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Learn about King Tutankhamun's life and his challenges when ruling his kingdom in Egypt.
Munro, Roxie
Enjoy a giant dinosaur, a flying reptile, a dinosaur with plates and spikes on its body, and even a baby dinosaur cracking out of their shells. There is a ferocious dinosaur that eats meat and vegetarian dinosaurs that hide from carnivores. Look inside the dinosaurs and you'll see a dynamic view of eight dinosaur skeletons. Look outside the dinosaurs and you'll see sweeping paintings of these creatures as they once lived on our planet.
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
Every winter Joe from the neighborhood Snack Bar disappears without a trace. All of the towns people have creative ideas on where he is. But in the end he turns out to be someone the children love...even more than the hotdogs and ice cream he gives them in the summertime!
Barton, Byron
A long time ago, there were dinosaurs. We get to see the many different characteristics of dinosaurs.
MacGill-Callahan, Shiela
Delaware Indians carve a rock into a turtle. The turtle watches man progress as centuries go by. Eventually, it is found by an archaelogist and taken to the New York City botantanical gardens for all generations to revere.
Carrick, Carol
Professor Potts is traveling with his family across the country when his dog finds a very old, big bone. Professor Potts collects many bones and takes them to his laboratory to study them. Professor Potts assembles the bones in different combinations until he finally comes up with a Tribrontosaurus Rex!
Reid, Margarette
A young girl and her grandma spend time together making necklaces from beads. Beads can come in all different shapes, sizes, textures, and materials. They were used by many cultures throughout time. When she puts her necklaces together she learns about each bead.