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The garden in our yard
Quinn, Greg Henry
A family plants seeds in spring, watches them grow in summer, says goodbye to the garden in fall, then lets it sleep in winter.

A bargain for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances saves money to buy a real china tea pot. Thelma swindles Frances out of her money and buys the tea pot. Frances then tricks Thelma out of the tea pot and they are friends again.

How much is a million?
Schwartz, David M.
Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician and the kids explore what the number million means. Just exactly how much is a million?If you wanted to count from one to one million, it would take about 23 days!Marvelosissimo looks at different ways of seeing big numbers in the context of ordinary things.

The tin heart
Ackerman, Karen
Mahaley and Rosa are best of friends. They play together in the river every day while their fathers worked together. When the Civil War broke out, their fathers disagreed about slavery. Mahaley and Rosa rarely see each other now, But the tin heart charm that they wear around their necks are constant reminders of their special friendship.

All about scabs
Yagyu, Genichiro
Children's curiosity about scabs is addressed, including different answers to many commonly asked questions about scabs are explained.

Open house for butterflies
Krauss, Ruth
An easy to read children's how-to-book. Random definitions and observations from a child's perspective. This story promotes respect for the little everyday things and language development.

A hole is to dig
Krauss, Ruth
Look at definitions and observations from a child's perspective. Learn childlike explanations for what different things are.

Secret knowledge of grown-ups
Wisniewski, David
All those rules that grown-ups tell us aren't really true. Like why do you have to comb your hair or why can't you play with your food?Find out about several secret tricks that grown-ups use to get kids to do stuff. Do so quickly before any grown-ups find out that their secrets are being revealed.

The little lamb's first christmas
Walther, Clara Mae
A young lamb witnesses the birth of Christ. Joy fills the stable, as Mary and Joseph spend the night.

Putting the world to sleep
Thomas, Shelley Moore
As nighttime falls, bedtime is right around the corner. A soothing lullaby sets the mood for sleep, through a warm stanza repetition. A glowing fireplace, shining stars, and yawning baby signal a farewell to daylight.

Arthur's baby
Brown, Marc
Arthur finds out he is going to have a baby brother or sister. At first, he feels left out and doesn't like his baby sister. Then when he has to help his sister, he realizes that he loves the baby.

Elizabeti's doll
Stuve-Boden, Stephanie
After the arrival of her new baby brother, Elizabeti, from Tanzania, sees her mother care for him and she decides she wants a doll to care for herself. She does everything her mother does to her 'doll' and also faces the problem of losing her. Elizabeti also teaches the reader a little about her culture.

The baby who would not come down
Knight, Joan
The new baby in the family is smothered with kisses and love. Tired of the excessive attention the baby floats into the air after his uncle tosses him up. The baby does not come down until the family realizes that he has too much of some things and not enough of others.

Julius, the baby of the world
Henkes, Kevin
Lilly is not happy about the arrival of her new baby brother, Julius. She is happier when her cousin Garland comes to visit.

The turnaround wind
Lobel, Arnold
Everyone goes out to enjoy the beautiful day. A troublesome wind comes blowing through but leaves quickly. Everyone is still happy after the wind left.

Babbit, Natalie
A baby born with the destiny of marrying a princess is brought by the King and thrown into the river to prevent a possible marriage with his newborn daughter. Rescued by a loving couple, the boy grows up and meets the King once again. The Kings plan to kill the young man backfires again and the young man marries the princess. As a test, the King sends the new prince to steal the golden hairs off the devil's head. In a surprise ending, the prince prevails, but the King is not so lucky.

Molly's rosebush
Cohn, Janice
A young girl deals with the loss of her newborn sibling. After spending time with her grandmother, she is better able to understand death.

Henry's baby
Hoffman, Mary
Henry wants to be a part of the in crowd at his school. They want to come over to Henry's house, but he is afraid for them to see he has a baby brother. However, all the guys think the baby is neat.

Kim and me: A book about a little boy and his baby sister
Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
A three-year old boy describes all the things he can do that his baby sister, Kim, can't do. He then reflects that all the things he used to do, that Kim does now. Someday she will be able to play with him too.

Lu lu and the flying babies
Simmonds, Posy
Lu Lu is an impatient little girl who wants to play outside, but because her baby brother is cold, they end up in a museum. Her imagination takes over and she has a great time.

Ahlberg, Allan
The familiar lullaby beginning with Hush, little baby, don't say a word,finds many new twists in this story. Read all about the many adventures that the baby encounters with other members of the family.

I think he likes me
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Eliza's mother brings home her new baby brother. Eliza learns how to play with Andrew.

Why is baby crying?
Johnson, Ryerson
A mother reminices about when her little girl was a baby and would not stop crying. The baby just wanted to be held, just like tonight.

Waiting for baby joe
Collins, Pat Lowery
Missy was waiting for her new brother or sister. The baby came prematurely and had many problems. Missy waited and waited for the baby to get better. Finally, he came home and she was glad that she waited.

Monster and the baby
Mueller, Virginia
Monster tries to stop baby from crying. He gives her toys and she is finally happy.

Go and hush the baby
Byars, Betsy
Will wants to go out and play, but keeps having to hush his baby brother when he cries. Will tried everything to entertain him, but all the baby really wanted was a bottle.

