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Arthur's christmas wish
Wooding, S.
Arthur, a fat mouse, is granted one Christmas wish from his fairy Godfather. Godfather says his wish has to make someone happy. His wish, playing beautiful music on the piano, is granted.

On market street
Lobel, Arnold
A little boy goes to the market to buy gifts for his friend. He buys gifts that begin with each letter of the alphabet. The market is rich with colorful foods.

The magical, mystical, marvelous coat
Cullen, Catherine Ann
Each day of the week, a young girl goes out searching for something new to see. Each day she encounters someone who needs the help of one of the six buttons on her magical coat. They are all grateful of the young girl's kindness and help. After helping each of them, her magic runs out on Sunday.

Tree of cranes
Say, Allen
A young Asian boy learns of Christmas when his mother decorates a tree with cranes for him. She teaches him that it is a day of giving and receiving and he makes a promise to her as a gift. She gives him a kite in return.

Babar and father christmas
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar, the elephant, is off to help Santa with Christmas. He gets to explore the North Pole and Santa's Workshop. Throughout the story, we get to see the true meaning of Christmas.

Cole, Brock
One day, a father loses his buttons. His three daughters set out to save their father from humiliation. While searching for the buttons, the girls ironically find love.

My prairie christmas
Harvey, Brett
Christmas is a very special time for Elenore. This is her first Christmas on the prairie, and she doesn't think it will be as good as it was in Maine. But it ends up being better than ever, because her family pulls together to make everything work out.

The giving tree
Silverstein, Shel
A tree and a boy become friends. The tree gives and gives to the boy, because when the boy is happy, the tree is happy. The boy grows and takes everything from the tree then deserts the tree. He finally comes back when he must replace the tree.

The birthday swap
Lopez, Loretta
Lori wants to find her older sister the perfect gift for her birthday. At the market, Lori learns that it's not easy to find the right gift. Little does Lori know that the best gifts can come to us when we least expect them. Why is this the year of the best birthday party ever?

Harlequin and the gift of many colors
Charlip, Remy//Supree, B.
Harlequin doesn't have a new costume for the carnival, so each of his friends give him a piece of cloth left over from theirs. His mom sews the cloth pieces onto his old suit and he's a hit at the party.

Little jim's gift: An appalachian christmas story
Houston, Gloria
Little Jim wants a tool set for Christmas so that he can prove to his father that he is a man. Father does not find time for Christmas until a church event opens his eyes to the season.

Titus, Eve
Anatole finds a way to leave something in return for getting food. He becomes the greatest cheese taster by his secret identity, working late at night in the factory.

The dragon's pearl
Lawson, Julie
Xiao Sheng finds a magic pearl. He and his mom are robbed. To save the pearl, Xiao swallows it and becomes a dragon.

A birthday basket for tia
Mora, Pat
A little Mexican girl and her family throw a surprise party for her tia (aunt). She makes her a special present of sentimental value. Tia opens her present and loves it.

Cold feet
DeFelice, Cynthia
Playing the bagpipes is Willie McPhee's favorite form of entertainment, but because his audience is unable to pay for his entertainment, Willie is forced to leave. On his journey to find money, he becomes tired and his clothes wear out. Across the forest he sees a dead man and since his shoes are torn, he takes the dead man's boots. As he approaches a house to find hospitality, see how the dead man comes back to haunt him.

The fourth wise man
Summers, Susan
Atraban is the fourth wise man who is to go see the new born King of the Jews. He never meets the Messiah, but during his travels he is able to help many people with the gifts he carries for the King. After years of travel, Artaban still hasn't met his King, but before both men die Artaban hears the voice of the Messiah.

Thank you, santa
Wild, Margaret
Samantha writes Santa a thank-you letter and the two become pen pals. Santa writes about his reindeer and Samantha writes about the polar bear at the zoo. By the time Christmas comes, Samantha has learned many things about Santa and giving.

In november
Rylant, Cynthia
In November the air is chilly. The earth and all of it's animals and people begin to prepare for winter. Animals begin to sleep more and make warm homes for themselves. Friends and family gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Enyoy the sites, sounds, and activities of November.

Jingle the christmas clown
dePaola, Tomie
Jingle and Il Circo Riccolo, the little circus, venture off to perform their circus at a little town, as they do every Christmas, on their way to the city. To their surprise, the town is poor, almost abandoned, and can't afford the circus. See how Jingle brightens their Christmas.

Geraldine, the music mouse
Lionni, Leo
Geraldine the mouse finds a large chunk of cheese. She gnaws the cheese into a statue that plays music. She then learns that she has music in her too.

