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Polacco, Patricia
Because the villagers are afraid of her, the legendary Baba Yaga disguises herself so she can become a loving grandmother.

Christian, Mary Blount
Deke King and his friend open a detective business. A construction company owner hired them to find all of his bulldozers that were stolen. After looking over the site and the clues, Deke solved the mystery and found the bulldozers.

Gogol, Nikolai
A barber finds a nose in his bread and goes on a journey to discover how it got there.

Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
After he retires, Stan becomes a hot dog man. He finds that his new job help him come to the rescue during a big snow storm.

La Fontaine
A poor, old, but happy shoemaker sings all day long to keep his rich neighbor from sleeping. A rich man gives the shoemaker a bag of gold to keep quiet. The gold causes him to worry constantly and the shoemaker loses all his friends. The shoemaker realizes he is unhappy, returns the gold, and decides to go back to making shoes and friends.

Dumbleton, Mike
Vanessa wakes up one morning pondering ideas of how to make money. So she goes and catches a crocodile and starts a service called Dial-a-Croc. When she finally sees how homesick the crocodile is, she lets him go, no strings attached!

Klein, Norma
Marina, a little girl, loves to play pretend with her best friend Adam. They pretent what they will be when they grow up. Adam tells Maria that she cannot have a career like a doctor because girls can only he nurses. Adam is always telling her that girls cannot do certain things but Marina always proves she can.

Martin, Charles E.
A bunch of children on an island decide to work for the summer. They sell painted rocks, have a flea market, lemonade stand, dog-sit, and take people across the river. They earn enough money to go to the fair and have a wonderful time together.

Massie, Diane Redfield
A chameleon decides to go to work as a spy. He tries to get a stolen pickle recipe, when he is bottled up in a pickle jar. He saves the recipe and the company.

Schwartz, Amy//Hale, Lucretia
A lady puts salt in her coffee one morning by mistake and did not know what to do. Her family calls a chemist and an herb lady. They both were unsuccessful. At last, a wise lady from Boston suggests making a fresh cup.

Goffstein, Brooke
A little boy speaks to the reader about his feature presentation and past character roles. He depicts his life as an actor.

Behrens, June
A little girl is worried because a new laundromat business is moving across the street from her grandfather's old laundry business. She sets out to help her grandfather stay in business.

Nelson, Brenda
Max sees that all of his friends are selling something. He wants to sell something too, so he comes up with the idea of selling mud. It is a big success.

Browne, Anthony
Willy is called Willy the Wimp by the local gorilla gang. One day he sees an ad in his comic book on how to stop being a wimp. He starts exercising, eating healthy, and lifting weights to the point where the gorilla gang becomes afraid of Willy.

Bright, Robert
A small ghost named Georgie lives in the Whittkaker house. When the house is threatened by robbers, the friendly ghost and his animal friends work together to scare the robbers away.

Howe, James
Alex is convinced that there are monsters under his bed that want to get him. He eventually decides to confront the monster, and discovers that his frightened brother is under his bed. The boys sleep together, comforted by each other's company.

Greenberg, Barbara
Heather babysits Lisa on a rainy, stormy night. Terrified of lightning and thunder, Heather seeks comfort from Lisa. Lisa ends up babysitting Heather until the storm is over.

Hoban, Lillian
Arthur is bored one spring day so he decides to go on a field trip to collect specimens. He finds himself in some difficult situations and quickly discovers how quickly his bravery can wear off. Even though things don't go as planned, he still manages to have some fun, thanks to his friends.

Little, Jean
Even though Clara is the oldest she is not as brave as her little sister Jess. Whatever they do, Jess is brave. Then one day Clara comes to the rescue of Jess.

McCully, Emily Arnold
Little Edwin bear has his first major role in a play. Edwin's struggles with stagefright and remembering his lines.

Haas, Irene
A little girl wishes she could sail all day on a boat. Her wish comes true when she gets to sail on a boat named for her best friend, maggie b.

Kroll, Steven
An account of the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner detailing how Key was actually behind enemy lines. He was seeking release of a captured friend from the British who would not allow their departure until the bombardment of Baltimore was completed.

Lionni, Leo
Swimmy was the fastest fish in his school. When all the other fish in his school get eaten by a new big fish, he explores by himself until he finds a new school of fish. He then teaches his new school how to swim close together so that they look like the biggest fish of all and will scare away the other big fish.

Bohdal, Susi
A little girl named Selina has a fantastic dream about a mouse that becomes her friend and a cat that comes to eat him. Selina runs away from the cat in fear, but eventually must face the cat and protect the mouse.

