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Housekeeper of the wind
Widman, C.
Yula is the housekeeper of the wind. She gets angry at the wind one day when it won't do what she wants. They are angry with each other for a while, but then they make up with gifts.

How a book is made
Turn the pages of this book to learn how an author's manuscript and the artist's pictures become a book. Publishing a book is a long hard process with many workers from editors and publishers to proofreaders and printers. Who made this book? Read about the many people and the step-by-step process for publishing a book for all to read.

How a seed grows
Jordan, Helene
Children conduct experiments on how to grow a plant from a seed. They plant seeds and watch the plants grow.

How about a hug?
Carlson, Nancy
The pig family shows that no matter what the situation, whether its getting up for school on a Monday, feeling sad, lonely, or hurt, a hug will make you feel better.

How big is a foot?
Myller, Rolf
The king wants to have a bed made for his wife's birthday, so he measures her by using his feet. They have a problem, because the carpenter's foot is not the same size as the king's.

How do dinosaurs say goodnight?
Yolen, Jane//Teague, Mark
Do dinosaurs say goodnight in the same way that people say goodnight?A dinosaur says goodnight to Papa in quite a different way than when Mamma comes in to turn off the light.

How do i feel?
Simon, Norma
A young boy named Carl encounters many people and activities in the course of a day. We see how he feels about each one.

How do you say it today, jesse bear?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse Bear, every month has a fun activity or holiday to celebrate. From January to December, Jesse Bear wishes his family and friends many special moments.

How do you spell unfair? MacNolia Cox and the national spelling bee
Weatherford, Carole Boston
In 1936, an eighth grader becomes the first African American to win the spelling bee in Akron, Ohio. MacNolia gets a military band send off to the National Spelling Bee in Washington DC with her mother. MacNolia learns about racism and discrimination when she crosses into Maryland and arrives in Washington. She and another black girl are seated away from the other spellers and their families. MacNolia spells word after word with a calm and focused performance. The judges throw a curveball to stump her and MacNolia is determined out. Her triumph is that folks now learn that African American students are as smart as anyone.

How does a czar eat potatoes?
Rose, Anne
The life of a peasant farmer and the czar are compared and contrasted by the peasant's child.

How does it feel to be old
Farber, Norma
In the beginning, a daughter asks her grandmother how does it feel to be old. The positive and negative aspects of being elderly, including death, are explained.

How droofus the dragon lost his head
Peet, Bill
Droofus the dragon is from a fierce family, but he is a good dragon. When he becomes separated from his family, he tries to find a new home. Meanwhile, the king wants his head for his castle wall. A small boy rescues Droofus and helps him find his family.

How georgia drove the car carefully from boston to new york
Bate, Lucy
While on her mother's lap, a young girl begins to imagine driving her family to see her grandparents.

How georgie radbourn saved baseball
Shannon, David
Before a boy named Geogie is born, baseball becomes illegal. Baseball can't even be talked about. Georgie breaks all the laws and challenges the man responsible for the laws to play against him. Georgie strikes him out and wins.

How groundhog's garden grew
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.

How I captured a dinosaur
Schwartz, Henry
Liz captures an Albertosaurus dinosaur while in Baja, California with her family. Albert soon becomes a friend and moves back to Los Angeles with them where he enjoys running through the sprinkler.

How I learned geography
Shulevitz, Uri
A war occurs and a boy and his family must flee from their homeland. Food is scarce and there is no entertainment. One day, Father brings home a map. The little boy studies the map. He learns geography and allows his imagination to take him to faraway places. He forgets about his hunger and his sadness.

How many snails?
Gigante, Paul Jr.
Learn to count the number of objects in a scene. How many snails do you see?

How many stars in the sky?
Hort, Lenny
While their mom is gone, a boy and his dad go out to count the stars in the sky.

How many teeth?
Showers, Paul
Losing and growing teeth are events that all children experience as they grow up. Learning how this process occurs and learning about the functions of teeth can be interesting and fun.

How much is a million?
Schwartz, David M.
Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician and the kids explore what the number million means. Just exactly how much is a million?If you wanted to count from one to one million, it would take about 23 days!Marvelosissimo looks at different ways of seeing big numbers in the context of ordinary things.

How my library grew, by dinah
Alexander, Martha
There is a new library being built near Dinah's house. She watched it get larger and could not wait for it to open. When it did she wanted to get a card of her own, so Dinah learned how to write her name and got her own library card.

How my parents learned to eat
Friedman, Ina R.
An American sailor meets a Japanese school girl. Neither of them know how to eat in the same manner as the other.

How my parents learned to eat
Freidman, Ina R.
A little girl tells the story of how her mother and father met. Her father was a sailor and he met his future wife in Japan. She teaches him how to eat with chopsticks and he teaches her how to eat with silverware.

How pizza came to queens
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
There is no pizza in May's town until Mrs. Pelligrino comes to visit and teaches them how to make delicious food.

How santa got his job
Krensky, Stephen
Santa was not always the lovable gift giver we know him as today. He tried out many jobs starting when he was a young man including chimney sweep, postal worker, cook, zookeeper, and circus performer before he found the job that was right for him. He only became the Santa we know and love after meeting the elves at the circus and going to their homes where he suggested they work together to give gifts to people around the world on one special night a year.

How sitali learned a lesson
Mashiri, Pascal
As the oldest in his family Sitali is supposed to hunt and provide for his younger sisters. He learns a lesson about self-control and hard work after being made chief and then losing it all.