Fox and heggie
Guzzo, Sandra E.
Fox tries to earn enough money to buy a Greek fishing hat by helping out all his friends and neighbors. But, his generosity keeps him from earning the money, so his friends pull through for him in the end.

The tomten and the fox
Lindgren, Astrid
Reynard is a hungry fox who goes to a farm to steal food. There he meets a tomten who shares his food with Reynard.

Poppleton in fall
Rylant, Cynthia
Poppleton the pig is welcoming the fall. He celebrates the new season with some friendly geese. His friend, Cherry Sue, helps him find a great new coat to stay warm. Pancakes with the Lions turns out to be a sticky situation for Poppleton. Fall has begun and Poppleton is getting ready!

For pepita- An orange tree
Oleson, Claire
It is Pepita's birthday soon, and all she talks about is getting an orange tree. Her family thinks that she is silly, so they give her presents but no orange tree. Manolo is her best friend and knows exactly what Pepita wants.

Hush, little baby
Zemach, Margot
Based on the popular lullaby, a baby is promised a strange assortment of things, from a mockingbird to a horse and cart--all for not crying.

April's kittens
Newberry, Clare Turlay
April owns a cat who gives birth to three kittens. There is not room for all four of them, so April must give away three. She gives away two kittens and her family decides to keep the other two.

Casper and the rainbow bird
Hyman, Robin//Hyman, Inge
One day, Casper flies all the way to town. Through a window, Casper sees Rainbow, a bright, colorful bird who lives in a cage in the city. Rainbow is afraid to leave the comfort of her cage, but Rainbow overcomes her fear and lives with Casper in the forest after Casper proves that he is a true friend.

Froggy's first kiss
London, Jonathan
Froggy discovers the truth behind having a crush. His clumsiness and confusion lead him to discover his one true love, his mother.

Lucy's picture
Moon, Nicola
Lucy's blind grandpa is coming to visit today, and she wants to make him a special collage. Lucy gathers many different materials to make the collage that her grandpa can see with his hands. She uses sticks and leaves to make a tree, sand to make a path, and her own hair to make a dog with fur.

Fish for breakfast: A little animal book
Gunthorp, Karen
Tom the cat wants fish for breakfast. When he is unsuccessful in catching a fish, his friends save the day and they have breakfast together.

Grandpa's hammer
Kidd, Ronald
Grandpa always say that it take two things to make dreams come true: faith and a hammer. After Grandma passes away, Grandpa sets aside his hammer and nearly loses his faith. His granddaughter tries everything she can think of to bring back his faith but nothing seems to work. One day, Grandpa visits a Habitat for Humanity worksite with a neighbor and realizes that he can made dreams come true for others.

Hannah's cold winter
Marx, Trish
A family in Budapest, Hungary enjoys taking family trips to the zoo to see the hippos. When the war hits their city, they save the hippos by collecting all the straw things that they can to feed them.

Warton and the contest
Erickson, Russell E.
Someone steals Grampa Arbuckle's gold watch-compass. Warton, Grampa, and Neville go traveling to capture the thief and get the compass. Instead of getting back the compass, Grampa gives it away to someone who really needs it.

The adventures of bert
Ahlberg, Allan
Bert is a young man whose life is full of adventures. He ends up safely with his family in the end --- but he spends some time in Scotland, is chased by a giant sausage, and rescues a puppy in the river.

Bunting, Eve
A mother and son huddle together in a cardboard box on Christmas Eve when a mysterious woman knocks on their door. They give her a place to sleep, a small cookie, and a coat for a blanket. On Christmas morning, an angel appears and changes their life forever.

Sophie and the new baby
Anholt, Laurence
A new baby is coming, and Sophie's going to be a big sister!She helps her mother and father prepare for the arrival of the baby, but when her little brother is born, she wishes that her family could give him back!Sophie slowly begins to realize that having a new brother might not be so bad after all.

The ring and the window seat
Hest, Amy
Stella, a young girl, saved nickels for weeks to buy a ring. Eventually, she gives it all away so she can help a girl come to the United States from Germany during WWII.

Mr. bear's chair
Graham, Thomas
Mr. Bear makes another chair for Mrs. Bear after it breaks at breakfast. Mr. Bear spends the whole day making a new chair for her. Then his chair breaks at dinnertime.

Krauss, Ruth
As a young boy drifts off to sleep with his teddy bear, his dog jumps up, takes it, and runs away. The boy follows the dog through a series of scenes involving bears with simple rhyming text. At last the dog retrieves the bear. The boy, the bear, and the dog happily retreat to bed. Was it a dream or was it reality? Decide for yourself.