Baboushka and the three kings
Robbins, Ruth
As Baboushka cleans her hut one evening, three gentlemen visit and ask if she would like to go with them to where a child is born. She declines, but decides to go the next morning. Much to her dismay, she cannot find the child. As legend goes, each year she sets out in search of the child.

Earthlets -- As explained by professor xargle
Willis, Jeanne
Alien Professor Xargle explains what human babies or earthlets are to the rest of his alien friends. They learn about feeding, bathing, bedtime, and crying from the alien perspective.

This quiet lady
Zolotow, C.
A little girl looks at pictures of her mother through her life and ends by looking at a photo of her mother holding her as a baby.

Lullaby for emily
Kherdian, David
A mother sings a lullaby which describes all things that her daughter, Emily, will do as she grows older. Some of the things the mother envisions Emily doing are picking blueberries for cereal, jams, and pies, making cider, playing in the meadow, planting a garden and playing in the snow.

Hush little baby: A folk song with pictures
Frazee, Marla
The baby will not hush and the family can't take it any longer. A peddler, who has a wagon filled with toys and animals, tries to aid the family. Nothing works, until exhaustion takes over and the loving family has the sweetest baby in town.

Gertie the duck
Georgiady, Nicholas P//Romano, Louis
Gertie is a duck who likes people and wants to build her nest where there are a lot of people to see. She flies to the city and decides to build her nest by the river because there were many people on the bridge. The people really liked Gertie. After she lays her eggs and they hatch, the people move Gertie and her baby ducks where there are many new people around.

Where is gah-ning?
Munsch, Robert
A little girl is determined to go shopping in a place called Kapuskasing. Her father stops her from going several times, but Gah-ning doesn't give up. Finally she ends up getting there by balloons.

The red balloon
Lamorisse, Albert
A boy finds a balloon that quickly befriends him and follows him everywhere. It gets him in trouble sometimes, but it also helps him out of trouble too.

Fox be nimble
Marshall, James
In three humorous stories, fox learns a lesson in bravery, showing off, humility and responsibility.

You can't take a balloon into the national gallery
Weitzman, Jacqueline//Glasser, Robin
A little girl is sad when she must leave her balloon outside the National Gallery with the lady who takes pictures for tourists. Little does the girl know that the balloon will take the picture lady along with many famous people on a tour of Washington D.C.!Will the balloon come back to the little girl?

Wake up farm!
Tresselt, Alvin
Many different farm animals begin to wake each other up and start their days. Finally, the little boy who lives on the farm wakes and begins his day. This farm is full of many sights and sounds.

The babe and I
Adler, David A.
A young boy and his family are living through the Great Depression of 1932. When he learns that his father does not have a job, he gets a job with his friend selling newspapers to help make money for his family. He sells all of his papers outside of Yankee Stadium due to the popularity of Babe Ruth and his stories in the paper. He even gets to meet the Babe!

Play ball, amelia bedelia
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedelia fills in for a sick boy on a baseball team. She has never played baseball, so the team tries to teach her. She cannot seem to play any position correctly.

Here comes the strikeout
Kessler, Leonard
Bobby is very good at throwing and catching a baseball, but he can't seem to hit the ball. His friend, Willie, helps him learn that with hard work, Bobby can do anything, especially hit a baseball.

Dealing with feelings: I'm furious
Crary, Elizabeth
When Matt sees his Reggie Jackson baseball card floating in the toilet, his jaw drops. He is furious that his little brother did that. One thing that will solve his problem is to hit his little brother, right?Wrong!His mother presents him with six ways to successfully handle his anger. After resolving his problems, Matt makes peace with his brother.

The baseball counting book
McGrath, Barbara Barbieri
Smell the hot dogs, hear the crowd, see the ball soar. Time for a baseball game!Count from 1-20 while having baseball fun.

The case of the sneaker snatcher
Shearer, John
When Sneaker has his sneakers stolen, he turns to his friends for help. They solve the case when the misspelled word sneeker links them to the thief.

How do i feel?
Simon, Norma
A young boy named Carl encounters many people and activities in the course of a day. We see how he feels about each one.

The gummi bear counting book
Boegehold, Lindley
One lonely bear sits by himself and has nothing to do. He is joined by another, and eventually is joined by eight more. They all participate in several fun activities together.

The boy in the drawer
Munsch, Robert
Shelly's room is a mess but it is not her fault. A little boy that is living in her sock drawer is causing all the problems. How can she get others to believe her?

Captain bob sets sail
Schotter, Roni
Bob is a young boy who uses his imagination to turn his daily bath into an amazing adventure in which he encounters boats, sea creatures, and a water fall. When his bath is over, the brave Captain Bob drains the ocean and gets ready for bed.

Davy's day
Lenski, Lois
On Davy's day, he goes through his daily routine. Davy makes choices about the things he will do during the day. Also, he takes care of himself by taking a bath on his own, dressing himself, and getting out of bed.

Little mouse and the big cupcake
Taylor, Thomas
Little Mouse finds a big cupcake, but it is so big he can't carry it home. Other animals come by and ask to try the cupcake, but they can't help him carry it. After all the animals have some of the cupcake Little Mouse is sad. He cheers up when he realizes there's a positive side to the smaller cupcake.

King bidgood's in the bathtub
Wood, Audrey
A king refuses to leave his bathtub despite all of the efforts of his royal court, until a servant boy pulls the plug.