How smudge came
Gregory, Nan
A developmentally challenged girl named Cindy finds love and companionship in a puppy she names Smudge. However, the home where Cindy lives does not allow pets, so the puppy is taken away. With the help of her friends at Hospice, a perfect solution is thought of so that Smudge is taken care of and everyone can benefit from his companionship.

How the amazon queen fought the prince of Egypt
Bower, Tamara
The land of Khor was a peaceful place free of men, in which woman could live side by side in harmony. One day, Pedikhous, of Egpyt decides to test the strength of the women through various attacks. To his surprise the women are stronger and more determined than he ever imagined. Instead of fighting against them, de decides to live in peace and love beside them.

How the camel got his hump
Kipling, Rudyard
When the world was brand new camal had no hump. He did not work, only idled in the desert. This upset the other animals who told a magic man. This magic man gave the camel his hump so he can work for three days without food and water.

How the grinch stole christmas
Seuss, Dr.
The Grinch wants to stop Chrismas in Who-ville, so he dresses up as Santa and takes all the materialistic parts of Christmas. When the Grinch realizes the Who's are not upset and that there still is a Christmas, he realizes that Christmas is more than presents and decorations. He returns their belongings and discovers the true meaning of Christmas.

How the moon regained her shape
Heller, Janet Ruth
Influenced by Native American folktales, this fascinating story deals with bullying, self-confidence, and understanding the phases of the moon. After the sun insults and bullies her, the moon gets very upset and disappears - much to the chagrin of rabbits who miss their moonlight romps. With the help of her friends, the moon gains more self-confidence each day until she is back to her full size.

How the rabbit stole the moon
Moeri, Louise
All of the animals in the forest were sad because at night they could not see. All of the animals tried to get the sun to give them a little bit of light for the night. The rabbit stole some sun and created the moon and stars.

How the reindeer saved santa
Haywood, Carolyn
Santa Claus tries to modernize Christmas by using a helicopter. His problems begin to multiply and so eventually he goes back to his dependable sleigh and reindeer.

How the rooster saved the day
Lobel, Arnold
A robber loves the night and wants to kill a rooster so the sun will never come up again. The rooster outsmarts the robber and the robber calls up the sun himself.

How the second grade got $8,20550 to visit the statue of liberty
Zimelman, Nathan
Tells the triumphs and setbacks of the second grade as they try a variety of fundraisers to save money for a trip to the Statue of Liberty.

How the witch got alf
Annett, Cora
Alf is a donkey that feels unappreciated, so he hides on the roof and pretends to run away. His two owners miss him very much. Alf learns how appreciated he really is.

How to lose all your friends
Carlson, Nancy
There are six ways to lose all your friends. Don't smile, never share, be a bully, be a poor sport, tattle, and whine. Can you be a better friend by the end of this story?

How to make an apple pie and see the world
Priceman, Marjorie
A girl decides to make an apple pie. She goes to the store and finds it closed. Now she must travel across the world to gather ingredients for her pie. She goes to Italy, France, Sri Lanka, England, Jamaica, and Vermont. Once her ingredients are gathered, she takes them home and bakes an apple pie.

How to... brush your teeth
Cottage Door Press
Learn from the tiger how your teeth develop over time, how teeth are classified, and why it is so important to take care of them regularly. The tiger gives you a step-by-step explanation of how to brush your teeth, and he reminds you how to brush for two minutes twice a day. Finally, the tiger explains other ways to care for your teeth that include proper nutrition and visits twice a year to the dentist.

How tom beat captain najork and his hired sportsman
Hoban, Russell
Tom is always fooling around. His aunt decides to teach him a lesson. She has Captain Najork come to compete with Tom. Tom ends up teaching the captain a lesson by always winning.

How we learned the earth is round
Lauber, Patricia
How was the earth determined to be round?Let's see how the early Greeks determined it to be and how explorers actually proved it.

How Willy got his wheels
Mohler, Diana & Turner, Deborah
As a homeless and handicapped dog, Willy never finds true happiness until he is rescued from the animal hospital and given a home and family. However, Willy lacks the ability to walk on his own and his owner Deborah tries several attempts to help Willy. Finally, Willy is given a wheel chair which enables him to finally be free and live his life to its fullest.

How, hippo!
Brown, Marcia
A little hippo's mother teaches him to talk. Anytime he was with his mother he was not afraid, but one day he went to play alone and a crocodile grabbed him. When the little hippo shouted, his mother rescued him.

Stevenson, James
Howard the duck misses his annual migration and spends the winter in New York City making friends.

Howard and gracie's luncheonette
Kroll, Steven
Howard and Gracie own a luncheonette. They describe the work that they do and all the people that come to eat there.

Howie helps himself
Fassler, Joan
Howie is confined to a wheelchair. He must overcome many barriers. He has one thing he wants to do - be able to move his wheelchair all by himself. He succeeds.

Hue boy
Mitchell, Rita Phillips
Hue Boy is very concerned about his height. Everyone thinks that he is too short. He and his mother try every possible remedy, but nothing works. Finally, Hue Boy's father returns, and Hue Boy loses his feelings of smallness through his pride of being with his father.

Hug me
Steen, Patti
No one will hug Elliot Dravitz, because he is a porcupine. He wants a hug more than anything and he tries really hard to get one. Finally he finds another porcupine who will hug him and he is happy.

Hugh can do
Armstrong, Jennifer
Hugh is an orphan who wants to go to the city to make his fortune. Even though he encounters many obstacles, he pushes on and makes it to the city.