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  • Tags: chameleon
De Beer, Hans
A baby polar bear wakes up to find himself in a world surrounded by color. He makes many friends, but becomes homesick. His friends help him develop a plan to get back home where everything is white.

Mashiri, Pascal
An older woman, named Gogo Senne, tells interesting stories to the children of a small, quiet South African village. She weaves the mythical take of how the chameleon got his two toes and red eyes. Read about the value of strong friendships, the importance of trust, communication and respecting each other.

Elting, Mary // Folsom, Michael
A zoo filled with a wide variety of animals, their behaviors, and the noises that they make creates a fun-filled atmosphere for an exciting riddle using all twenty-six letters of the alphabet. This alphabet guessing game keeps children anticipating what is on the next page as they are learning they connections between animals and letters.

Cowley, Joy
Come follow this colorful chameleon through the woods to a new tree home to find food. See how the chameleon creeps by geckos, frogs, scorpions, and others to protect himself on his way to his new tree homw. Do you think this chameleon can make it to a new tree to find food without getting hurt by the other creatures on the way?

Humphrey, Mary
Kids model yoga poses to help them identify different feelings they have within. Twenty simple poses are provided to help children calm, center, and balance themselves. Each pose is correlated with an animal or nature connection then supported with human feelings and words of affirmation.

Aruego, Jose//Dewey, Ariane
Take an active part in playing hide-and-seek with the pictures in this book! (A Wordless Book)

Strete, Craig
A little chameleon is very smart. He uses his wisdom to hide from all the different animals that try to capture and eat him. By changing colors quickly he is able to outsmart the animals.

Massie, Diane Redfield
Chameleon the spy discovers the plan of a phony prince and princess who steal all of the jewels of the Beantown residents.

Hadithi, Mwenye
Chameleon is bullied by Leopard and Crocodile, so he comes up with a plan to teach them a lesson. Chameleon outsmarts his bullies and they never bother him again.

Massie, Diane Redfield
A chameleon decides to go to work as a spy. He tries to get a stolen pickle recipe, when he is bottled up in a pickle jar. He saves the recipe and the company.

Carle, Eric
A little chameleon catches flies with his sticky tongue. One day the chameleon goes to the zoo and wishes he could be like all of the animals. His wish comes true. The chameleon sees a fly but he can not catch it because he is mixed up. He wishes he could be himself again.

Lionni, Leo
A little chameleon is sad because he does not have a color of his own. He meets another chameleon who befriends him and they become the same colors together.