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du Bois, William Pene
Forman the head angel tries to draw a lion. He has trouble because he has not created an animal in a really long time. Through persistence and help, he finally creates a lion.

Muller, Robin
Nib is an orphan boy who dreams of being an artist. One day as a reward for a kind deed, Nib is given a magical paint set with a paint brush that brings things to life. Nib encounters a terrible king who uses Nib for his talent.

Cooney, Barbara
Hattie is a child of German immigrants. She has the courage to pursue her goal of becoming an artist.

dePaola, Tomie
Tommy wants to be an artist when he grows up, but when he has his very first art lesson in first grade, he is very disappointed. He learns to compromise, and he is happy in the end.

Johnson, Crockett
A little boy creates his own adventure by drawing with purple crayon. He explores forests, oceans and cities by drawing pictures and putting himself in those pictures. After all the adventures, he finally follows the moon back home.

Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
A little boy and his friend, Oscar, have a little fight. The little boy wonders how Oscar will survive without him. He thinks all these bad things will happen to Oscar because he is not there. The little boy really misses and needs Oscar's friendship.

Kimmel, Eric A.
Shorty Long owes widow MaCrae $450 The widow wants her money for Shorty but no one believes she will ever get that money back. The widow goes to Shorty's ranch but Shorty pretends to be dead so he doesn't have to pay her. The widow is suspicious and Shorty almost really dies just so he won't have to pay the widow her $450

Serfozo, Mary
This book depicts two speakers discussing colors. One speaker insists that everything is red.

Alexander, Martha
Oliver is becoming a big brother, and is dreading the arrival of his new sibling. He becomes angry and jealous and threatens to leave his mother. However, she is able to convince him that he is loved and needed at home.

Arnosky, Jim
A portrayal of the lovely things that happen at a brook when a mother deer and two fawns come to drink.

Ross, Tony
After trying to work for the rich, a little cobbler realizes that having money is not everything. He decides that he enjoys life much more when he works for the town for food and supplies.

Merrill, Jean
Izumi loves caterpillars and studies them carefully. Everyone in the town thinks she is strange, but Izumi does not pay any attention to them.

Asch, Frank
The child in the story describes the reciprocity between himself,herself and the earth using activities such as playing, listening and growing and emotions and relationships, such as sadness and friendship.

Browne, Anthony
Mrs. Piggott was taken for granted by her two sons and husband. Mrs. Piggott got fed up and left all the work up to the men of the household. After a few day of disaster, Mrs. Piggott came back to a house full of appreciative men.

Bornstein, Ruth
A little green elephant finds himself out of place among a herd of large gray elephants. He sets off in search of a belonging place. Finally he finds one.

Munsch, Robert
Prince Ronald and Princess Elizabeth's castle is burned down by a dragon, who then steals the prince. Elizabeth chases after the dragon to free her prince.

Berson, Harold
A husband treats his goat better than his own wife. However, the wife gets angry and decides to act like a goat. This begins to worry the husband who starts having nightmares. As a result, he realizes who is more important and begins to fix his mistakes.

Tudor, Tasha
Alexander the Gander loves heliotrope pansies, so he sneaks away from the pond to get a taste at Mrs. Fillow's garden. He eats some nice young vegetables too. When he gets caught, he takes off running for home. Sylvie, his owner, makes him apologize to Mrs. Fillow, and she forgives him.

Bouchard, Lois Kalb
Carlos, a Puerto Rican boy, lives in America and is frustrated with learning the English language. He decides not to talk at all and just nod and draw pictures. He meets a blind boy who cannot see his pictures or nods, so Carlos must talk. Carlos is so happy to meet this boy that he begins to talk again.

Domanska, Janina
A Peruvian family awaits the day of the carnival. See how they prepare for the exciting day.

Nerlove, Miriam
Ruth loses her only tooth. She is afraid that it isn't going to grow back. Finally, it grows back and she is happy.

Pollock, Penny
Anya is a hardworking ant. She longs for an adventure outside her nest or at least a day off. When a heavy rainstorm comes, Anya gets the adventure of a life time.

Heilbroner, Joan
Davy and Peter are brothers. Today it is a special day because it is their mom's birthday. So they set out on a journey to find a present for their mom. Upon this difficult task they come up with the best and most unique present of all.

Le Guin, Ursula K.
A young boy is taken by trolls and his older sister tries to find him with the help of her magic wooden horse. The red mare comes to life and they rescue her brother from the troll's high mountain.

Ichikawa, Satomi
Nora finds a duckling who had fallen out of its nest. Nora took the duckling to Dr. John, so he could help the injured duckling. At Dr. John's, Nora finds herself surrounded by animals.

Himmelman, John
Ellen loves to draw. One day she notices a goldfish watching her. They become friends and she draws pictures for the fish. When the fish is about to be caught, she uses a clever idea to set him free from the bait.

