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  • Tags: godmother
Minters, Frances
A little girl lives with her two sisters in New York. They all get invited to a basketball game to see the prince play. Elly doesn't have anything to wear but her godmother comes and saves the day. Elly goes to the game, gets her prince, and teaches others the value of not being mean.

Hughes, Shirley
This version of the Cinderella story takes place in a dressmakers shop. Mr. Cinders and his daughter Ella run the shop. Ellaメs father remarries a wicked woman, and she and her daughters take over the household. A ball is announced and Ella desperately wants to go. Her fairy godmother sends her in a beautiful gown and the duke falls in love with her. Ella, however, denies the Duke and admits her love for Buttons, who has helped her and her father in the shop.

Smalls, Irene
Irene Jennie, a young girl living on a plantation, is sad when she can't spend Christmas with her parents. She prays for things to change and a Christmas parade cheers her up. As she watches the parade with her godmother, she receives a nice surprise.

Meddaugh, Susan
Cinderella's fairy godmother turns a rat into a coachboy. The coachboy loves that he has more food to eat and less enemies (cats). But what will he do when someone wants to harm his sister (a rat)?

Child, Lauren
Herb loves being read storybooks by his mother, as long as she takes the books out of his room when she is done. Tonight though, his mother gets distracted and forgets the book. As Herb is just about to fall asleep, two wolves jump out of the book with the intention of eating him. Herb must now find a way to keep them from eating him. With the help of a fairy godmother (from another book!), Herb escapes the hungry wolves.

Scieszka, Jon
When the Princess kissed a frog that turned him into a Prince, they thouhgt they would live happily ever after. But unfortunately, he still had many frog characteristics which made him think he would be happier as a frog. He goes to all of the local witches, but the Fairy Godmother was the only one who could help. She accidentally turned him into a carriage but when the clock strikes twelve, he turns into a prince. When he later kisses his wife, they both turn into frogs.

Buehner, Carolyn
Fanny Agnes is a young farm girl who dreams of marrying a prince. When her fairy godmother does not arrive the day of the ball, Fanny decides to marry Hebert, a local farmer. As Fanny gets older, she realizes that Herbert really is her prince.