds at charming snakes, Aunt Georgiana sends Ralph to charm a sea serpent for the navy!The music only makes the monster angry, but Ralph saves the day with his secret weapon.

Perry, Sarah
This imaginative book takes you through different If... scenerios that will help you think and learn about new situations.

All kinds of time
Behn, Harry
A five year old tells about how she learned to tell time. She compares clocks to people's faces. She also compares time to bugs, children, people, Sunday School, Santa Claus, and George Washington.

Henry possum
Berson, Harold
Young Henry Possum has so much energy that he'll never learn to play dead. He makes many friends, but one is a wolf, so he soon discovers what his mother has been trying to teach him all along.

Minerva louise at school
Stoeke, Janet Morgan
Minerva Louise is a chicken on a mission. She ends up finding a really fancy barn, which is really a school. Minerva Louise goes exploring through the school and then returns home. She wants to go back to the fancy barn because it is a wonderful place to get ideas.

Meeting trees
Sanders, Scott Russel
A father takes his son on an educational walk through the woods stopping to look at all of nature's details. They identify different trees and leaves and see several animals along the way.

The triumphs of fuzzy fogtop
Rose, Anne
Fuzzy Fogtop has a short memory. He cannot remember anything from the night before. Fuzzy decides to visit the next town, but he falls asleep on the train and does not know where he is when he wakes up.

I speak English for my mom
Stanek, Muriel
Lupe lives with her mother who cannot speak English. Lupe helps her mother by translating what people are saying. Lupe's mother fears she may lose her job. She decides to try to learn English so she can get a better job.

Radio man = don radio: A story in english and spanish
Dorros, Arthur
Diego's family members are migrant farm workers. Wherever they go, Diego brings his radio, which connects him to the states he crosses and unites him with his best friend.

Are you my mother?(Eres tu mi mama?)
Eastman, P.D.
A baby bird hatched out of the egg and found no mother in the nest. The bird went out searching for his mother. After asking various animals, the bird returns to the nest where his mother is waiting to give him a worm. Written in Spanish and English.

The princess in the kitchen garden (Prinses van de moestuin)
Heymans, Annemie//Heymans, Margriet
Because her mother died, Hannah takes care of her father and brother. Hannah decides to run away because she feels unappreciated. She goes to Mama's old kitchen garden. Her family reunites in an amazing way!

Aunt elaine does the dance from spain
Komaiko, Leah
Katy's family is of Yiddish decent, born in Mexico. However; Katy's Aunt Elaine enjoys spanich dancing and speaking spanish phrases. Katy attends one of Aunt Elaine's dance shows and realizes why her aunt grealty enjoys spanish dancing.

One ballerina two
French, Vivian
Two ballerinas practice their movements in a sequence of the numbers one to ten.

A very important day
Herold, Maggie Rugg
A snowstorm adds to the wonder and excitement of this very important day during which 219 people become U.S. citizens.

A pocket for corduroy (Un bolsillo para corduroy)
Freeman, Don
Corduroy the teddy bear wants a pocket for his outfit. He goes with his owner to a laundromat to search for one and gets into many mishaps. Written in English and Spanish.

Dear juno
Pak, Soyung
A little boy name Juno receives a letter from his grandmother in Seoul, Korea. He's unable to read the letter since it is written in her native language, but he's able to gain an understanding of it from the photograph and dried flower that accompanies it. Juno decides to send a letter of his own in a very inventive way.

The dragon kite
Luenn, Nancy
Ishikawa, a thief who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, learns to build kites in order to take the emperor's golden dolphins.

A carp for kimiko
Kroll, Virginia
Kimiko is a young Japanese girl who desperately wants a carp kite to fly on Children's Day. But only boys are allowed to have these kites, and Kimiko questions this rule.

The lady and the spider
McNulty, Faith
A spider lives peacefully in a head of lettuce in a lady's garden. The lady sees the spider when she cleans the lettuce and returns the spider to the garden.

Norma jean, jumping bean
Cole, Joanna
Norma Jean is a kangaroo who always jumps. She did so even at inappropriate times. Her friends got mad at her, so she decided to no longer jump. Then her friends noticed her change and missed the old Norma Jean. Finally, Norma Jean learns there is a time and place for jumping.

