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I hate red rover
Lexau, Joan M.
Jill hates red rover because she is afraid to hold on and afraid to run into arms; she does not want to get hurt. Her grandfather helped her overcome her fears by sharing his fears about having his teeth pulled.

Happy new year
Liang, Yen
Dee-dee and Boo celebrate the Chinese New Year with their family. The celebration includes decorations, dancing, and fireworks.

What are you so grumpy about?
Lichtenheld, Tom
A little boy has the most horrible life that makes him grumpy. He gets weird food to eat, boring presents to open, and too many chores to do. He gets up on the wrong side of his bed, has to pick up his room, and go to somebody's house and listen to grown-up boring junk. His grumpy mood eventually is forgotten.

Potato: A tale from the great depression
Lied, Kate
During the Great Depression Dorothy is just a baby, but she remembers how hard her parents had to work. For two weeks the family moves to Idaho and picks potatoes. They use the leftover potatoes to trade for groceries which helps the family survive the Depression.

My yellow ball
Lillegard, Dee
Five times a young girl throws her ball into the sky. With each throw, her imagination grows more and more as her ball travels to different parts of the world where it encounters various people and animals. On her last throw, the ball strikes a star and the girl makes a delightful wish.

When the rooster crowed
Lillie, Patricia
All of the animals must sound at once before the farmer will get out of bed.

Jake and rosie
Lillie, Patricia
Jake is upset to find that his very best friend and neighbor is not at home. He worries that she will not ever return and he will not have anyone to play with. However, Rosie soon comes home and shows Jake a fun surprise.

Dim sum for everyone
Lin, Grace
The narrator and her family go to Dim Sum, a Chinese restaurant. The narrator has her own favorite native dish, and her family has different favorites as well. The family eats a little bit of everything and enjoys everyone's favorites.



The ugly vegetables
Lin, Grace
A young Chinese girl helps her mom plant Chinese vegetables. She initially compares her mom's "ugly" garden to those of her neighbor's garden. The two use lots of gardening tools to plant the seeds for vegetables. Her mom then cooks the vegetables and invites the other neighbors in to share the nutritious meal.

The awful aardvarks go to school
Lindberg, Reeve
Some mischievous aardvarks visit school and create chaos in the class. The other animals in the class do not like the aardvarks' behavior and the aardvarks are expelled.

Johnny appleseed
Lindbergh, Reeve
On his way to the western frontier, Johnny Appleseed stops to eat and chat with Hannah Goodwin and her family. His adventures bring many encounters with pioneers, Indians, and nature. When he is old, he returns to visit Hannah Goodwin who continues to tell children about Johnny Appleseed.

The day the goose got loose
Lindbergh, Reeve
The goose gets loose and causes all kinds of racket around the farm. If the brother hadn't known why the goose got loose who knows what might have happened?

Grandfather's lovesong
Lindbergh, Reeve
Grandfather describes the love he has for his young grandson. He compares his love to the different seasons and the beautiful scenery of the rural landscape.

The awful aardvarks shop for school
Lindbergh, Reeve
This morning the aardvarks are going to the mall for back-to-school shopping. They have a list prepared for backpacks, lunch boxes, school supplies, and more. However, while following their list, they continue to add new items, making for a crazy and chaotic day.

There's a cow in the road!
Lindbergh, Reeve
As this girl gets ready for school, a cow and many other animals show up outside of her house. When the bus finally comes, there is chaos with people, cars, and animals in the neighborhood.

Our nest
Lindbergh, Reeve
When you get into your bed at night, there are many other creatures also getting into their beds called nests. Enjoy learning about the world we all share.

I want a brother or sister
Lindgren, Astrid
Peter wants a little brother or sister but after Lena is born he feels that his mama doesn't love him anymore. He soon realizes however, that having a little sister is a big responsibility and a lot of fun.

The tomten and the fox
Lindgren, Astrid
Reynard is a hungry fox who goes to a farm to steal food. There he meets a tomten who shares his food with Reynard.

The ghost of skinny jack
Lindgren, Astrid
Grandma tells two children the story of skinny Jack, a farmhand that becomes a ghost. The children then journey home but it gets dark and the little girl thinks she is grabbed by skinny Jack. When her father comes and rescues her from the ghost, a hazlenut branch strikes her in her back.

Christmas in the stable
Lindgren, Astrid
In this traditional story of the birth of Jesus, a child's imagination creates more modern images of the events.

Skrallan and the pirates
Lindgren, Astrid
Skrallan loves to spend her summers on the island of Saltcrow with her family and friends. A curious two-year old, she gets into mischief as she plays with her grandfather and other children.

Springtime in a noisy village
Lindgren, Astrid
Some children live in a little, simple village. They all play together and resolve any little conflicts. They watch out for one another.

The red bird
Lindgren, Astrid
A brother and sister who live a very poor and hard life find a secret doorway to a モperfect worldヤ. The children leave it to go back to their lives after being told if they shut the door they can never return. But, one cold hard day they entered the モroomヤ again and face the decision, モDo we shut the door?ヤ.

