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Stock, Catherine
A boy struggles to find his own place among the hard working people of Kalk Bay in Southern Africa.

Henkes, Kevin
Owen just loves his yellow blanket named Fuzzy, which he takes everywhere. Owen's parents decide Owen is getting too old to carry around a blanket. Owen is terribly upset and isn't happy again until Fuzzy is cut up into small pieces for Owen to carry around.

Williams, Karen Lynn
After spending a long day selling oranges at the market, a Haitian mother and daughter earn enough money to ride the tap-tap home. The tap-tap is a vehicle that takes passengers where they need to go. It stops when a passenger taps on the side twice.

Piumini, Roberto
A circus acrobat loses his balance on the tightrope, and a saint in Heaven comes to his aid in ways that are more harmful than helpful.

Duke, Kate
Each letter of the alphabet is illustrated by a word which applies to guinea pigs.

dePaola, Tomie
Helga, a beautiful troll, sets out to earn her dowry to marry Lars. Her plan doesn't work out like she had hoped. Be ready for a funny ending.

Smith, Lane
A little boy is reluctant to get a pair of glasses because he is afraid of how he will look. The doctor points out all the neat images that the boy can see with his glasses on. He is amazed at what he can see with glasses.

dePaola, Tomie
Giovanni loves to juggle. He juggles every day to make people laugh. He goes to great extremes to turn peoples' frowns upside down.

Johnson, Jane
A little boy packs his bag with his special belongings and runs away. In his travels, he comes in contact with bad creatures, but in the end he isn't hurt and goes back home.

Rappaport, Doreen
With the help of Mother Jones, a famous leader, the miners go on strike to fight for better working conditions and wages. Rosie's family struggles to survive the eight-month strike. The persistant women and miners force the owners to give in, and the strike ends with victory.

Kumin, Maxine W.
Because his friends can do tricks that he cannot do, Speedy decides to dig a hole through the world. Once on the other side, he teaches the people about gravity.

Oneal, Zibby
During World War I in Europe, a girl named Lisa struggles because she feels that girls also deserve the right to vote. She is determined to prove this to others.

Sutcliff, Rosemary
After some laws and ways were disobeyed, the White-King along with his Queen, Knights, bishops, and pawns challenge the Red-Horde to a chess-like battle.

Balian, Lorna
A young lazy Irish girl, Ninny Nanny, finds it difficult to do chores around the hut she shares with Gram. She decides to catch a leprechaun and get his pot of gold to solve all their problems.

Baylor, Byrd//Parnall, Peter
A young girl finds a secret hiding place that a boy found before her. She respects that it is his special place. Her friends are willing to share their hiding places with her as long as the boy finds them too.

Patron, Susan
Billy Que learns an important lesson from the dustbobbin under his bed. Billy learns to think before he speaks.

de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
On a snowy, windy night at a Dakota farm, a lonely man and woman wishes for company, music, and a party. Suddenly all their wishes start to come true.

Bemelmans, Ludwig
Madeline is in London and meets a prince. She is distraught when they have to separate. The boy runs away and Madeline finds him.

Bunting, Eve
A kid without a father learns from the bicycle man about trust. From other kids he learns honesty and friendship.

Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nate the Great is a detective and he has an assignment to find Annie's missing picture. After looking at all the clues, he tracks down the culprit - Annie's little brother.

Kroll, Steven
Antonio, a street performer, decides to rescue his good friend Daniela when she is kidnapped by bandits. After many adventures, he brings her home safely.

Nash, Ogden
Two boys are playing and a girl walks by. Billy says that all girls are silly, then his friend points out that his mom was once a girl.

Waber, Bernard
Lyle, the crocodile, possesses incredible people skills. Sometime this gift can cause problems.

Munsch, Robert
One day Stephanie shows up at school with her hair in a ponytail. At first all of her friends make fun of her, but she quickly becomes a trend-setter. When Stephanie tricks everyone into shaving their heads, they aren't very happy with her.

Duvoisin, Roger
Raccoon hopes to eat Petunia for a goose dinner, but while walking in the forest, they end up as good friends.

Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
A new boy named Eugene has moved in next door to Zelda and Ivy. the three quickly become friends. A romance blooms, they play imaginary games, and go camping. Like all friends, they don't always get along, but they work out their differences.

De Beer, Hans
Lars, a little polar bear, gets caught in a fish net and gets thrown on board of a ship. He meets a cat, Nemo, and goes to the city. Nemo and his other friends help Lars find his way back to the North Pole.

