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Marigold and grandma on the town
Calmenson, Stephanie
Marigold and grandma go into town to buy Marigold a new hat. On the way to feed the ducks, Marigold's hat blows off. Grandmother shows Marigold how to make friends with the wind. At the end of the day, they have wonderful memories with photos.

Market day
Ehlert, Lois
Morning comes with the crow of the chickens and the animals must be tended. Everyone in town packs up and heads off to market day. They pass many animals in the fields as they go to the town square in trucks, on motorcycles, and in carts to buy and sell at the market.

Market day
Bunting, Eve
Tess and her friend Wee Boy experience the excitement of an Irish country fair on the first Thursday of every month. Tess's father hopes to buy pigs at Market Day if the price is right.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
A cat is used to being the center of attention. He must learn to share his home with a rabbit. The two learn they have a lot in common and become great friends.

Marsupial Sue
Lithgow, John
Marsupial Sue is not a happy kangaroo. She does not enjoy the things kangaroos do. Marsupial Sue decides to go explore and find the place where she belongs. She tries to fit in with many other groups of animals. She finally discovers the place where she is happiest.

Martha and skits
Meddaugh, Susan
The whole family, including Martha, the talking dog, is excited when Skits arrives. Skits is a young and mischievious dog. As he grows, the family thinks that it is time to give him alphabet soup so he will be able to talk. However, it doesn't have the same effect on Skits as it did on Martha. At first everyone is sad, especially Skits, until they discover his other talents.

Martha blah blah
Meddaugh, Susan
A dog Martha has the ability to speak when she eats alphabet soup. But when the soup company starts using only half the letters in the soup to save money, Martha can't say what she wants. Afraid of what will happen to her, Martha confronts the owner of the company who agrees to put all the letters back in.

Martha calling
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha, the dog, has a special feature of being able to talk. When she hears of a radio contest, she calls in and wins a family vacation. Dogs aren't allowed on vacations until she changes their minds.

Martha speaks
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha, a dog, eats alphabet soup and learns to talk. Her talking becomes annoying until it saves their home from a robbery.

Martha walks the dog
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha is not an ordinary dog. She learns to speak by eating alphabet soup. On her afternoon walk she discovers a new dog in the neighborhood who bullies everything he sees. Through the help of a parrot, Martha learns that kind words can have a large effect-even on a bully.

Martin's hats
Blos, Joan W.
Join Martin and his many different hats as he explores caves, joins a birthday party, engineers a train, puts out a fire, and even welds a girder.

Marven of the great north woods
Lasky, Kathryn
A boy named Marvin leaves his family during the flu epidemic. He goes to a lumberjack camp in northern Minnesota and works and learns French while making some interesting friends. Marvin learns to ski, dance, and do the bookkeeping as a lumberjack.

Marvin k. mooney, will you please go now!
Seuss, Dr.
The speaker describes many examples of ways for Marvin K. Mooney to leave town.

Marvin's best christmas present ever
Paterson, Katherine
It's almost Christmas and Marvin doesn't know what gift to give his parents. After he asks his older sister for some help, he ends up making a wreath. Marvin's parents love their gift and it hangs on their trailer almost all year. When they finally decide to take it down, they discover a family of birds who have been enjoying it too.

Mary alice returns
Allen, Jeffrey
Mary Alice is a switchboard operator on whom everyone depends. She completes her job perfectly until one day, when Karen squirrel plays dangerous games with her.

Mary ann
James, Betsy
A moving of a best friend is sad for a young girl. She befriends a praying mantis and names it after her best friend. She must cope with the death of the mantis and the surprise at the end.

Mary had a little lamb
Hale, Sarah Josepha
A lamb, who goes to school, has a famous 19th century nursery rhyme and song written about it.

Mary jo's grandmother
Udry, Janice May
Mary Jo's grandmother lives alone in a house away from town without a phone. Mary Jo gets to spend Christmas vacation with her. During the visit, her grandmother falls and Mary Jo has to find a way to help her.

Mary louise loses her manners
Cuneo, Diane
Mary Louise loses her manners during breakfast one day and goes on a journey to find them all around town. Through the journey, the importance of manners becomes a reality for Mary Louise while at the restaurant, doctor's office, and library.

Mary Mclean and the St. Patrick's Day parade
Kroll, Steven
In order to march with Mr. Finnegan in the St. Patrick's Day Parade, Mary must find a perfect shamrock in Manhattan in the middle of winter. Will she find one?

Mary of mile 18
Blades, Ann
Mary and her family live in Mile 18 It is a cold winter and the family is poor. One day Mary finds a wolf pup, but her father will not allow her to keep it. Until, a coyete comes to get the hens and the pup warns the family. The father decides they can keep the pup and everyone is happy.

Mary wears what she wants
Negley, Keith
One day, a young girl named Mary decided to wear pants instead of dresses at a time when girls always wore dresses. Mary took her very daring idea into town where she was challenged by people for wearing boys clothes. Mary reminded them that "Im wearing MY clothes".

Math curse
Scieszka, Jon
Don't let math overwhelm you!Your teacher can help you so math is not a curse. Or will she?

Franco, Betsy
Explore the magic of each season through mathematical equations. Discover things in nature that have mathematical qualities.

Matt's grandfather
Lundgren, Max
Matt and his family go to visit Matt's grandfather in a retirement home for his eighty-fifth birthday. Matt's grandfather is old and he forgets a lot. At first, Matt is afraid of his grandfather, but when they go for a walk in the park, he learns that older people are not so scary.