Christmas in noisy village
Lindgren, Astrid//Wickland, Ilon
Noisy Village is rich with traditions for children. Noisy Village is a fun, happy, and busy place during Christmas.

A worm's tale
Lindgren, Barbro
Arthur is a lonely man who accidently steps on a worm one day. Arthur adopts the worm and they become good friends.

The wild baby gets a puppy
Lindgren, Barbro
Ben wants an animal to play with, so for his birthday he gets a stuffed dog. Ben is mad because he wants a real dog, until his imagination brings the stuffed puppy to life. Ben and the puppy have lots of fun together.

Benny's had enough!
Lindgren, Barbro
Benny the pig is tired of rules. After refusing to take a bath and pick up his toys, Benny decides he would like to live somewhere else. He soon discovers the problems of being away from home.

The wild baby goes to sea
Lindgren, Barbro
A ten year old boy uses his imagination one day to take a sailing trip. He gathers all his friends together and takes an adventurous trip.

The wild baby
Lindgren, Barbro
Ben is a naughty baby. He disobeys what his mom tells him to do. One day, he takes along his friends to sail through many adventures. His mom finds him and he ends up safely at home. Even though he is bad, she loves her wild little boy.

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

Snipp, snapp, snurr and the reindeer
Lindman, Maj
Snipp, Snap and Snurr vacation with their parents in Sweden. They meet a family from Lapland who come to their rescue accompanied by their pet reindeer.

Mr. mcmouse
Lionni, Leo
Mr. Timothy McMouse, a city mouse, runs away to the country. He meets a group of field mice who live in a castle and tries to fit in. Timothy cannot pass the test of the country mice. When Timothy saves himself and another mouse from the cat, he is given an honorary Field Mouse License.

Tico and the golden wings
Lionni, Leo
Tico, a bird, is born without wings. When he receives a golden pair of wings after wishing for them, he is not accepted by the other birds. After he gives his golden feathers away, he is accepted by his fellow birds.

A color of his own
Lionni, Leo
A little chameleon is sad because he does not have a color of his own. He meets another chameleon who befriends him and they become the same colors together.

An extraordinary egg
Lionni, Leo
Three frogs live together by a pond. One of them finds an egg. When the egg hatches, the three frogs believe that the animal is a chicken.

Fish is fish
Lionni, Leo
A tiny fish and a little tadpole are friends. The tadpole becomes a frog and sees the world. The fish wants to see the world, but learns that life is better as fish.

Nicolas, where have you been?
Lionni, Leo
The field mice and birds compete for the bright red berries. The birds usually get the berries first and this angers the mice, especially Nicolas. One day, Nicolas is swooped up by a big, mean bird and dropped into a nest of nice birds that bring him berries and they share stories. He returns to tell the other mice that not all birds are bad.

Matthew's dream
Lionni, Leo
Matthew is a poor smart mouse. He does not know what to do with his life. He ends up becoming a professional painter as the result of a dream he had after going to the art museum. He becomes a very famous artist.

Lionni, Leo
While the other mice are gathering corn, nuts, wheat and straw for the winter, Frederick gathers sun rays, colors, and words. The other mice think that Frederick is lazy, but during the long winter days, his words warm the other mice.

Tillie and the wall
Lionni, Leo
Unlike the other mice, Tillie has always been curious about the wall they live next to. She imagines what could be on the other side of the wall and is determined to find out .

Geraldine, the music mouse
Lionni, Leo
Geraldine the mouse finds a large chunk of cheese. She gnaws the cheese into a statue that plays music. She then learns that she has music in her too.

A busy year
Lionni, Leo
Twin mice, Willie and Winnie, befriend Woody, the talking tree. They visit her every month and witness the changes the different seasons bring to their friend.

Inch by inch
Lionni, Leo
An inch worm does not want to be eaten, so he tells the robin that he is useful because he can measure things. Later, he uses his brain to get out of a sticky situation.

Swimmy (Nnadarin)
Lionni, Leo
Swimmy was the fastest fish in his school. When all the other fish in his school get eaten by a new big fish, he explores by himself until he finds a new school of fish. He then teaches his new school how to swim close together so that they look like the biggest fish of all and will scare away the other big fish.

Little blue and little yellow
Lionni, Leo
Little blue and little yellow are good friends. One day they are playing and they hugged each other and became green. When they went home, their parents sent them away because they did not look the same. Little blue and little yellow both began to cry and they turned back into blue and yellow.

Lionni, Leo
Cornelius, the crocodile, is able to walk upright by standing on his head. The other crocodiles become jealous when Cornelius brags about his skill.

The biggest house in the world
Lionni, Leo
A snail tells his father that he wants to have the biggest house in the world. His father tells him a story about a snail who said the same thing and his house got so big he could not move. The little snail realizes he is happy the way he is.

It's mine!
Lionni, Leo
Three have trouble sharing. Each exclaim, It's mine! When a storm comes, they pull together to share a piece of high ground to avoid the flood. They realize that sharing things, including hopes and fears, is the best way.

The alphabet tree
Lionni, Leo
The alphabet tree is full of letters. After the storm, all the letters grouped together because they were afraid. A bug and a caterpillar teach teamwork so the letters can say something important.