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Park, Linda Sue
A young boy learns his father's trade by observing the use and importance of resin from certain trees. One day becomes an important day for the family - and especially for the young boy - when they exchange tears with three merchants who are off to see an important baby.
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
The principal of Lynnhurst School, Mr. Tanen, is known for his unbelievable collection of 975 ties. He has a tie for every occasion! When the plan for the new playground falls through, everyone is shocked to see Mr. Tannen part with his beloved ties as he auctions them off so that the children at Lynnhurst School can enjoy their new playground.
Blumenthal, Deborah
Annie, Grandma Marilyn, and Great Aunt Ruth search through family memorabilia as they put together an album to show to their family. While scrapbooking the many memories, Grandma Marilyn and Great Aunt Ruth share stories about makeup, clothing, jewelery, hairdos, and food. Annie learns all about the relatives she never met.
Whitcomb, Mary E.
Velvet is different from all her other classmates. After thinking she is quite odd, that students decide she's not reall that different after all. They admire Velvet's picture of an apple and love going to her unique birthday party.
Williams, Karen Lynn
Kondi needs wire to make his galimoto, the word in Malawi Africa which means car. He thinks of clever ways to make his galimoto in the shape of a car. He falls asleep imagining what shape he might twist it into the next day.
Mitchell, Rhonda
Aunt Phoebe has a collection of many wonderful things, each having an interesting story. The little girl's favorite thing is an adinkra cloth from Ghana. It has many colors and symbols to represent feelings, faith, power, and love.
Bryant, Jen
A young girl, Georgia, is fascinated with shapes, colors, and objects. Her family does not share nor comprehend her love for art, so they deem her different. With her strong will and determination, Georgia moves to New York to discover a life as an artist. The illustrations help the reader detail the beauty of her work as they take us through the life of Georgia O'Keffe.
Dotlich, Rebecca Kai
Predictable rhyming patterns and basic themes, such as nature, animals, food, and so much more, work together to complete this collection of thirty-two jump rope rhymes.
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Buddy likes looking at and collecting rocks so Mama suggests they visit the local nature center. They hike the Blue Diamond Trail to five learning centers where they meet Roxie, a Rock Ridge Ranger. Buddy learns about bedrock, erosion, and how three types of rocks are formed. He finds out many surprising things about rocks, rocks, rocks!
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
A new boy named Eugene has moved in next door to Zelda and Ivy. the three quickly become friends. A romance blooms, they play imaginary games, and go camping. Like all friends, they don't always get along, but they work out their differences.
Cuyler, Margery
When her teacher tells the class that everyone must bring in collections of 100 for the 100th day of school, Jessica begins to worry. What will she bring in?Her family finally helps her come up with a special collection.
Doolittle, Eileen
The character visits an attic and collects things that go with each letter of the alphabet. It is fun to see how many exciting things that are locked away and waiting to be discovered.
Van Horn, William
Harry has a house with seventy-two rooms filled with his many collections of things, including a dangerous giant jumping bean. In trying to make room for a new collection, the jumping bean escapes and destroys Harry's collection.
Rylant, Cynthia
Spring is coming, spring is coming!Spring cleaning on Poppleton's mind. Poppelton's friend, Cherry Sue, is cleaning too. Poppelton is looking for a bike, but there are so many decisions to make. A red one, a blue one- maybe he'll just walk. Poppleton wants to sleep outside in the new spring air. Can he last the night and discover new things around him?
Kleven, Elisa
Ernst and Sol, two crocodile brothers, set out for the beach one morning. Sol suggests that they should start collecting various items along the beach. To Sol's disapproval, Ernst decides he wants to collect puddles. By the end of his tale, Ernst finds a creative use for his puddle collection.
Kredenser, Gail//Mack, Stanley
Let's build a band by counting!Has numbers written in words and has 10 different instruments. This will help you recognize number words and colors.
Hurst, Carol Otis
Carol Hurst's father loves collecting rocks in his spare time. After the Depression forces him to close his gas station, the father gets a job working with rocks at a science museum, realizing his dream.
Braun, Kathy
Two kangaroos collect and keep everything just in case. Finally, when they have collected so much stuff that they are stuck in the house, they decide to give everything away for free. They make many people happy. When their house is empty, they begin to save again - after all, they have the room.
Mahood, Kenneth
Willy lives with his seven uncles who always keep everything in ship shape. Willy loses everything, but he does find something very important.
Wishinsky, Frieda
Henry, the baker, creates magnificent cakes. No two cakes are alike and his customers love the beautiful decorations. Henry's friend Ben visits Henry and watches him work each day after school. When the bakery is bought by new owners, Henry loses his job. Henry is sad when he can no longer decorate cakes, but only until Ben helps his friend find a new outlet for his creativity.
Baylor, Byrd
There are many things to consider when selecting a rock. What special qualities would you look for when playing with rocks?
Buchholz, Quint
A violin player becomes quick friends with an artist, Max, who moves into the apartment above her family's. She is curious about the secrets that were held in his imaginative paintings. When Max does share his paintings with her, she is amazed at what she sees.
Myrus, Donald//Squillace, Albert
Jeff and his mother go to the beach for a day. Jeff runs around collecting things and drawing pictures in the sand. He meets a little girl, Jenny, and spends the day teaching her about art in the sand.
Turkle, Brinton
Miss Moody lives by the sea with her cat, Captain Kidd. She loves to collect objects left on the beach after a storm. One day she finds a bottle that says do not open. She opens it up and finds a terrible monster. She defeats the monster through quick thinking.
Hughes, Peter
Baron Brady spends each day angrily collecting taxes from his poor tenants. A lesson from a new shoe maker teaches the Baron that it is fun to be good tempered, rather than always be angry.
Weitzman, Jacqueline
A little girl spends a day with her grandma at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When the little girl decides to bring along her bright yellow balloon, a security guard sees her and quickly tells her that she can't bring it in. He assures her he will watch over it as she views the exhibits, but the task ends up being more work than he ever imagined. (A Wordless Book).
Fleming, Candace
Agnes Peregrine has always loved birds and has recently found out that she has a true talent for bird calling. She goes to the Himalayan Mountains with her mother in search of the rarest bird of all. Little does she know that an evil colonel has followed them and wants this rare bird for his own collection!
McGrath, Barbara
M & M candy characters guide you through the wonderful world of math as you learn the concepts of graphing, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and ordinal numbers. The best part is that you get to eat the materials you're working with. Remember not to eat too many!