Chanukah in chelm
Adler, David A.
Mendal, the caretaker of the Chelm synagogue must find a table to set the menorah on. He searches the synagogue and cannot find one. Rabbi Nachman sends him to a carpenter to get one. Preparation for Hanukkah in this town of Chelm is remarkably eventful and fun.

Wells, Rosemary
Annie receives Peabody for her birthday, and they become the best of friends. However when Rita arrives at Annie's next birthday, Peabody is forgotten. When Rita breaks, Annie goes back to playing with Peabody.

Big anthony, his story
dePaola, Tomie
Big Anthony is born, and from the beginning cannot seem to pay attention. This gets him in trouble, where ever he travels.

Strega nona: Her story as told to Tomie dePaola
dePaola, Tomie
A little girl name Nona is born, and her Grandma Concetta says that she will teach her the ways of a strega who gives cures and advice on many things. Nona grows up and attends the convent school and the Academy of Stregas in the city. Nona eventually returns to the country to take her Grandma's place after she retires.

Island winter
Martin, Charles E.
Heather has to stay on an island during the winter. She misses her summer friends.

The foxes of chironupp island
Takahashi, Hiroyuki
An old man and his wife return every spring to Chironupp Island, an island off the coast of Japan. Right before the war, the couple befriends a young fox cub, Tiny.

Rotten island
Steig, William
Rotten Island is the dwelling place for horrible monsters. It is full of bad and ugly things--and one beautiful flower.

Skrallan and the pirates
Lindgren, Astrid
Skrallan loves to spend her summers on the island of Saltcrow with her family and friends. A curious two-year old, she gets into mischief as she plays with her grandfather and other children.

Katie Morag and the two grandmothers
Hedderwick, Mairi
Katie Morag eagerly waits for the arrival of her Grandma Mainland who lives in the big city. Upon her arrival, Grannie Island, Katie's other grandmother tries to get Alecina, the prize sheep out of the murkey pool. Likewise the judging for the best ewe and fleece trophy is about to begin when Katie Morag saves the day.

The little brass band
Brown, Margaret Wise
A band gathers on a trail, then go into a town to play for people. When they are finished, they slowly go their separate ways.

Mama don't allow
Hurd, Thacher
Miles gets a saxophone for his birthday. He loves to practice the saxophone, but his family won't let him because of the awful sounds he makes. The only ones who appreciated his music are the alligators.

The beetle bush
Keller, Beverly
Arabelle thinks she is a failure at everything she tries. In a last effort to succeed at something, she plants a garden with many seeds, but it is taken over by bugs. When the landlord comes, she decides she is a success at making a beetle bus and a snail trail. The landlord finds it wonderful.

The spider who created the world
MacDonald, Amy
Nobb, the spider, needs a place to set her egg but the sun, moon, and cloud don't want her around. Her only friend, Air, offers her a place but Air can't hold an egg so Nobb uses her net to catch the sun, moon, and cloud and uses pieces of them to create a home for her egg. When she had created the world the egg hatched and from it came all the creatures of the world.

Amy belligera and the fireflies
Buckley, Paul
A witch casts a spell causing every bug not to be able to speak except for one. That one bug visits the witch and tells her that no other bug except for him can speak. So the witch makes the bugs' tails light up so they do not have to speak to communicate.

The tale of mr. jeremy fisher
Potter, Beatrix
After a near escape from a hungry trout, Jeremy Fisher has a nice meal with his friends.

Wind says goodnight
Rydell, Katy
A child is having a hard time going to sleep. The wind must convince all of the night creatures to go to sleep. The moon is loud and eventually stops glowing. It begins to rain and finally it is time to rest.

Raskin, Ellen
Iris Fogel's poor eyesight causes her to see normal objects and people in an unusual way. After she receives her glasses, she realizes that glasses aren't so bad.

The very lonely firefly
Carle, Eric
A firefly born on a dark night goes in search of other fireflies. The firefly encounters all kinds of lights including a candle, flashlight, and lantern. In the end, the firefly finds friends whose lights really flash.