Allen, Jeffrey//Marshall, James
Mrs. Rat is always spying on her neighbors. One day, she finds out someone is spying on her and the tables are turned.

Maiden, Cecil
Baby rabbit wants to jump a bushel of apples like her sister but can't until she gets the courage to stand up to a huge purple monster. She then has the confidence to jump the apples.

Delton, Judy
Duck hates winter because he thinks that it is too cold and long. Rabbit and Squirrel try to cheer him up and show him that winter can be fun, but nothing works. After a while, Rabbit and Squirrel begin not to like winter. Then all of a sudden, Duck likes winter.

Aardema, Verna
Rabbit and his friends have crossed lion by eating his honey. Lion chases Rabbit two days in a row, but does not catch him. Both times Rabbit outsmarts him. However, Rabbit learns his lesson to stop stealing Lion's honey.

Delton, Judy
Rabbit decides to hire someone to help with the garden, cooking and cleaning. Even though Rabbit has hired help, he ends up doing all the work because the help is not doing the work quite right. The help decides to leave and Rabbit sees that he can do the work by himself.

Pinkwater, Daniel
As polar bear cubs, Larry and Roy know they will be sent off on their own someday. When their mother sends the cubs away, Larry finds himself in New Jersey. Here he must get a job to pay for the muffins he loves to eat. Larry encounters trouble as people realize he is a polar bear, but a kind old man comes to Larry's rescue and gives him a job and a place to live.

Palatini, Margie
Gritch the witch wakes up one morning with a craving for piggie pie!She spends all day searching for eight piggies on old Macdonald's farm and is fooled by the piggies, who hide from her. She finally gives up and goes home with a wolf.

Galdone, Paul
When three little pigs leave home to seek their fortune, each builds a house made of various materials. A mean wolf blows down the houses of the first and second pigs, then eats them for dinner. The wolf is outsmarted by the third pig who cooks the wolf for dinner.

Lester, Helen
Pinkerton always has to be first in everything. On a trip he learns a lesson that being last is alright too.

Rayner, Mary
The Pig Family puts on a musical concert for charity, and during their performance, they discover that their newest member, a lady sousaphonist, is there for more than helping pigs.

Rayner, Mary
When Garth Pig goes to buy ice cream for himself and his nine brothers and sisters, he is kidnapped in the ice cream truck by a wolf pretending to be the ice cream lady. His siblings come to rescue him.

Adelson, Leone
Patty is going to school for the first time. All of her outdoor friends want to know why she is so excited so they follow her to school. The animals don't understand many of the activities that she does at school, but Patty enjoys them all very much.

Heine, Helme
An artist paints a forest for seven wild pigs to roam. They ruined the painting by splashing colors everywhere. Then he gets rid of the pigs and he realizes what he had done. Finally, decides to never paint pigs again.

Winthrop, Elizabeth
Dumpy La Rue is a pig with a passion for dancing. All of the other animals, including his family, keep telling Dumpy that pigs can't dance. But Dumpy doesn't listen and soon all of the animals are dancing with him.

Dyke, John
Pigwig, a pig, goes to a party. At the party, diamonds are stolen by Crusty, and Pigwig goes out and finds them.

Geisert, Arthur
Seven pigs are trying to build the perfect tree house. Throughout the book, the reader must find seven pigs, 5 forms of a letter, the letter before it, and the letter after it.

Geisert, Arthur
Throughout the book, you try to find 10 pigs and the numbers 0-9 in the pictures. A group of pigs are trying to find a place that their mother told them about.

Breslow, Susan//Blakemore, Sally
A boy really wants a dog, but there is a lot of responsibility that comes with caring for a dog. After considering all that has to be done, the boy picks out the dog he wants.

Johnson, Paul Brett//Lewis, Celeste
A little girl loses her dog Flag in the desert. She and her dad search for a month, but there is no sign of Flag. One day, when the girl returns home from school, she notices an old truck in her driveway. A man found Flag and brought him home!

Noble, Trinka Hakes
Jimmy takes his goldfish and boa constrictor to Sealand for a birthday party with his friends. Chaos occurs when the goldfish falls in the whale's tank. Jimmy's party ends up in the tank, and they have a blast with the seals and penguins.

Adams, Adrienne
The Abbott's are Easter egg painters. Their son, Orson, is talked into having a Christmas party for all the neighboring young rabbits. Everyone pitches in to help and the party is a huge success.

Conford, Ellen
Eugene, the possum, is afraid of the dark. This is a real problem since possums sleep in the day and look for food at night. When he has to rescue his sister one dark night, he discovers he is brave.

Carlson, Natalie Savage
Marie Louise was having a good day. When she got home, she was asked to babysit five possums. The possums tired her out with all of their activity. The next day, the possums brought her flower and asked if she would babysit again. It was another good day.

Hendershot, Judith
Papa is a coal miner who works at night and Mamma works at home. They are hard working people who live near the Block Diamond Mine. They go through each season and recall a special memory.