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Sotomayor, Antonio
Khasa goes to the Fiesta with his uncle. When the two are separated, Khasa goes through a great adventure getting back to his uncle.
Clements, Andrew
Billy is having trouble with his teacher so he decides to write down all of his teacher's bad qualities. It's only when Billy decides to write down the qualities of a good teacher that he finds Mr. Adams, his teacher, is not so bad.
The raja thinks he is a kind man, but his country is going hungry. One day a very wise girl tricks the raja into giving her all of his rice through a simple math trick. When she is done and shares the rice with all of the other people, the raja learns what it means to be wise and fair.
Dumas, Philippe
Once in the real world, a donkey tried to pretend he is not a donkey. When he is discovered, he dances the waltz to capture his bride.
Stevens, Janet
Hare and Bear decide to become business partners. Due to Bear's laziness, Hare tricks him three times. This is a great book because it shows children proper eating habits (with vegetables), and it provides a moral.
McPhail, David
The narrator is innocently reading when a pack of pigs invades his house. They create quite a ruckus eating, dancing, and ordering pizza. The narrator convinces the pigs to clean up and go to bed.
Hamilton, Virginia
Jahdu uses creativity to outwit his shadow in order to recover his magic dust.
Stockton, Frank R.
A magician tells the Bee-man how he was transformed into the Bee-man, then sets out to find out what he was before.
Zimelman, Nathan
An animal likes his Mother but not his Father -- so off he goes to Africa where he hopes to find some loving animals. In the end, the Dad returns home, telling his family that no animal will ever be like him. Dad is happy that his family still loves him.
Handford, Martin
The reader follows Waldo as he hikes around the world. The reader must try to find him in the illustrations as Waldo is lost in the crowded places he visits.
Hayes, Sarah//Craig, Helen
A boy leaves his bear behind in the park. The bear begins an exciting nighttime adventure. After the boy realizes he forgot his bear, he goes back to the park to retrieve him.
Walker, Alice
Johnny loses his green stone because of his mean behavior. The entire community helps him look for it, but he finally realizes that he, alone, can find it.
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry tells his own story about how he misplaces his library cards. He feels ashamed about not being responsible, but then learns that he is not the only one.
Neitzel, Shirley
A girl is playing in the snow. Her zipper gets wet and becomes stuck so she goes home so her mother can help her.
Berson, Harold
Young Henry Possum has so much energy that he'll never learn to play dead. He makes many friends, but one is a wolf, so he soon discovers what his mother has been trying to teach him all along.
Heymans, Annemie//Heymans, Margriet
Because her mother died, Hannah takes care of her father and brother. Hannah decides to run away because she feels unappreciated. She goes to Mama's old kitchen garden. Her family reunites in an amazing way!
Kroll, Virginia
Kimiko is a young Japanese girl who desperately wants a carp kite to fly on Children's Day. But only boys are allowed to have these kites, and Kimiko questions this rule.
Cole, Joanna
Norma Jean is a kangaroo who always jumps. She did so even at inappropriate times. Her friends got mad at her, so she decided to no longer jump. Then her friends noticed her change and missed the old Norma Jean. Finally, Norma Jean learns there is a time and place for jumping.
Martin, Charles E.
Heather has to stay on an island during the winter. She misses her summer friends.
MacDonald, Amy
Nobb, the spider, needs a place to set her egg but the sun, moon, and cloud don't want her around. Her only friend, Air, offers her a place but Air can't hold an egg so Nobb uses her net to catch the sun, moon, and cloud and uses pieces of them to create a home for her egg. When she had created the world the egg hatched and from it came all the creatures of the world.
Buckley, Paul
A witch casts a spell causing every bug not to be able to speak except for one. That one bug visits the witch and tells her that no other bug except for him can speak. So the witch makes the bugs' tails light up so they do not have to speak to communicate.
Freschet, Bernice
A lonely spider spins a web in order to catch some food. The spider is careful not to be caught by a toad or an owl. She lays an egg sac and hundreds of spiderlings are produced. The babies, like their mother, spin webs and wait to capture food.
Laden, Nina
Being an architect is tough when you are a termite. But with hard work and dedication, Roberto is determined to become one.
Rappaport, Doreen
During the Revolutionary War, a group of women boycott a local merchant's store and get all the coffee in the warehouse.
Beskow, Elsa
Four forest children learn about nature and their surroundings. Their days revolve around the light and the weather. The children also are taught lessons throughout their childhood.
Schaefer, Carole Lexa
A young girl walking with her class finds a piece of string on the sidewalk. In her imagination, the string becomes a cloud, fireworks, a dragon, and more.
