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Hughes, Shirley
Lucy and Tom have a busy day of shopping and celebrating their grandmother's birthday. During these events, they create their own game of counting various objects.

Sis, Peter
Mary is on an elevator going up to her mother's birthday party. The elevator stops at each floor and someone gets on. By the time they reach the twelvth floor, all of Mary's new friends have gathered for the celebration.

Hol, Coby
When the family donkey finally has its baby, Niki can hardly wait to call the donkey her own. She is disappointed, though, when Niki's father insists that they sell the donkey. Through hard work and determination, Niki earns the money to buy the donkey from her dad!

Pinkney, Brian
Henry, the paperboy, loves to read the comics. One day while on his route, he imagines that he has the ability to fly. He flies around saving the day like his favorite comic hero.

Soloman, Helen
A family has a pet parrot named Polly that refuses to talk. The family continually repeats nursery rhymes to him, until one day he repeats them back. Now they are all mixed up!

Bunting, Eve
A man has control over the owls. He is one in the same with them. A stranger takes the man's owl clothes, but the owl man turns into an owl and wins the confrontation.

Rockwell, Anne
A young girl spends her whole day in search of her favorite robin whom she befriended last spring. On her search, she comes in contact with many other beautiful natural things before finding the robin.

Duvoisin, Roger
Petunia is a goose that wants to save her friend from being eaten Christmas Day. She uses many resources to get this done.

Schatell, Brian
Farmer Goff has a turkey that he wants to enter in the county fair turkey contest to win a blue ribbon. Sam the turkey likes Mrs. Goff's pie and eats it all the time. Farmer Goff is upset because his turkey will not win a blue ribbon at the fair. But in the end Farmer Goff and Sam still win a blue ribbon, but in the pie eating contest.

D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
Four brothers and sisters are sent to the woods to get firewood and encounter a troll-bird. This causes a lot of trouble and they have to kill it which brings even more trouble!

Flack, Marjorie//Wiese, Kurt
To avoid getting a spanking for being the last duck to cross the bridge, Ping stayed overnight on the river bank. He loses his family and is captured by a little boy. He is held hostage on the little boy's boat. Finally the little boy sets Ping free and he is reunited with his family.

Lobel, Arnold
This book contains five stories about Owl and his daily adventures - from inviting winter in to sit by the fire to thinking sad thoughts to make tear-water tea.

Rumford, James
Five brothers decide to go on an adventure to discover the Island-below-the-Star. They each have a love for something in nature. By using their talents and working together, the brothers overcome obstacles on their journey to the island.

Oakley, Graham
Two young hens become dissatisfied with their boring lives and decide to find a new home. Their curiosity leads them on exciting and dangerous adventures, which eventually lead them back home.

Shannon, Terry
Running Fox is a young boy learning the customs of his people. His greatest desire is to catch an eagle and be looked upon as a man. When he finally catches an eagle, he knows he has become a man.

Baylor, Byrd
Rudy Soto grew up wanting only to fly. He catches a young hawk and raises it as his brother. He catches it to fly with, but he learns the hawk's secret call and can fly in his mind.

Hague, Kathleen
A shy boy with a stuttering problem loses his father. After he runs to the forest to get away, the keeper of the Forest helps him by giving the world a bird with a beautiful voice.

Five little ducks journey through life in this song. They go off on their own, and then come back with their own families.

Mathers, Petra
A chicken escapes from her home in an apartment building. She joins an opera and becomes a star.

Duvoisin, Roger
A crocodile lives on a farm. The animals are scared of the crocodile at first. The crocodile makes friends with the farmer's wife.

Delaney, Ned
Three chickens from outer space help Hank save his farm from the greedy Mr. Sneezle.

Lipkind, William//Mordvinoff, Nicolas
A little tiny rooster is disliked by the other chickens. One night a meeting is held to find a night watch man. The little rooster volunteers but is told he's too small. He does it anyway and saves the day.

Haley, Gail E.
An old woman's evilness is discovered by a girl. The girl and her bird friends revenge the old woman.

Hest, Amy
It's baby ducks first day of school and she's a little bit nervous. Mr. and Mrs. Duck tell her to be brave because she's going to have so much fun. They hurry off to school and meet Grandpa duck on the way who gives baby duck the confidence she needs for the first day. Baby duck happily goes off to school with her new friend Dary Duck.

