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  • Tags: April fool's day
April foolishness
Bateman, Teresa
The grandkids are excited to visit grandma and grandpa's farm. Today is April Fool's and they want to trick grandpa. The grandkids can't understand why grandpa remains so calm when they tell him all the animals have escaped. Grandma lends a hand to help trick grandpa.

April fool! Watch out at school!
DeGroat, Diane
It's April Fool's Day so Gilbert is excited to trick his friends. Throughout the day, his friends keep on tricking him, but he can't seem to trick anyone else. Gilbert doesn't give up though: he has one more trick in mind. The rest of the afternoon, he's extra nice to Lewis. Lewis gets so nervous about what Gilbert's trick is, the other classmates manage to trick him. At the end of the day, Lewis finds out Gilbert didn't have a trick after all. He had been tricked!

Look out, it's april fools' day
Modell, Frank
Marvin attempts to get Milton to fall for his April Fool's Day tricks, but Milton cannot be fooled. In the end, Marvin and Milton try to fool each other at the same time.

April fools
Krahn, Fernando
Two boys create a monster that mysteriously appears and disappears all over town until they have to reveal their prank to get out of a tight spot. (Wordless book)