Hamilton, Virginia
The rainforest, ruined by humans, is no longer a safe place for Rundi Jaguarundi. Rundi decides to invite some strange and exotic animal friends to come along.

Hutchins, Hazel
Sophie wants to make Monster cookies, but first she needs to go to the store and buy all of the ingredients. But then something happens and Sophie finds herself being accused of shoplifting!

Williams, Barbara
Chester was thankful on Thanksgiving. He was thoughtful to think of his sick cousin, Archie. Chester, Archie, and a friend all have dinner together in the end.

Nagel, Karen Berman
Kim left her lunch on the bus so she now has to buy lunch at the school cafeteria. Kim and Alex decide that they could get more to eat if they share their food. They both buy a little bit and end up with a very healthy lunch.

Seuss, Dr.
Sam-I-Am follows another person around trying to get him to eat green eggs and ham, but the person insists he would never eat green eggs and ham. Eventually he agrees to try them and decides he does like green eggs and ham and thanks his new friend, Sam-I-Am.

Marshall, James
Emily, the pig, decides she needs to lose weight. She takes a walk then eats everything in sight. Eugene Turtle suggests that walking is a good way for losing weight.

Ormerod, Jan
A little girl wakes up very early then wakes her father so they can make breakfast. Afterwards, her dad gets back into bed and reads the paper while the mother sleeps. The little girl then begins to get herself ready for school.

Ziefert, Harriet//Nicklaus, C.
A boy and his sister are hungry and look for a snack. They each build a sandwich and race to eat them. They are no longer hungry!

Vincent, Gabrielle
When Celestine, a mouse, breaks a cup, her bear friend Ernest offers to help her clean up the mess. But Celestine thinks that is is her responsibility.

Burningham, John
The Hargrave family is very weak. Mrs. Hargrave has a baby who will not eat and is also very weak. One day the baby's mother feeds him avocado pears. The baby becomes so strong that he can move furniture, defend other children, and scare burglars.

Boujon, Claude
Mr. Rabbit does not like carrots, so he investigates what his other animal friends eat. Based on his findings, Mr. Rabbit decides carrots are not so bad after all!

Austin, Margot
William the woodchuck wakes up after hibernation and is starving. William's friends bring him his meals in bed one day because they do not want him to see his shadow.

Garrison, Christian
Two brothers, one fat and one thin, live together. Flam eats all the food and leaves nothing for Flim. So Flim decides to trick Flam into drinking the pond by placing a piece of cheese in the middle of it. Flam drinks the whole pond not realizing the cheese was the reflection of the moon. When Flam cannot move, Flim eats a very satisfying meal.

Root, Phyllis
A small woman who has a hearty vegetable garden that she loves very much, encounters a giant who steals all her vegetables. She chases after him and realizes that they can share vegetable soup and a friendship.

Jackson, Jean
A loving, but hungry easy chair follows Mrs. Piccolo to the grocery store to purchase some cheese puffs. A few obstacles attempt to stop the chair from purchasing the cheese puffs, so the chair decides to swallow people to accomplish its task. Will the people from the chair ever get out?

Delton, Judy
A duck stays at home and cleans his house all day. His friend, Bear, comes to visit and tries to find something to eat. Bear cannot find anything and they go to Bear's house to cook some food.

Burningham, John
Steve is sent to the store with a list. On his way home, he is approached by many animals demanding his food. He tricks the animals and goes home with all of his groceries.

Hurd, Thacher
Farmer Clem had a beautiful garden. He shares his garden with another family that he did not know about - mice!Baby mouse is always up to something and keeps her parents very busy.

Hoban, Lillian
Arthur decides to bake some cookies for his parents for their Christmas presents. Even though they turn out badly, Arthur finds another way to make wonderful presents out of his cookies.


D'Aulaire, Ingri//D'Aulaire, Edgar
A story about a boy, his travels, and his adventures through Norway.

Root, Phyllis
Rosie O'Grady loves being by herself, but people can't stay away when she plays her fiddle. She is so good that they say she could out-fiddle the devil himself!One day, the devil shows up to challenge Rosie to a contest, the devil's golden fiddle for Rosie's soul!

Wisniewski, David
A blind girl is born in the northern valley. Because she cannot see, she is blind to the curse in a great crystal. She destroys the crystal and restores her village from the curse.