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Pinkney, Jerry
A young boy and his family befriend a mongoose named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. In return, he tries to protect the family from some mean cobras who live in the garden. When he succeeds and saves the family, everyone celebrates.

Ridin' that strawberry roan
Sewall, Marcia
A crazy cowboy rides his horse in a bronco contest to showoff to his fans. He meets his match with the horses he has to ride at Strawberry Roan.

Rickie & Henri
Goodall, Jane
A baby chimpanzee, Rickie, gets shot and taken from her mother in the forest, and taken to a market in the Congo Republic. A man takes her and cares for her, along with his dog, Henri. The man and Henri provide love and food for Rickie until they take her to a chimpanzee sanctuary to live with other chimpanzees.

Rickety rackety rooster
Wahl, Jan
Farmer Puckle owns a rooster who crows constantly. They try everything to get him to stop and finally discover a treasure to solve the problem.

Richard wright and the library card
Miller, William
Due to segregation in the 1920s, African Americans are not allowed to check out books from the library. Richard Wright discovers his passion which becomes a road to his freedom - books.

Rhymes for annie rose
Hughes, Shirley
More than twenty rhymes tell about the daily life and activities of a young girl named Annie Rose. The playful poems cover several topics including animals, people, seasons, routines and adventures that children love.

Rex q.c.
King, Dorthea
Rex Q.C. is a dog that belongs to the queen of England. He is allowed to follow the queen wherever she goes. He follows her to goverment parties, garden parties and other special occasions.

Essley, Roger
Jon is spending the last day at his grandmother's cottage. Before she takes a nap, she tells Jon to look at some old photographs from 1915 To Jon, the photos are dull, gray, and gloomy. Jon hears some voices and falls into a photograph where he meets Paul. Where Paul sees colors, Jon sees gray. The two boys share some adventures as different photos come to life. Finally, Jon sees the color in the photographs, and finds out that Paul was his great-grandfather.

Return of the shadows
Farber, Norma
Mimi's shadow runs away and calls for all the other shadows of the world to join her. For one full day the shadows entertain themselves by attaching to different objects. As darkness sets in, the shadows become lost and afraid. They decide to return home to the object that is familiar to them.

Return of the shadows
Baruffi, Andrea
Free-spirited shadows leave their maker to roam the world. They eventually grow lonely and return to where they belong.

Remember the secret
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.

Remember me?
Wild, Margaret
Ellie's grandmother doesn't remember very much anymore. For example, she forgets where her keys are, and she needs to pay the electric bill. She does remember one thing though -- Ellie growing up. Ellie and Grandma celebrate with a picnic in the park.

Regards to the man in the moon
Keats, Ezra Jack
Louie and his dad decide to use some old junk and their imagination to get out of this world. Louie's friends make fun of him but he has a great fantasy. He invites his friends to try it the next day.

Jonas, Ann
The adventures of a child on the beach, in the woods, and various other places are described. When the book is turned upside down, the pictures make new pictures.

Reese's pieces count by fives
Pallotta, Jerry
Counting by fives is not always an easy task, but with the help of construction vehicles and Reese's Pieces candy, the task can be accomplished. First, count to ten by ones then to one hundred by fives. Hopefully a tasty snack will await you in the end.

Red wolf country
London, Jonathan
A wolf and his mate travel through the country during the winter in search of a home where soon the female wolf will have babies.

Red riding hook
de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
Red Riding Hood's grandmother is sick so she takes her a little cake to eat. On her way there she stumbles upon a mean, hungry wolf. Will the wolf get to grandma's house before Red Riding Hood?

Red riding hood
Galdone, Paul
Little Red Riding Hood goes off to visit her grandmother. A wolf spots her and beats her to her grandmother's house. The wolf is after both the grandmother and Red Riding Hood, but a hunter ends up killing the wolf and saving them both.

Red fox and his canoe
Benchley, Nathaniel
A little Indian boy, Red Fox, takes out the canoe his father made for him. Something unexpected happens when he is fishing.

Red dancing shoes
Patrick, Denise Lewis
A little girl's Grandmama brings her a new pair of red dancing shoes. She is so excited she dances all around town showing them to everyone she knows.

Recycle every day!
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Through a poster contest at school, Minna and her family discover many ways they can recycle. Many of the other contestants' posters demonstrate ways to recycle, however Minna ultimately wins the contest through her poster that reminds everyone to re-re-remember, re-re-recycle every day.

Rechenka's eggs
Polacco, Patricia
Babushka rescues an injured goose Rechenka. Because the goose accidentally breaks all of Babushka's paints and eggs, Rechenka pays Babushka back by laying eggs that win in the Easter Festival.

Schoenherr, John
Mother and father goose come to the same pond every year to make a nest to lay their eggs. This year when the eggs hatch, one of the goslings turns out to be a curious rebel. The gosling explores around the pond until the family flies south for the winter.

Ready, set, brush! A pop-up book
American Dental Association
Elmo and his gang teach you how to brush your teeth. First, Elmo teaches you about how much toothpaste to use, and Marvin Monster helps you learn about where you should brush. Then Zoe reminds you to brush your tongue, and you learn about rinsing from the Cookie Monster. Next, Martha Monster visits the dentist for a checkup, and he tells her that she, and all of her friends, do a great job of taking care of their mouth by brushing and rinsing twice a day!