Dalgliesh, Alice
As a child, Christopher Columbus dreams of becoming an adventurous sailor. When the King of Spain commissions Columbus to sail west, he discovers a strange new world, which turns out to be America.

Ziner, Feenie
Hu Sing's father is asked to come to the emperor's palace to fight his champion cricket against the emperor's own champion. In trying to protect the cricket, Hu Sing accidentally kills it, and then kills himself, until he has a strange dream.

Gerstein, Mordicai
A boy has dreams of visiting the world. He grows up and dies in the same city. Once he dies, he has a chance to live again as any animal, in any planet, in any country, and with any parents. He chooses the same life, except he decides to be a girl.

Kimmel, Eric A.
Hershel spends his Hanakkah holiday in the old town synagoue. his purpose is to ward off the terrible coblins that keep the villagers from celebrating Hanukkah. Hershel restores the holiday to the village by out-smarting the goblins.

Shannon, David
David is quite the mischievous student, full of energy and always keeping his teacher on her toes. His entertaining antics make it impossible not to enjoy him.

Mayer, Mercer
A little boy is afraid that the nightmare in his closet will get him. One night, he decides to shoot the nightmare, but soon befriends the monster.

Mayer, Mercer
A little girl thinks she hears something in the attic. Her parents won't go look, so she investigates. She finds the nightmare, catches it, then helps it escape.

Yeo, Yumi
Yungsu's family moves from Korea to America. When Yungsu goes into his new town and sees children playing, he missed his friends from Korea. Yungsu tells his mother that he wants to go back to Korea, but his father explains that their life will be better in America.

Berenzy, Alix
This is a life lesson concerning love is in the eyes of the beholder. This story show how love turned a common frog into a prince.

Munsch, Robert
Shelly's room is a mess but it is not her fault. A little boy that is living in her sock drawer is causing all the problems. How can she get others to believe her?

Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia fills in for a sick boy on a baseball team. She has never played baseball, so the team tries to teach her. She cannot seem to play any position correctly.

Munsch, Robert
A little girl is determined to go shopping in a place called Kapuskasing. Her father stops her from going several times, but Gah-ning doesn't give up. Finally she ends up getting there by balloons.

Georgiady, Nicholas P//Romano, Louis
Gertie is a duck who likes people and wants to build her nest where there are a lot of people to see. She flies to the city and decides to build her nest by the river because there were many people on the bridge. The people really liked Gertie. After she lays her eggs and they hatch, the people move Gertie and her baby ducks where there are many new people around.

Henkes, Kevin
Lilly is not happy about the arrival of her new baby brother, Julius. She is happier when her cousin Garland comes to visit.

Hoban, Russell
Frances saves money to buy a real china tea pot. Thelma swindles Frances out of her money and buys the tea pot. Frances then tricks Thelma out of the tea pot and they are friends again.

Taulbert, Clifton
As Cliff grows up, he is entrusted more and more to do things on his own. Cliff's great-grandmother has him run an errand for her and along the way Cliff continually gets stopped by neighbors. Each of the neighbors assists Cliff in accomplishing his errand.

Sortland, Bjorn
Anna is at the museum with her uncle and comes into contact with many new friends. Anna befriends all of the painters whose art is inside the museum. All of these encounters take place because Anna needs to find a toilet.

Borden, Louise
Gil is on his way to get the laundry for his mom when he sees it. Up in the sky is the shiny orange biplane trying to land in a neighboring field. After the plane lands, Gil discovers the pilot is Colonel Lindbergh. Gil has so many questions to ask him, but he doesn't get the chance.

Zolotow, C.
A little girl tries to get her busy mother to play with her by doing a series of silly things, from pouring water on her head to climbing into the big wastebasket.

Smith, Peter
At first, Lenny is unhappy because her brother is too young to play with, but soon he joins in the fun.

Barton, Byron
A young child wants to be an astronaut. Using his imagination, he goes on a mission into space.

Thompson, Colin
A man moves into the town dump after it closes. He watches nature heal itself from the polluted earth.

Conford, Ellen
Geraldine is an oppossum who likes to hang by her tail and juggle acorns. Her parents tell her that she should do something more worthwhile, so she takes dancing, weaving, and sculpture lessons. She discovers that she is not very good at these things, so she opens her own juggling school.