Matthew and tilly
Jones, Rebecca C.
Matthew and Tilly are best friends. Sometimes they get in fights and do not play together. However, playing alone is not much fun, so they make up and are best friends again.

Matthew the cowboy
Hooker, Ruth
A boy receives a cowboy suit for his birthday. He takes imaginary, wild trips out to the Wild West.

Matthew wheelock's wall
Weller, F.W.
Matthew Wheelock built a stone wall around his field with great care. The stone wall was his pride and joy and eventually a home and playground for the animals and his grandchildren.

Matthew's dragon
Cooper, Susan
Matthew loves dragons. His mother reads him a bed time story about a dragon. This dragon comes alive and takes Matt on an enchanted adventure in the sky.

Matthew's dream
Lionni, Leo
Matthew is a poor smart mouse. He does not know what to do with his life. He ends up becoming a professional painter as the result of a dream he had after going to the art museum. He becomes a very famous artist.

Mattie and the chicken thief
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie's cat, Prowler, and dog, Howler, accidentally scare off her four hens. They must get the hens back without getting caught in any of Mattie's thief-traps.

Mattie's little possum pet
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie takes in a possum for a new pet. She thinks that the possum is a sweet, innocent little pet, but her cat and dog know otherwise.

Matunje and the wooden spoon
Mashiri, Pascal
During a time of famine, Matunje goes looking for food. He finds mangoes which fall into the water and are carried out to sea. Matunje follows and is led to the sea king who gives him a magical wooden spoon to feed his country.

Maude and walter
Oneal, Zibby
Maude and Walter are brother and sister and they fight often. When separated, they miss each other and realize that they are not only related, but are also friends.



Graham, Bob
Max is the son of the legendary superheroes Captain Lightning and Madam Thunderbolt. His family has high expectations for him to follow in their footsteps and become a superhero too. Now he just needs to learn how to fly. After many persistent tries, Max still can't keep himself off the ground. His family is supportive and determined to get him to fly. Will this confidence be enough to help him fly like the birds?

Max found two sticks
Pinkney, Brian
On a day when Max did not feel like talking to anyone he found two sticks to play with. Max's imagination lead him to discover communication through music.

Max goes to the dentist
Klein, Adria
Max visits the dentist where he gets his teeth checked and cleaned. Max makes sure to brush his teeth twice a day so, when the dentist looks for cavities, he doesn't have any! After looking at x-rays of his teeth, Max gets a new toothbrush from the dentist and leaves his office after having a great checkup!

Max in hollywood, baby
Kalman, Marina
Follow Max as he goes through Hollywood and finds out what it is all about. Max works with new and interesting people.

Max makes a million
Kalman, Maira
A dog named Max lives in New York and tells about his life as a poet struggling to survive. In the end, he gets his book published and makes enough money to follow his dreams to Paris.

Max's chocolate chicken
Wells, Rosemary
Two young rabbits try to find a fair way to decide who gets the chocolate chicken they found. The one who doesn't cheat is rewarded.

Max's christmas
Wells, Rosemary
It is Christmas Eve, Max sneaks downstairs to see Santa Claus but falls asleep by the chimmney. When Santa arrives, he puts his hat over Max's face because nobody is supposed to see Santa Claus. Max peeks anyway and was surprised to find himself surrounded by presents.

Max's dragon shirt
Wells, Rosemary
Max does not want to get rid of his old blue pants!Instead he wants a dragon shirt, but his mom did not give his sister enough money to buy one. Max loses his sister at the story and gets into a little mischief.

Kantrowitz, Mildred
Maxie wakes up each day and goes through the same routine. One day Maxie feels unloved and lonely, so she decides to stay in bed. Maxie doesn't realize how much others depend on her until her living room is full of worried neighbors. Maxie realizes how many people need and rely on her daily routine.

May I bring a friend?
de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
A boy is invited to go to the King and Queen's house. Everyday he brings a friend along. They invite him to come once again, but he says that he wants them to visit his friends in the zoo.

May I pet your dog? The how-to guide for kids meeting dogs (and dogs meeting kids)
Calmenson, Stephanie
Harry, a helpful dachshund, walks readers through the best steps in approaching a dog that he/she wants to pet. With each new pet and owner, Harry guides the steps with the help of a little boy , while demonstrating precautions in certain situations.

May'naise sandwiches & sunshine tea
Belton, Sandra
Big Mama shares family memories of her childhood with her grandchild about a special friendship she had with Bettie Jean. Little Miss and Big Mama share the pages of a scrapbook which tells the favorite story of May'naise sandwiches and sunshine tea.

Maybe tomorrow i'll have a good time
Soderstorm, Mary
Marsha Lou's mom decides to go back to work. This means the Marsha Lou will have to go to child care. She is very unhappy, but she soon adjusts.

McBroom and the great race
Fleischman, Sid
Farmer McBroom is a successful farmer who has an evil neighbor, Heck Jones, who has tried to steal his farm several times. McBroom is tricked into betting his farm against his neighbor's farm in a race. McBroom overcomes the trickery to win the race and keep his farm.

Mccrephy's field
Myers, Christopher//Myers, Lynne
Joe McCrephy moves away from his cornfield. While he is away for fifty years, both he and his field experience many changes.

McDuff comes home
Wells, Rosemary
McDuff the dog chases a rabbit and ends up far from home. With the help of Mrs. Higgins, and McDuff's good sense of smell, he is able to find his way back.