McLeod, Emily Warren
A little boy and his teddy bear go on a bicycle ride through an imaginative trip. They are cautious and safe along their trip.
Dahl, Roald
A man is in love with a woman who lives downstairs from him. The woman has a turtle that she wants to grow bigger, so the man helps change the size of the tortoise. The woman falls in love with the man and the two get married.
Jukes, Mavis
On the way to see her sick uncle, a little girl pretends to fly like he used to. She learns to face her fears about flying in airplanes.
Emmert, Michelle
Nine year old Michelle describes the joys, loving times, difficulties, and other special situations involved in living with her older sister. Her sister, Amy, has cerebral palsy.
Zavos, J.//Drahos, Z.
Murgatroyd screams whenever his parents wash his hair so they stop washing it and a huge garden -- complete with animals -- grows on his head. When Murgatroyd can no longer stand up under his garden, he realizes that hairwashing really isn't so bad!
Brutschy, Jennifer
A little girl gets a pet rabbit and discovers that a fox has eaten her pet. She goes with her father to hunt the fox, but feels sorry for it when she sees its hungry eyes. Then she asks her father not to kill it.
Wahl, Jan
When a tiger in the village causes trouble, Azad and his father are sent out to search for it. When Azad comes face to face with the tiger, it changes his outlook on hunting.
O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer
A group of hungry monsters tear up a boy's house looking for food. When they finally get the food, they make an even bigger mess. The boy gets so upset that he orders them all to get out of his house so he can have some peace.
Ehlert, Lois
A cat is on the loose and hungry for lunch. He notices many birds in the yard and becomes hungrier. He fails to catch any birds and ends up eating feathers for lunch.
Hazen, Barbara Shook
A young boy does not understand why in tight times he cannot get a dog.
Ross, Tony
Jezebel is a little girl who is perfect in every way. She never does anything wrong or anything she is not supposed to do. Jezebel is in for a surprise when her perfectness brings her face-to-face with a hungry alligator.
Krensky, Stephen
Lionel returns to school, meets his new teacher, rakes leaves with a friend, and goes trick-or-treating on Halloween. During these adventures, Lionel learns some new things about himself.
McDonald, Megan
A young boy steals potatoes and has bad luck. He then meets the potato man he stole from and eventually respects him enough to become his customer.
Primavera, Elise
Sophie, a spoiled child, is very excited to get lots of presents on Christmas even though she has everything. She follows her Auntie Claus on a business trip and finds out she is Santa's sister. Sophie learns from this experience that giving is better than receiving.
Donnelly, Liza
Rex and his dog decide to go sledding. While sledding, they end up in the North Pole and meet up with a dinosaur who takes them to Santa's workshop. Rex tells the elves that they're making the toy dinosaurs wrong, helps them fix their mistake, and ends up saving Christmas.
Herriot, James
A kitten is left on Christmas Day for Mrs. Pickering by a stray cat who dies. Buster, the kitten, changes the lifestyle of Mrs. Pickering.
Stevenson, James
Every animal living in various villages celebrates Valentine's Day in a different way. All the animals learn how to appreciate the many ways to celebrate this fun holiday.
Turner, Ann//Himler, R.
Katie hides in her mother's wedding trunk when the British rebels comes to search her house during the American Revolution. Katie gets scared because it is hard for her to breathe. Someone finally opens the trunk so she can breathe again.
Thomas, Joyce Carol
Moving across country must have been very hard. Pioneers often picked up their belongings and moved on toward a common goal: starting a new life!
Wildsmith, Brian
The traditional Christmas story is told through the eyes of a young girl and her donkey. They try to find Mary and Joseph and follow their trip to Bethlehelm.
Freeman, Don
A dog named Hugo is a rescue dog for skiers. One day, Hugo finds a lost skier and brings him to safety.
Williams, Barbara
Some of Donna Jean's family members are so sure she will fail in reciting a poem at a school program that they almost convince her that she cannot do it. Luckily, her uncle believes in her and helps her.
Harshman, Marc
Jimmy's family needs all the help they can get and Uncle James is promising them that help. When Uncle James arrives and brings nothing with him, Jimmy is very disappointed. He realizes that Uncle James needs help in becoming a hero.
Colman, Hila
A boy hates school because it is boring and the teachers never answer his questions. He would prefer to spend his time ate the zoo playing tic tac toe with an ape. Doing this, he works hard to learn how to beat the ape because he's having fun. He overcomes the doubts of his peers and teacher.