Banyai, Istvan
Re-zoom represents a series of scenes, each from farther away. For example, an Indian is on a wrist watch worn by a man, who is painting a wall. Re-zoom illustrates different perspectives of the same scenes. (A Wordless Book).

Raven: A trickster tale from the pacific northwest
MacDermott, Gerald
A raven flies into a dark world and wants to bring light to the people. He journeys to the house of the Sky Chief. After exploring he takes the sun in his mouth and places it in the sky giving light to the world.

Raven and river
Carlstrom, Nancy White
The river ice begins to crack as spring descends upon the Alaskan tundra. The raven knows it is time to wake up, so he flies about alerting his animal friends of spring's arrival. The melting ice brings new life and excitement to the animals who live along side the river.

Ralph's secret weapon
Kellogg, Steven
During his summer vacation with his eccentric aunt, Ralph is forced to take bassoon lessons. When he succeeds at charming snakes, Aunt Georgiana sends Ralph to charm a sea serpent for the navy!The music only makes the monster angry, but Ralph saves the day with his secret weapon.

Raising yoder's barn
Yolen, Jane
A boy and his family lose their barn to a fire but their Amish community works together to raise the barn again.

Raising the roof
Kidd, R.
When David's parents decide to spend the day at Habitat for Humanity instead of with him, he is very upset. After understanding how his parents are helping others, he decides to build his own house.

Raising sweetness
Stanley, Diane
The town sheriff adopts eight orphans to save them from the mean Ms. Stump, but there are a few problems. Pa is not too good at cooking and his cleaning is quite shabby. The orphans one wish is for him to get married. One of the orphans, Sweetness, believes a letter that arrived in the mail is the answer.

Rainbow rhino
Sis, Peter
Rainbow Rhino and his bird friends go on a journey and find places that match their respective colors and stay there. They soon discover that their old home behind the mountain is the best because they are together with all their colors.

Rainbow in the morning
Withers, C.//Jackson, A.
You will laugh and have fun with these jokes, riddles, limericks, and songs. Which one is your favorite?

Rainbow fish to the rescue
Pfister, Marcus
Rainbow Fish and his friends are playing flash-tag with their shiny scales. When a striped fish comes to play, they won't let him join their game. Suddenly a shark appears, so Rainbow Fish and his friends risk their lives to save the lonely striped fish.

Rain talk
Serfozo, Mary
A girl listens to the sounds of the rain. She hears it hit on the pond, her umbrella, and the roof while she travels around her community.

Rain rain rivers
Shulevitz, Uri
Rain has many purposes. Rain affects people, animals, and nature. Most importantly, rain gives growth to living things.

Rain player
Wisniewski, David
A young boy must face repentance for disrespecting a god. The fate of the town lies in the young man's hands.

Rain makes applesauce
Scheer, Julian//Bileck, Marvin
Each page has a new saying, which is always responded to by the phrase "and the rain makes applesauce". The little girl in the story says that it is silly, but finally by the end of the book she begins to believe that rain does make applesauce.

Rain forest
Cowcher, Helen
A powerful change threatens the creatures of the tropical rain forest-machines. How long will they be able to survive?

Rain drop splash
Tresselt, Alvin
Learn how rain drops start, where they land, and eventually how they become puddles, lakes, rivers, and seas.

Blakeley, Peggy
This is a very simple book that describes the rain before, during, and after. It also tells the story of how a tree shelters some boys and a butterfly, but they all leave after the rain.

Spier, Peter
Two children play outside in the rain discovering all of the wonderful things to do. When it is dark, they come in and warm up. The next day, the sun is shining.

Stojic, Manya
On the African savanna, the animals are all excited to pass on information about the storm to others. The animals use their five senses to experience and predict the needed rain.

Railway passage
Keeping, Charles
The people who live in the old run down railway passage win a football pool. They now have money to fix the railway passage up and follow their dreams.

Radio rescue
Barasch, Lynne
In 1923, a young boy works hard to learn morse code in order to get his amateur radio operator license and his very own call letters. Everyday he excitedly puts on his headphones and warms up his station, talking to people all over the world. During a far away hurricane, he uses his radio to send out messages to rescue stranded people.

Radio man = don radio: A story in english and spanish
Dorros, Arthur
Diego's family members are migrant farm workers. Wherever they go, Diego brings his radio, which connects him to the states he crosses and unites him with his best friend.

Racing against the odds: The story of Wendell Scott, stock car racing's African-American champion
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Wendell O. Scott made history as the only black driver to win a race in a NASCAR Grand National division. Using secondhand Fords that he fixed up in his garage, he competed in five hundred races in NASCAR'S top division. This is the story of a man who worked full time while racing on the side. A man who didn't just dust the competition, he blazed the trail.

Rachel's recital
Green, Melinda
Rachel's mother thinks Rachel is going to be a famous pianist, so she has Rachel take piano lessons once a week and practice for an hour everyday after school. But Rachel is in trouble when she finds she will be in a recital and doesn't know her piece.

Rachel, a Hutterite girl
Maendel, Rachel
A young Hutterite girl named Rachel explores her farm home. On her journey, she learns facts about the natural world as well as the social traditions and cultural customs of her Hutterite family and community.

Rachel parker, kindergarten show off
Martin, Ann
Olivia's new neighbor, Rachel, is in her kindergarten class. They must overcome feelings of jealousy and competitiveness to be friends.