Mattingly, Christobel
Ingrid asks her mother to tell the story about their glass angel on their Christmas tree. The mother describes her childhood during World War II and shows how the angel came to symbolize a new beginning in their lives.

Hughes, Shirley
The event of a birth in her family and preparations for a Christmas play cause Mae to be anxious. Mae's courage helps her to make decisions to solve her problems.

Desbarats, Peter
Gabrielle and Selena are tired of the same routine everyday. They switch places for the evening, and their parents play a trick on them. Be ready for a funny ending.

Hill, Elizabeth Starr
Evan needs a place of his own so he fixes up a corner in his house with pictures, furniture, and pet turtles!When Evan is done with his corner, he decides to help his siblings fix up their corners!

Alexander, Martha
There is a new library being built near Dinah's house. She watched it get larger and could not wait for it to open. When it did she wanted to get a card of her own, so Dinah learned how to write her name and got her own library card.

Mordivnoff, Nicolas
Terii dreams of growing bigger so he can become a pearl-shell diver like his Uncle Teopu. Uncle Teopu always tells Terii that he will grow bigger when Teopu's hat is all worn out. Whe Terii saves the hat from Kaveka, Uncle Teopu let Terii paddle the canoe. After he saves Teopu from a shark, Terii is ready to become a diver.

Bemelmans, Ludwig
In an orphanage, a little girl named Madeline falls in a pond and is saved by a dog. The children want to keep the dog, but the school does not allow pets. After the inspection, they keep the dog anyway.

Wiese, Kurt
Little fish owned everything that looked like a fish. One day he makes his dad buy him the biggest fish kite. The kite is caught by a gust of wind and little fish is taken into the air and dropped into a fish net in the nearest pond.

Ardizzone, Edward
Ginger, a little boy, runs away to live on a ship, and Tim and Charlotte go after him. They both join the crew on another ship and work. Their ship collides with Ginger's ship. Ginger comes aboard. They all work and go back home to their parents.

Nolan, Dennis
Christopher goes to the beach and builds a magnificant sand castle. When his castle becomes life size, Christopher becomes its ruler. He faces many conflicts as ruler. In the end, he is saved from danger and returns to the beach.

Polacco, Patricia
For years, the people of Triple Creek have been glued to their televisions. That is until Aunt Chip opens up the world of reading to her young nephew. Reading spreads from child to child until one of them accidentally opens the dam. The flood that follows destroys the TV tower and the adults are lost without their TVs. Guess who teaches them to read?

Seuss, Dr.
King Bistram's stilts are taken away and he becomes depressed. His kingdom, which is surrounded by the sea, is sabotaged by an awful lord. Because the king is so depressed, he neglects his duties and the city is in danger of becoming flooded, until his page boy comes to the rescue.

Sendak, Maurice
Ida is supposed to take care of her baby sister while their father is at sea. One day when she is not paying attention, goblins come and kidnap her sister. Ida plays her horn to charm the goblins with her music and rescues her sister. From that day on, she never takes her eyes off her baby sister.

McCloskey, Robert
Sal, Jane and their father go to the beach to search for clams. During the day, Sal loses her tooth in the mud. She does not cry because she knows that when you lose your teeth you are starting to grow up. They take a boat trip to a nearby island to celebrate with ice cream cones.

Politi, Leo
When Leo gets an Indian costume from his father, he doesn't realize all the attention he will receive. From California to Italy, many people admire the costume so much that his friends make their own.

Turkle, Brinton
Two children, Rachel and Obadia, want to earn money. They are able to earn money by sending the news of ship arrivals to Nantucket.

Charlip, Remy
Ned was invited to a party in Florida, but he lived in New York. His friend lends him an airplane but the engine explodes. It was an exchange of good fortune and bad luck from there on - until he ends up at his surprise birthday party - fortunately.

Hooker, Ruth
A boy receives a cowboy suit for his birthday. He takes imaginary, wild trips out to the Wild West.

Sherrow, Victoria
Wilbur is waiting for his birthday. When it finally arrives, he gets exciting presents like a kite, a sail boat and a sled. Unfortunately, the weather is not suitable for playing with any of his new toys. Instead of using his new toys, Wilbur finds other things to occupy his time until the weather improves.

Parker, Nancy Winslow
Charlie receives a present from his Uncle Clyde. His uncle leaves directions, so Charlie will know how to take care of the present.

Pomerantz, Charlotte
Daniel decides to give his six-month old sister one half of a birthday party. She receives half presents with whole stones. Very imaginatively, Daniel gives her the best present of all.

Little, Lessie Jones//Greenfield, Eloise
A young boy wants to go by himself to buy his mom a birthday gift. He becomes scared, but in the end he manages to do it by himself. He is proud of himself.